Article FREEMASONRY IN ENGLAND. ← Page 2 of 4 →
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Freemasonry In England.
The Grand Master of the Order of St . John , at Rhodes , and afterwards at Malta , assembled at their Grand Lodge , and elected King Henry their protector , by which it appears that the King was already a Freemason . The Eoyal Grand Master , A . D . 1500 , chose for his wardens , or deputies , John Islip , Abbot of Westminster , and Sir Reginald Bray , Knight of the Garter . He summoned a Lodge of Masters in the palace , and walked in
ample form to the east end of . Westminster Abbey , where he levelled the footstone of his famous chapel , A . D . 1502 . This chapel is one of the most beautiful remains of old English taste and magnificence , and well deserves to have stood alone instead of being a part of another edifice . It is styled by Lelancl the " wonder of the world , " and certainly , the extraordinary taste and workmanship displayed in the construction ' of its
ceiling , and other details , proves that the Gothic style of building had at that time arrived at its meridian . In the middle of the cast end of the nave stands the magnificent tomb of its founder , inclosed ivith a screen of brass , most admirably designed and executed . This noble chapel was originally intended as a sepulchre solely for those of the royal blood , and none have yet been interred there but those of high quality , tracing their descent from some of our ancient kings .
Ihe grand warden , Bray , was employed by the King to raise the middle chapel at Windsor , rebuild the palace of Shcen-upon-Thames , which was called Richmond , and to enlarge the old palace at Greenwich , calling it Peacentia , where he built the pretty box called the Queen ' s House . He also rebuilt Baynard Castle , London ; founded six monasteries , and turned the old palace of Savoy into a hospital ; Brazenose College , Oxford ;
Jesus' and St . John ' s Colleges , Cambridge ; and about six religious houses were built by different founders in this reign . This King died , aged only fifty-four years , and was succeeded by his son , Henry VIII , A . D . 1509 . In this reign Cardinal Wolsey was chosen Grand Master . He built Hampton Court , and Whitehall Palaces , and several more substantial and elegant edifices . Thomas Cromwell , Earl of
Essex , was the next patron of the Craft , under this King , for whom he built St . James ' s Palace ; Christ ' s Hospital , London ; and Greenwich Castle . In this reign the King and Parliament threw off the Pope ' s supremacy , the King was declared the head of the Church , in England , and religious houses , numbering about nine hundred and twenty-six , were suppressed . John Touchet , Lord Audley , succeeded Cromwell , and became Grand Master .
The suppression of reli gious houses did not permanently hurt Masonry , for architecture of a more commodious style was adopted . Those religious houses being sold at easy rates , caused those who purchased them to build many stately mansions . The Grand Master , Audley , built Magdalen College , Cambridge , and his house at Audley End . Edward VI ., a minor of nine yearssucceeded A . D . 1547 The Regent
, . , Edward , Duke of Somerset , as Grand Master , built as his palace , the house in the Strand , still called Somerset House . John Poynet , Bishop of Winchester , was afterwards patron of Freemasons till the death of the King , A . D , 1553 .
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Freemasonry In England.
The Grand Master of the Order of St . John , at Rhodes , and afterwards at Malta , assembled at their Grand Lodge , and elected King Henry their protector , by which it appears that the King was already a Freemason . The Eoyal Grand Master , A . D . 1500 , chose for his wardens , or deputies , John Islip , Abbot of Westminster , and Sir Reginald Bray , Knight of the Garter . He summoned a Lodge of Masters in the palace , and walked in
ample form to the east end of . Westminster Abbey , where he levelled the footstone of his famous chapel , A . D . 1502 . This chapel is one of the most beautiful remains of old English taste and magnificence , and well deserves to have stood alone instead of being a part of another edifice . It is styled by Lelancl the " wonder of the world , " and certainly , the extraordinary taste and workmanship displayed in the construction ' of its
ceiling , and other details , proves that the Gothic style of building had at that time arrived at its meridian . In the middle of the cast end of the nave stands the magnificent tomb of its founder , inclosed ivith a screen of brass , most admirably designed and executed . This noble chapel was originally intended as a sepulchre solely for those of the royal blood , and none have yet been interred there but those of high quality , tracing their descent from some of our ancient kings .
Ihe grand warden , Bray , was employed by the King to raise the middle chapel at Windsor , rebuild the palace of Shcen-upon-Thames , which was called Richmond , and to enlarge the old palace at Greenwich , calling it Peacentia , where he built the pretty box called the Queen ' s House . He also rebuilt Baynard Castle , London ; founded six monasteries , and turned the old palace of Savoy into a hospital ; Brazenose College , Oxford ;
Jesus' and St . John ' s Colleges , Cambridge ; and about six religious houses were built by different founders in this reign . This King died , aged only fifty-four years , and was succeeded by his son , Henry VIII , A . D . 1509 . In this reign Cardinal Wolsey was chosen Grand Master . He built Hampton Court , and Whitehall Palaces , and several more substantial and elegant edifices . Thomas Cromwell , Earl of
Essex , was the next patron of the Craft , under this King , for whom he built St . James ' s Palace ; Christ ' s Hospital , London ; and Greenwich Castle . In this reign the King and Parliament threw off the Pope ' s supremacy , the King was declared the head of the Church , in England , and religious houses , numbering about nine hundred and twenty-six , were suppressed . John Touchet , Lord Audley , succeeded Cromwell , and became Grand Master .
The suppression of reli gious houses did not permanently hurt Masonry , for architecture of a more commodious style was adopted . Those religious houses being sold at easy rates , caused those who purchased them to build many stately mansions . The Grand Master , Audley , built Magdalen College , Cambridge , and his house at Audley End . Edward VI ., a minor of nine yearssucceeded A . D . 1547 The Regent
, . , Edward , Duke of Somerset , as Grand Master , built as his palace , the house in the Strand , still called Somerset House . John Poynet , Bishop of Winchester , was afterwards patron of Freemasons till the death of the King , A . D , 1553 .