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Provincial Lodges.
and- Br . Gilmer's services as master of the ceremonies were fully appreciated . Amongst the company present 1 were : —Br . II . M . Wainwright ; J . S . Bourne , and Mrs . Bourne ; C . H . Homer , Esq . ; Joseph Walker , Esq . ; S . D . Foroday , Esq ., and Mrs . Foreday ; H . Elliott , Esq . ;—Tierney , Esq , ; J . S . Naylor , Esq ;—Cresswell , Esq . ; W . Williams , Esq . —II . T . Hickman , Esq . —Hooman , Esq . ; Brs . Masefield , P . M . ; Dennison , P . M . ; BhdTev , P . M . ; John Aston P . M . ; Bateman , P . M . ; Brettle , P . M . ; Morris , P . M . ;
Bristow , W . M ., 313 , and Mrs . Bristow ; AVilliscroft , W . M ., 838 ; Dudley , P . M ., and Mra . Dudley ; A- Patterson ; J . Ward ; Miss Patterson ; G . R- Shaw , and Mrs . Shaw ; W . AVilkinson , and Mrs-AVilkinson ; T . C Shaw , and Mrs . T . C . Shaw ; Clarke , and Mrs . Clarke ; Cooper , AA right , Sparrow , Kenwick , & c . ; Mr . T . Hancox ; Mr . Yard-ley , jun . ; and the Misses Yardley ; Miss Bourne ; Miss Piggott ; Miss AVilkinson ,-Miss M . A . Wood ; the Misses AVilson ; Miss Saunders ; the Misses Minty ; and Mrs . Whitebouse .
HARMONIC LODGE , DUDLEY ( NO . 313)—This Lodge held its usual monthly aieeting , on Tuesday , the 6 th February , aud was honoured with the attendance of a gpodly number of visitors . Br ; Bristow , AV-M ., raised two brethren to the sublime degree of M-M ., and passed one to the degree of F . O .
BANFFSHIRE . . Sr . ANDREW ' S LODGE , CASTLE STREET , BANFF ( NO . 60 ) . —A meeting of this liodge , duly called , was held on the 31 st . -January , when there were present the R . AV . M ., Br . James Frazer , Jim ., Br Dr . AVhyte , Br . Rust , Br . Barclay , Br . Mackay , Br . Du % aud Hendry . There were also present from the St . John ' s Lodge , Br . Bairns-Mher , Br . Me Kenzie , & c , & c . The R . AV . M . stated that he had called the present sneeting for the purpose of initiating two gentlemen from Mc Duffviz . : —Mr .
, Alexander Carney , and Mr . John Cruickshank , both of whom were well recommended , and he had no doubt would make excellent Masons . The candidates were then initiated into the Order . At the conclusion of the business , about 26 gentlemen sat down to an excellent refreshment , and spent the evening in the greatest Masonic Jharmony .
On the 6 th of February , the members of the same Lodge held a meeting for the jrarpose of advancing three Brothers , viz . : —Brs . Gumming , Carney and Cruickshank , to the sublime degree of M . M . The R . AV . M ., well assisted by Br . Bairnsfather and Sis officers , performed the ceremony in a manner reflecting the highest credit on the lodge and the Craft . The business being over , the Brethren retired to refreshment . The R . AV . M ., in giving the first toast , The health of the Honorary Grand Master , 33 ie RtHonthe Earl of Fifesaid that nobleman was ever mindful of the Brethren
. . , © f the Lodge —( cheers ) . The next toast , the AA . M . said he had great pleasure in poposing , as it was the health of the very worthy , respected and excellent Mason , -siiose services were at all times of great benefit to the Lodge ; he alluded to Br . JBairnsfather . The Brethren , about 27 in number , very cordially drunk the toast with great Masonic cheering . Br . Bairnsfather returned thanks and said , he was highly ^ dig ' fited to observe the spirit , of fraternal union and harmony which prevailed
amongst them that evening . Whilst these feelings existed among them , their Order must flourish , and he trusted they would always be found pre-eminent an their various Lodges —( cheers ) . After a few more toasts , interspersed wstPi excellent songs , the Lodge broke up in the most perfect harmony . On the evening of the 13 th of February , the Lodge held its annual ball , and notwithstanding the inclemency of the weatherby nine o ' clock the spacious hall was well
, ¦ Sited with the most respectable and fashionable company of the neighbourhood . Baneing was carried on with great spirit , ancl , at twelve o ' clock , tho party retired fetfo the drawing room to partake of an excellent supper . The cloth being removed , the R . W . M . requested Br . Dr . AVhyte to give a toast . Br . AVhyte , in his excellent
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Lodges.
and- Br . Gilmer's services as master of the ceremonies were fully appreciated . Amongst the company present 1 were : —Br . II . M . Wainwright ; J . S . Bourne , and Mrs . Bourne ; C . H . Homer , Esq . ; Joseph Walker , Esq . ; S . D . Foroday , Esq ., and Mrs . Foreday ; H . Elliott , Esq . ;—Tierney , Esq , ; J . S . Naylor , Esq ;—Cresswell , Esq . ; W . Williams , Esq . —II . T . Hickman , Esq . —Hooman , Esq . ; Brs . Masefield , P . M . ; Dennison , P . M . ; BhdTev , P . M . ; John Aston P . M . ; Bateman , P . M . ; Brettle , P . M . ; Morris , P . M . ;
Bristow , W . M ., 313 , and Mrs . Bristow ; AVilliscroft , W . M ., 838 ; Dudley , P . M ., and Mra . Dudley ; A- Patterson ; J . Ward ; Miss Patterson ; G . R- Shaw , and Mrs . Shaw ; W . AVilkinson , and Mrs-AVilkinson ; T . C Shaw , and Mrs . T . C . Shaw ; Clarke , and Mrs . Clarke ; Cooper , AA right , Sparrow , Kenwick , & c . ; Mr . T . Hancox ; Mr . Yard-ley , jun . ; and the Misses Yardley ; Miss Bourne ; Miss Piggott ; Miss AVilkinson ,-Miss M . A . Wood ; the Misses AVilson ; Miss Saunders ; the Misses Minty ; and Mrs . Whitebouse .
HARMONIC LODGE , DUDLEY ( NO . 313)—This Lodge held its usual monthly aieeting , on Tuesday , the 6 th February , aud was honoured with the attendance of a gpodly number of visitors . Br ; Bristow , AV-M ., raised two brethren to the sublime degree of M-M ., and passed one to the degree of F . O .
BANFFSHIRE . . Sr . ANDREW ' S LODGE , CASTLE STREET , BANFF ( NO . 60 ) . —A meeting of this liodge , duly called , was held on the 31 st . -January , when there were present the R . AV . M ., Br . James Frazer , Jim ., Br Dr . AVhyte , Br . Rust , Br . Barclay , Br . Mackay , Br . Du % aud Hendry . There were also present from the St . John ' s Lodge , Br . Bairns-Mher , Br . Me Kenzie , & c , & c . The R . AV . M . stated that he had called the present sneeting for the purpose of initiating two gentlemen from Mc Duffviz . : —Mr .
, Alexander Carney , and Mr . John Cruickshank , both of whom were well recommended , and he had no doubt would make excellent Masons . The candidates were then initiated into the Order . At the conclusion of the business , about 26 gentlemen sat down to an excellent refreshment , and spent the evening in the greatest Masonic Jharmony .
On the 6 th of February , the members of the same Lodge held a meeting for the jrarpose of advancing three Brothers , viz . : —Brs . Gumming , Carney and Cruickshank , to the sublime degree of M . M . The R . AV . M ., well assisted by Br . Bairnsfather and Sis officers , performed the ceremony in a manner reflecting the highest credit on the lodge and the Craft . The business being over , the Brethren retired to refreshment . The R . AV . M ., in giving the first toast , The health of the Honorary Grand Master , 33 ie RtHonthe Earl of Fifesaid that nobleman was ever mindful of the Brethren
. . , © f the Lodge —( cheers ) . The next toast , the AA . M . said he had great pleasure in poposing , as it was the health of the very worthy , respected and excellent Mason , -siiose services were at all times of great benefit to the Lodge ; he alluded to Br . JBairnsfather . The Brethren , about 27 in number , very cordially drunk the toast with great Masonic cheering . Br . Bairnsfather returned thanks and said , he was highly ^ dig ' fited to observe the spirit , of fraternal union and harmony which prevailed
amongst them that evening . Whilst these feelings existed among them , their Order must flourish , and he trusted they would always be found pre-eminent an their various Lodges —( cheers ) . After a few more toasts , interspersed wstPi excellent songs , the Lodge broke up in the most perfect harmony . On the evening of the 13 th of February , the Lodge held its annual ball , and notwithstanding the inclemency of the weatherby nine o ' clock the spacious hall was well
, ¦ Sited with the most respectable and fashionable company of the neighbourhood . Baneing was carried on with great spirit , ancl , at twelve o ' clock , tho party retired fetfo the drawing room to partake of an excellent supper . The cloth being removed , the R . W . M . requested Br . Dr . AVhyte to give a toast . Br . AVhyte , in his excellent