Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 4 of 6 →
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Provincial Lodges.
performed correctly in a becoming manner , and the meetings are consequently nteresting and well attended . NORFOLK . LODGE OF FRIENDSHIP , YARMOUTH ( NO . 667 ) . —On the 23 rd January , the members of this Lodge held then- anniversary dinner at the Duke ' s Head Inn , when Br . AVilliam Lucia was installed into office as Worshipful Master , and on which occasion he presented the Lodge with a large and handsome Bible . NORTHUMBERLAND .
ST . PETER ' S LODGE , BYKER , NEAR NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE ( NO . 706 ) . —The brethren of this Lodgo have subscribed the sum of ten guineas to the Royal Patriotic Fund . Br . John Cook , W . M . of the Lodge , has received a truly fraternal letter from Br . Major Powy ' s , acknowledging the rccipt of the above sum . THE ROYAL ARCH . —CHAPTER DE SUSSEX , NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE ( NO . 586 ) . —On Wednesday , the llth Feb ., the members of this excellent Chapter held their anniversary meeting at Freemason ' s Hall , Bell ' s court , Newgate street ,
Newcastle-on-Tyne , when the following Comps . were installed officers for the ensuing year : —Comps . R . W . Todd , G . ; J . S . Challoner , II . ; G . Beldon , J . ; J . R . Hodge , E . ; H . Bell , N- ; G . P . Birkenshaw , P . S . ; T . Hornsby , Janitor . The Comps . then visited the Chapter de Swinburne , No . 24 ., Freemason ' s Hall , Blacket street , after which the members of both Chapters partook of an excellent supper , provided for them by Comp . Rogerson of the Crown and Thistle Inn .
OXFORDSHIRE . APOLLO UNIVERSITY LODGE , OXFORD ( NO . 460 . )—On Friday the 16 fh Feb ., the brethren of this Lodge assembled in the Masonic Hall for the purpose of assisting in the installation of the AVorshipful Master elect , Br . J . AV . Malcolm , of Christ Clmreh . The ceremony was conducted by tlie retiring Worshipful Master , Br . AV . AV . Beech , and was performed in an admirable manner . On the conclusion of the
ceremony , the AA . M . appointed the following- brethren to be his officers for the year : — S . AV ., Br . AV . AV . Harrison , M . A ., Brasenose College ; J . W . Br . Hon . W . J . Vernon , Christ Church ; Chap . Br . Rev . John Sedgwick , M . A ., Magdalen College ; Treas . Br . AV . Thompson ; Sec . Br . Hon . Gerald Dillon , Balliol College ; S . D . Br . H . Barter , Merton College ; J . D . Br . J . E . Codrington , Brasenose College ; D . C . Br . the Earl of Lincoln , Christ Church , and Br . AV . Gainer , St . Mary Hall ; I . G . Br . J . C . Farnborough , Magdalen Hall ; OrganistBr . Dr . ElveyNew College ;
, , Stewards , Brs . Alscount Garlies , Christ Church ; G . Drummond , Christ Church ; C . Dalison , Merton College ; and Hon . HenryWodehouse , Christ Church ; Tyler , Br . Tipton . In the evening , about 70 of the brethren sat down to an elegant entertainment , in the banquet-room , when the AA . M . presided , supported by Br . Alderman Sadler , the present Mayor of Oxford ; Br . Alderman Spiers , late Mayor of Oxford ; the late W . M . of the Apollo Lodge , Br , Beedi ; the late AV . M . of the Alfred City Lodge , Br . Randall ; the AV . M . of the Cherwell Banbury Lodge , Br . Rev . Vernon Blake ,
M . A . ; the AV . M . of the Churchill Lodge , Br . T . Joy ; the officers and brethren of the Apollo and Alfred Lodges , ancl many other brethren from various parts of the province . In the course of the evening , Br . Alderman Spiers announced that the Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , had conferred the appointment of Provincial Grand Master of Oxfordshire , vacant by the death of the Rev . C . J . Ridley , on Br , Captain Bowyer , and that his lordship looked forward to the pleasure of installing that brother into his office , in Oxford , in the course of a short time
, when it was probable that a large number of the officers of Grand Lodge would accompany his lordship . The announcement was received with great applauseffor the appointment is one so well deserved , that it cannot fail to give satisfaction to the whole province . Br . Bowyer holds the office of Deput y Provincial Grand Master of Oxfordshire , and the general expectation is that that office will be conferred on Br . Spiers , who was honoured by the Earl of Zetland with the appointment of Grand
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Provincial Lodges.
performed correctly in a becoming manner , and the meetings are consequently nteresting and well attended . NORFOLK . LODGE OF FRIENDSHIP , YARMOUTH ( NO . 667 ) . —On the 23 rd January , the members of this Lodge held then- anniversary dinner at the Duke ' s Head Inn , when Br . AVilliam Lucia was installed into office as Worshipful Master , and on which occasion he presented the Lodge with a large and handsome Bible . NORTHUMBERLAND .
ST . PETER ' S LODGE , BYKER , NEAR NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE ( NO . 706 ) . —The brethren of this Lodgo have subscribed the sum of ten guineas to the Royal Patriotic Fund . Br . John Cook , W . M . of the Lodge , has received a truly fraternal letter from Br . Major Powy ' s , acknowledging the rccipt of the above sum . THE ROYAL ARCH . —CHAPTER DE SUSSEX , NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE ( NO . 586 ) . —On Wednesday , the llth Feb ., the members of this excellent Chapter held their anniversary meeting at Freemason ' s Hall , Bell ' s court , Newgate street ,
Newcastle-on-Tyne , when the following Comps . were installed officers for the ensuing year : —Comps . R . W . Todd , G . ; J . S . Challoner , II . ; G . Beldon , J . ; J . R . Hodge , E . ; H . Bell , N- ; G . P . Birkenshaw , P . S . ; T . Hornsby , Janitor . The Comps . then visited the Chapter de Swinburne , No . 24 ., Freemason ' s Hall , Blacket street , after which the members of both Chapters partook of an excellent supper , provided for them by Comp . Rogerson of the Crown and Thistle Inn .
OXFORDSHIRE . APOLLO UNIVERSITY LODGE , OXFORD ( NO . 460 . )—On Friday the 16 fh Feb ., the brethren of this Lodge assembled in the Masonic Hall for the purpose of assisting in the installation of the AVorshipful Master elect , Br . J . AV . Malcolm , of Christ Clmreh . The ceremony was conducted by tlie retiring Worshipful Master , Br . AV . AV . Beech , and was performed in an admirable manner . On the conclusion of the
ceremony , the AA . M . appointed the following- brethren to be his officers for the year : — S . AV ., Br . AV . AV . Harrison , M . A ., Brasenose College ; J . W . Br . Hon . W . J . Vernon , Christ Church ; Chap . Br . Rev . John Sedgwick , M . A ., Magdalen College ; Treas . Br . AV . Thompson ; Sec . Br . Hon . Gerald Dillon , Balliol College ; S . D . Br . H . Barter , Merton College ; J . D . Br . J . E . Codrington , Brasenose College ; D . C . Br . the Earl of Lincoln , Christ Church , and Br . AV . Gainer , St . Mary Hall ; I . G . Br . J . C . Farnborough , Magdalen Hall ; OrganistBr . Dr . ElveyNew College ;
, , Stewards , Brs . Alscount Garlies , Christ Church ; G . Drummond , Christ Church ; C . Dalison , Merton College ; and Hon . HenryWodehouse , Christ Church ; Tyler , Br . Tipton . In the evening , about 70 of the brethren sat down to an elegant entertainment , in the banquet-room , when the AA . M . presided , supported by Br . Alderman Sadler , the present Mayor of Oxford ; Br . Alderman Spiers , late Mayor of Oxford ; the late W . M . of the Apollo Lodge , Br , Beedi ; the late AV . M . of the Alfred City Lodge , Br . Randall ; the AV . M . of the Cherwell Banbury Lodge , Br . Rev . Vernon Blake ,
M . A . ; the AV . M . of the Churchill Lodge , Br . T . Joy ; the officers and brethren of the Apollo and Alfred Lodges , ancl many other brethren from various parts of the province . In the course of the evening , Br . Alderman Spiers announced that the Grand Master of England , the Earl of Zetland , had conferred the appointment of Provincial Grand Master of Oxfordshire , vacant by the death of the Rev . C . J . Ridley , on Br , Captain Bowyer , and that his lordship looked forward to the pleasure of installing that brother into his office , in Oxford , in the course of a short time
, when it was probable that a large number of the officers of Grand Lodge would accompany his lordship . The announcement was received with great applauseffor the appointment is one so well deserved , that it cannot fail to give satisfaction to the whole province . Br . Bowyer holds the office of Deput y Provincial Grand Master of Oxfordshire , and the general expectation is that that office will be conferred on Br . Spiers , who was honoured by the Earl of Zetland with the appointment of Grand