Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 3 of 6 →
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Provincial Lodges.
AV . M . was supported by the Provincial Grand Master , Br . Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart . ; the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Br . Charles E . Deacon , Esq . ; the Past-Grand AVarden of England , Br . Lord George Lennox ; the Immediate Past Master , Br . Batchelor ; and Past Masters of the Lodge , Brs . G . Stebbing , E Gait , W . Mitchell , and Dr . Owen ; the AA orshipful Master of the Sussex Lodge , Br . Slade ; Br-Captain Atkinson , Br . J . Hills , Br . Pinco , and other visiting Brethren . At the Installation of the W . M . on the llth ult ., the following Brethren were appointed to hold
office : —Br . M . Frost , S . AV . ; Br . Castell , J . AV . ; Br . Luke Camwell , S . D . ; Br . Rake , J . D . ; Br . AV . Cavander , T . ; Br . II . HolRngsworth , Secretary ; Br . Weston , I . G . ; Br . AVay , Tyler . The banquet , by Br . Crofts , of the George Hotel , was well provided .
LANCASHIRE—EAST DIVISION . KEYSTONE LODGE , FACIT ( NO . 469 ) . —This Lodge held its anniversary festival of St . John , on Wednesday , January 10 th . The Lodge was opened in due form at the hour of 4 o ' clock p . m ., in the first degree . The minutes of the former Lodge night were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened on the second degree , when the W . M . elect , Br . Abraham Shackleton , was presented for the purpose of being
installed . The Lodge was then opened in the third degree , and a board of installed Masters formed , when the ceremony of installation was most impressively performed by Br . John Leach Holland . Tho AV . M . appointed the following brethren as his officers , namely : —Brs . Charles Farrow , S . AV . ; Joseph Collingwood , J . W . ; James Hoyle , S . D . ; Adam Hill , J . D . ; and James Rawstras I . G . The Lodge being closed down to th 3 first degree , was called to refreshment , and an excellent dinner being provided , the brethren did ample justice to the good things of this world . After dinner ,
and the usual Masonic toasts had been given , Br . Edward AVhitworth , at the request of the W . M ., said he had one more toast to give , which he hoped would be drunk in a bumper . He would propose health and happiness to Br . John Leach Holland , whose services to the Lodge it would be impossible to adequately reward . He then proceeded to say;—Br . Holland , the brethren have delegated to me the pleasing task of presenting you with this token of their esteem , not as a reward or payment for servicesbut as a token of their appreciations of those services ; may you long live t »
, wear it , and may it be as a memento of time to prepare you for eternity , and may your childrens children for many generations , keep it as an heirloom in the family ,, and look upon it with proud satisfaction as a token of the esteem in which you were held among your friends and brother Masons . The present , a valuable gold watch and appendages , having the following inscription neatly engraved upon the inner ease ( " From the Brethren of the Keystone Lodge , No . 469 , of F . and A . Masons , to Br . John Leach Holland , as a token of their esteem" ) , was then handed to Br . Holland ,
ancl his health druuk with the greatest enthusiasm . Br . Holland , almost overpowered with emotion , made a few brief remarks in reply , but having no previous intimation of the gift , it had come upon him most unexpectedly , and his looks , more eloquent thaa words , testified to the intensity of his feelings . He resumed his seat amidst , the most hearty cheering of all the brethren . It was altogether a scene that will long live ha the memory of all who had the pleasure of witnessing it . The Lodge having resumed labours , finally closed at half past eleven , p . m .
TUDOR CHAPTER , OLDHAM ( NO . 344 ) . —Tho annual meeting of this Chapter was held on Monday the 19 th inst , when the following officers were installed for the ensuing year : —Comps . Thomas Mattinson , Z ., by R . Holt , P . Z ; Joha Bamford , IL , by R . Holt , P . Z . ; W . H , Brideoake , J ., by J . Gaitskell , P . Z . ; S . Smith , of 177 , Manchester , J ., by J . Gaitskell , P . Z ; D . Evans , S . E . ; J . II . Hayes , S . N . ; J . Booth , Treasurer ; Abraham Milnes , Prin . Sec ; Bros . H . AV . Litier , Solicitorand AVm . OdenCotton Manufacturer , both of 344 , were afterwards
, g , exalted . At the conclusion of the business of the Chapter , the Companions sat dow-a to refreshment , and after spending a couple of hours in harmony , retired at eleven o ' clock , much pleased and gratified , with the evenings proceedings . This Chapteif having been recently completely refurnished looks remarkably well , the ceremonies ass
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Lodges.
AV . M . was supported by the Provincial Grand Master , Br . Admiral Sir Lucius Curtis , Bart . ; the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Br . Charles E . Deacon , Esq . ; the Past-Grand AVarden of England , Br . Lord George Lennox ; the Immediate Past Master , Br . Batchelor ; and Past Masters of the Lodge , Brs . G . Stebbing , E Gait , W . Mitchell , and Dr . Owen ; the AA orshipful Master of the Sussex Lodge , Br . Slade ; Br-Captain Atkinson , Br . J . Hills , Br . Pinco , and other visiting Brethren . At the Installation of the W . M . on the llth ult ., the following Brethren were appointed to hold
office : —Br . M . Frost , S . AV . ; Br . Castell , J . AV . ; Br . Luke Camwell , S . D . ; Br . Rake , J . D . ; Br . AV . Cavander , T . ; Br . II . HolRngsworth , Secretary ; Br . Weston , I . G . ; Br . AVay , Tyler . The banquet , by Br . Crofts , of the George Hotel , was well provided .
LANCASHIRE—EAST DIVISION . KEYSTONE LODGE , FACIT ( NO . 469 ) . —This Lodge held its anniversary festival of St . John , on Wednesday , January 10 th . The Lodge was opened in due form at the hour of 4 o ' clock p . m ., in the first degree . The minutes of the former Lodge night were read and confirmed . The Lodge was opened on the second degree , when the W . M . elect , Br . Abraham Shackleton , was presented for the purpose of being
installed . The Lodge was then opened in the third degree , and a board of installed Masters formed , when the ceremony of installation was most impressively performed by Br . John Leach Holland . Tho AV . M . appointed the following brethren as his officers , namely : —Brs . Charles Farrow , S . AV . ; Joseph Collingwood , J . W . ; James Hoyle , S . D . ; Adam Hill , J . D . ; and James Rawstras I . G . The Lodge being closed down to th 3 first degree , was called to refreshment , and an excellent dinner being provided , the brethren did ample justice to the good things of this world . After dinner ,
and the usual Masonic toasts had been given , Br . Edward AVhitworth , at the request of the W . M ., said he had one more toast to give , which he hoped would be drunk in a bumper . He would propose health and happiness to Br . John Leach Holland , whose services to the Lodge it would be impossible to adequately reward . He then proceeded to say;—Br . Holland , the brethren have delegated to me the pleasing task of presenting you with this token of their esteem , not as a reward or payment for servicesbut as a token of their appreciations of those services ; may you long live t »
, wear it , and may it be as a memento of time to prepare you for eternity , and may your childrens children for many generations , keep it as an heirloom in the family ,, and look upon it with proud satisfaction as a token of the esteem in which you were held among your friends and brother Masons . The present , a valuable gold watch and appendages , having the following inscription neatly engraved upon the inner ease ( " From the Brethren of the Keystone Lodge , No . 469 , of F . and A . Masons , to Br . John Leach Holland , as a token of their esteem" ) , was then handed to Br . Holland ,
ancl his health druuk with the greatest enthusiasm . Br . Holland , almost overpowered with emotion , made a few brief remarks in reply , but having no previous intimation of the gift , it had come upon him most unexpectedly , and his looks , more eloquent thaa words , testified to the intensity of his feelings . He resumed his seat amidst , the most hearty cheering of all the brethren . It was altogether a scene that will long live ha the memory of all who had the pleasure of witnessing it . The Lodge having resumed labours , finally closed at half past eleven , p . m .
TUDOR CHAPTER , OLDHAM ( NO . 344 ) . —Tho annual meeting of this Chapter was held on Monday the 19 th inst , when the following officers were installed for the ensuing year : —Comps . Thomas Mattinson , Z ., by R . Holt , P . Z ; Joha Bamford , IL , by R . Holt , P . Z . ; W . H , Brideoake , J ., by J . Gaitskell , P . Z . ; S . Smith , of 177 , Manchester , J ., by J . Gaitskell , P . Z ; D . Evans , S . E . ; J . II . Hayes , S . N . ; J . Booth , Treasurer ; Abraham Milnes , Prin . Sec ; Bros . H . AV . Litier , Solicitorand AVm . OdenCotton Manufacturer , both of 344 , were afterwards
, g , exalted . At the conclusion of the business of the Chapter , the Companions sat dow-a to refreshment , and after spending a couple of hours in harmony , retired at eleven o ' clock , much pleased and gratified , with the evenings proceedings . This Chapteif having been recently completely refurnished looks remarkably well , the ceremonies ass