Article NEW PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTERS. ← Page 8 of 13 →
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New Provincial Grand Masters.
LODGE OF UNITED STRENGTH ( No . 2 / 6 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 13 th of February inst ., at the Gun Tavern , Pimlico , when Br . P . M . Cooper , the proprietor of the Adam and Eve Tavern , Kensington , was installed for the second-time , as Master for the ensuing year . After the ceremony , which was ably performed by Br . P . M . Andrews , the new W . M . was pleased to invest his officers as follows , viz .: Br . Carter , S . W . ; Br . Lugg , J . W . ; Br . John Coggin , S . D . ; Br . Collard , J . D . ; and Br . Bromley , I . G . Br . Grimstone was again unanimously elected
Treasurer . The other business consisted of initiating into the mysteries of Freemasonry two eligible candidates—the ceremony being performed by Br . P . M . Grimstone , assisted by the officers . The business of the Lodge being ended , the Brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , which was most liberally and tastefully supplied by Br . Rackstraw . Amongst the visitors we noticed Br . Hughes ( No . 9 ) , Br . Potter ( No . 11 ) , Br . AVm . AVatson , Jun . ( No . 23 ) , Br . Andrews ( No . 752 ) , and Br . Morley ( No . 169 ) , & c , & c . After the usual toasts , and some excellent singingthe
, Brethren separated in perfect harmony . ST . ANDREW ' LODGE ( NO . 281 ) . —At tho February meeting of this Lodge , held on the 1 st instant , a candidate was initiated into the Order , three of the brotherhood passed to the second , and one ( Br . Ive , who is about to proceed to Australia ) raised to the third degree . This being installation-night , Br . Dyke , the AV . M . elect , was most ably installed into the chair by Br . P . M . Mills . Br . Dr . Paul having been
invested with the S . AV . ' s collar , Br . Pierce Egan , jun ., with that of J . W ., and the other officers appointed , the Lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to a very elegant banquet prepared for the occasion . LODGE OF UNION ( N O . 318 ) . — -The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemason ' s Tavern , on the 5 th of February , the W . M ., Br . Blair , presiding . The business consisted of two raisings , which were very efficiently performed . At the close of the business the Brethren adjourned to refreshment—and Br . Bacon , P . M .
of the Bedford Lodge , returned thanks for the visitors . POLISH NATIONAL LODGE ( NO . 778 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , on the 8 th of February , a duly qualified brother was raised to the third degree . AVELLINGTON LODGE ( NO . 805 ) . —The February meeting of this flourishing Lodge took place at the Railway Tavern , Lewisham , on Tuesday , the 13 th , and , notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather , was extremely well attended . Br . Ireland , the new Master , initiated a candidate into the Order , and afterwards worked
several sections in the first lecture , in a very excellent style . After partaking of refreshment , the brethren separated at an early hour . FITZROY LODGE ( NO . 830 ) . —The members of this Lodge assembled together in their lodge-room at the head-quarters of the Royal Artillery Company , on Friday , the 23 rd ult . ; but the Lodge was almost immediately adjourned on the formal business having been gone through , on account of a large number of the brethren having their military duties to attend to .
THE ROYAL ARCH . SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER , —The quarterly communication of Grand Chapter was held in the Temple , on AVednesday , the 7 th February , the attendance being very limited . Present : Comp . Crohn , who acted as Z ; Comp . Pattison , as H ; Comp . Rev . E . Moore , as J . ; Comp . W . H . White , E . ; Cornp John Hervey , as N . j Comp . Tombleson , as P . S . ; Comp . Potter , as 1 st A . S . ; Comp . Bonamy Dobree ,
2 nd A . S . ; Comp . Biggs , as S . B . ; Comps . J . Biggs , as Stan . B . ; Comp . Herbert Lloyd , D . C . ; Comps . John Havers , Thomas Parkinson , J . H . Goldsworthy , C . Baumer , R . Gibson , Leech , AA . Fanjfield , G . Elkington , Hewlett , Newton , Allen , Robinson , & c , & c . The Chapter having been opened in duo form , the minutes of tlie last quarterly communication , and the report of the Committee of General Purposes were read and confirmed . A petition was then presented from the Howe Lodge , No . 857 , Birmingham , praying for a Charter to enable them to establish a new Chapter in connection with their Lodge . The petition , which was very numerously signed by members of the Lodge , and of different neighbouring Chapters ,
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New Provincial Grand Masters.
LODGE OF UNITED STRENGTH ( No . 2 / 6 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting on Tuesday , the 13 th of February inst ., at the Gun Tavern , Pimlico , when Br . P . M . Cooper , the proprietor of the Adam and Eve Tavern , Kensington , was installed for the second-time , as Master for the ensuing year . After the ceremony , which was ably performed by Br . P . M . Andrews , the new W . M . was pleased to invest his officers as follows , viz .: Br . Carter , S . W . ; Br . Lugg , J . W . ; Br . John Coggin , S . D . ; Br . Collard , J . D . ; and Br . Bromley , I . G . Br . Grimstone was again unanimously elected
Treasurer . The other business consisted of initiating into the mysteries of Freemasonry two eligible candidates—the ceremony being performed by Br . P . M . Grimstone , assisted by the officers . The business of the Lodge being ended , the Brethren adjourned to the banqueting room , which was most liberally and tastefully supplied by Br . Rackstraw . Amongst the visitors we noticed Br . Hughes ( No . 9 ) , Br . Potter ( No . 11 ) , Br . AVm . AVatson , Jun . ( No . 23 ) , Br . Andrews ( No . 752 ) , and Br . Morley ( No . 169 ) , & c , & c . After the usual toasts , and some excellent singingthe
, Brethren separated in perfect harmony . ST . ANDREW ' LODGE ( NO . 281 ) . —At tho February meeting of this Lodge , held on the 1 st instant , a candidate was initiated into the Order , three of the brotherhood passed to the second , and one ( Br . Ive , who is about to proceed to Australia ) raised to the third degree . This being installation-night , Br . Dyke , the AV . M . elect , was most ably installed into the chair by Br . P . M . Mills . Br . Dr . Paul having been
invested with the S . AV . ' s collar , Br . Pierce Egan , jun ., with that of J . W ., and the other officers appointed , the Lodge was closed in due form , and the brethren adjourned to a very elegant banquet prepared for the occasion . LODGE OF UNION ( N O . 318 ) . — -The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemason ' s Tavern , on the 5 th of February , the W . M ., Br . Blair , presiding . The business consisted of two raisings , which were very efficiently performed . At the close of the business the Brethren adjourned to refreshment—and Br . Bacon , P . M .
of the Bedford Lodge , returned thanks for the visitors . POLISH NATIONAL LODGE ( NO . 778 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , on the 8 th of February , a duly qualified brother was raised to the third degree . AVELLINGTON LODGE ( NO . 805 ) . —The February meeting of this flourishing Lodge took place at the Railway Tavern , Lewisham , on Tuesday , the 13 th , and , notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather , was extremely well attended . Br . Ireland , the new Master , initiated a candidate into the Order , and afterwards worked
several sections in the first lecture , in a very excellent style . After partaking of refreshment , the brethren separated at an early hour . FITZROY LODGE ( NO . 830 ) . —The members of this Lodge assembled together in their lodge-room at the head-quarters of the Royal Artillery Company , on Friday , the 23 rd ult . ; but the Lodge was almost immediately adjourned on the formal business having been gone through , on account of a large number of the brethren having their military duties to attend to .
THE ROYAL ARCH . SUPREME GRAND CHAPTER , —The quarterly communication of Grand Chapter was held in the Temple , on AVednesday , the 7 th February , the attendance being very limited . Present : Comp . Crohn , who acted as Z ; Comp . Pattison , as H ; Comp . Rev . E . Moore , as J . ; Comp . W . H . White , E . ; Cornp John Hervey , as N . j Comp . Tombleson , as P . S . ; Comp . Potter , as 1 st A . S . ; Comp . Bonamy Dobree ,
2 nd A . S . ; Comp . Biggs , as S . B . ; Comps . J . Biggs , as Stan . B . ; Comp . Herbert Lloyd , D . C . ; Comps . John Havers , Thomas Parkinson , J . H . Goldsworthy , C . Baumer , R . Gibson , Leech , AA . Fanjfield , G . Elkington , Hewlett , Newton , Allen , Robinson , & c , & c . The Chapter having been opened in duo form , the minutes of tlie last quarterly communication , and the report of the Committee of General Purposes were read and confirmed . A petition was then presented from the Howe Lodge , No . 857 , Birmingham , praying for a Charter to enable them to establish a new Chapter in connection with their Lodge . The petition , which was very numerously signed by members of the Lodge , and of different neighbouring Chapters ,