Article NEW PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTERS. ← Page 5 of 13 →
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New Provincial Grand Masters.
appoint Br . Masterman , S . W . ; Br . Sleigh , J . W . ; Br . Slight , S . D . ; Br . Anderson , J . D . ; Br . Porter , I . G . Three candidates ( amongst -whom was Mr . Funge , whose urbanity and kindness is highly appreciated by every visitor to the London Tavern ) were duly initiated into the Order . At the close of the Masonic business , upwards of twenty brethren adjourned to a very elegant dinner , served in Br . Bathes' best style . LODGE OF REGULARITY ( NO . 108 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge on Thursday , Feb . 8 , two brethren were passed and two raised to their respective
degrees , by Br . P . M . AVm . Johnson , who also explained the tracing boards . Br . Lewis Solomon having been duly presented to a Board of Installed Masters , was then duly inducted into the chair by Br . II . L . Crohn , G . S . G . C . At the conclusion of the ceremony of installation , the officers were invested as follows : —Br . Albertz , S . W . ; Br . Grosjean , J . W . ; Br . McCallan , Treas . ; Br . Augero , Sec ; Br . Rea , S . D . ; Br . Azemar , J . D . ; Br . Bosen , I . G .. A ballot was then taken for Grand Steward , which was declared to be in favour of Br . Warren , P . M ., 202 . Owing to
engagements of numerous brethren , the installation banquet was postponed . BURLINGTON LODGE ( N O . 113 ) . —This Lodge met at the Albion , Aldersgatestreet , on Tuesday , February 13 th , for the usual transaction of business , and the more important object of installing the AV . M . for the ensuing year . Br . Coutts having resigned the chair to Br . Dr . Rowe , P . G . D ., he proceeded to instal the newlyelected W . M ., Br . George Borlasse Childs , the ceremony being performed in a very impressive manner . The working of this excellent Lodge we havs before alluded
to , ancl we have every reason to be pleased that the duties have fallen on a brother so highly esteemed and respected by all . Br . Childs has earned for himself a very warm feeling in the Masonic body , he being a great supporter of our charities and a strict disciplinarian for the Masonic duties . It is pleasing to find the AA . M . at once ready to commence operations . The initiation of a new brother was performed with great ability . As before , we shall repeat the hope that the Master , in vacating the chair in tho Lodge for his successor , will install his successor himself , and not hand it over
to others ; this , we believe , will keen more alive the practical bearing of Freemasonry than is at present the case , After the close of the business , the evening was passed with " mirth and conviviality , upwards of forty brethren sitting down to a most sumptuous banquet . LODGE OF GOOD REPORT ( NO . 158 ) . —This Lidge held its monthly meeting at Radley ' s Hotel , on Thursday , 1 st of February , when the brethren presented to Br . Fish a P . M . ' s jewel , in testimony of their regard for the immense services rendered to the
Lodgo during his years of office as W . M ., 1854 . LODGE OF FAITH ( NO . 165 ) . —This Lodge held its regular meeting at the Gun Tavern , Pimlico , on AVednesday , January 31 , when the AV . M ., Br . Gilton , initiated two gentlemen into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , and raised two brethren to the third degree . ST . LUKE ' S LODGE ( NO . 168 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , at the Builders' Arms , Chelsea , on the 5 th inst ., after the usual business had been
transacted , it was resolved to present £ 5 to the Royal Patriotic Fund . CADOGAN LODGE ( NO . 188 ) . —The members of this Lodge met together on Tuesday , February 20 , for the dispatch of business . The AV . M . Br . Capt . T . Malkin , who presided , initiated a gentleman into the mysteries of the Craft , and passed a duly qualified Brother to the F . C . degree . OLD CONCORD LODGE ( No . 201 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 6 th ult . The business consisted
of initiating three gentlemen into the noble Order , passing Br . Edmonds and Br . Nisbett to the second degree , the latter brother being a joining member ( having taken his first degree in Malta ) , and of raising Brs . Taylor , Wostwood and Darby to the degree of Master Masons . Tho whole of this business was gone through in the usual able manner , for which this very excellent Lodge is so well known ancl distinguished in the Craft . Br . Baker , an old member of this Lodgo , and P . M . of the Mount Lebanon , having been elected a joining member , and all other business being concluded , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , and spent the evening in perfect
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
New Provincial Grand Masters.
appoint Br . Masterman , S . W . ; Br . Sleigh , J . W . ; Br . Slight , S . D . ; Br . Anderson , J . D . ; Br . Porter , I . G . Three candidates ( amongst -whom was Mr . Funge , whose urbanity and kindness is highly appreciated by every visitor to the London Tavern ) were duly initiated into the Order . At the close of the Masonic business , upwards of twenty brethren adjourned to a very elegant dinner , served in Br . Bathes' best style . LODGE OF REGULARITY ( NO . 108 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge on Thursday , Feb . 8 , two brethren were passed and two raised to their respective
degrees , by Br . P . M . AVm . Johnson , who also explained the tracing boards . Br . Lewis Solomon having been duly presented to a Board of Installed Masters , was then duly inducted into the chair by Br . II . L . Crohn , G . S . G . C . At the conclusion of the ceremony of installation , the officers were invested as follows : —Br . Albertz , S . W . ; Br . Grosjean , J . W . ; Br . McCallan , Treas . ; Br . Augero , Sec ; Br . Rea , S . D . ; Br . Azemar , J . D . ; Br . Bosen , I . G .. A ballot was then taken for Grand Steward , which was declared to be in favour of Br . Warren , P . M ., 202 . Owing to
engagements of numerous brethren , the installation banquet was postponed . BURLINGTON LODGE ( N O . 113 ) . —This Lodge met at the Albion , Aldersgatestreet , on Tuesday , February 13 th , for the usual transaction of business , and the more important object of installing the AV . M . for the ensuing year . Br . Coutts having resigned the chair to Br . Dr . Rowe , P . G . D ., he proceeded to instal the newlyelected W . M ., Br . George Borlasse Childs , the ceremony being performed in a very impressive manner . The working of this excellent Lodge we havs before alluded
to , ancl we have every reason to be pleased that the duties have fallen on a brother so highly esteemed and respected by all . Br . Childs has earned for himself a very warm feeling in the Masonic body , he being a great supporter of our charities and a strict disciplinarian for the Masonic duties . It is pleasing to find the AA . M . at once ready to commence operations . The initiation of a new brother was performed with great ability . As before , we shall repeat the hope that the Master , in vacating the chair in tho Lodge for his successor , will install his successor himself , and not hand it over
to others ; this , we believe , will keen more alive the practical bearing of Freemasonry than is at present the case , After the close of the business , the evening was passed with " mirth and conviviality , upwards of forty brethren sitting down to a most sumptuous banquet . LODGE OF GOOD REPORT ( NO . 158 ) . —This Lidge held its monthly meeting at Radley ' s Hotel , on Thursday , 1 st of February , when the brethren presented to Br . Fish a P . M . ' s jewel , in testimony of their regard for the immense services rendered to the
Lodgo during his years of office as W . M ., 1854 . LODGE OF FAITH ( NO . 165 ) . —This Lodge held its regular meeting at the Gun Tavern , Pimlico , on AVednesday , January 31 , when the AV . M ., Br . Gilton , initiated two gentlemen into the secrets and mysteries of ancient Freemasonry , and raised two brethren to the third degree . ST . LUKE ' S LODGE ( NO . 168 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , at the Builders' Arms , Chelsea , on the 5 th inst ., after the usual business had been
transacted , it was resolved to present £ 5 to the Royal Patriotic Fund . CADOGAN LODGE ( NO . 188 ) . —The members of this Lodge met together on Tuesday , February 20 , for the dispatch of business . The AV . M . Br . Capt . T . Malkin , who presided , initiated a gentleman into the mysteries of the Craft , and passed a duly qualified Brother to the F . C . degree . OLD CONCORD LODGE ( No . 201 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their monthly meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on the 6 th ult . The business consisted
of initiating three gentlemen into the noble Order , passing Br . Edmonds and Br . Nisbett to the second degree , the latter brother being a joining member ( having taken his first degree in Malta ) , and of raising Brs . Taylor , Wostwood and Darby to the degree of Master Masons . Tho whole of this business was gone through in the usual able manner , for which this very excellent Lodge is so well known ancl distinguished in the Craft . Br . Baker , an old member of this Lodgo , and P . M . of the Mount Lebanon , having been elected a joining member , and all other business being concluded , the brethren adjourned to the banquet , and spent the evening in perfect