Article NEW PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTERS. ← Page 4 of 13 →
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New Provincial Grand Masters.
26 th , under the presidency of the W . M ., B . Edward Warwick , when the brethren appeared in Masonic mourning , as a mark of respect to our deceased Br . Scrivener , tho late Honorary Secretary of the Lodge ; to whose memory the AV . M . in the course of the evening , took occasion to caii upon the brethren to pay a tribute of regard and esteem . GiriON LODGE ( NO . 57 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge , on the 15 th February , Br . England , P . P . G . S . AY ., AV . M .
presiding . The business consisted of two initiations ; four passings , and two raisings . Amongst tlie brethren passed , were Capt . Macdonald , and tho chief mate of the . Ballarat , about immediately to proceed to Australia Nearly forty brethren afterwards -lined together , and the Lodge separated in perfect harmony . CONSTITUTIONAL LODGE ( N O . 63 ) . —Tliis Lodge held its meeting at the Exeter Hall Hotel , Strand , on Thursday , February lath , 1855 , when Br . John Shirley , P . M ., in a very able mannerinstalled BrWilliam VinceAVMfor tlie ensuing
, . , .. twelve months , tie was pleased to appoint Br . Percy Moss , S . W . ; Br . James Robert Horn , J . AV . ; Br . John Shirlev , Treasurer ; Br . William Farnfield , Secretary ; Br . . George Grumbridge , S . D . ; Br . John Ward , J . D . ; Br . Joseph Smith , I . G . The Secretary gave a statement of the usefulness of the several Masonic charities ; after which , the usual annual subscriptions were voted to the Freemasons' Girls' School ,
Boys' School , Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and Widows' Fund . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren proceeded to the banquet , when , in due time , a P . M . jewel w'as presented to Br . John Mules , in token of respect for the maimer in winch he presided over the Lodge during the past yea * . The presentation was acknowled ged in a neat and appropriate speech . Many of the brethren of the Lodge having received much valuable instruction , both privately and at the Lodge of Instruction , from Br . Thomas Scotcher , P . M ., they and the other members of the
Lodge , as a mark of the high estimation in which lie is held by them , took this opportunit y of presenting him with a silver tankard , for which mark of esteem and friendship Br . Scotcher , in a very able speech , thanked the brethren ; at the same time pointing out the beauties of Freemasonry , and further stating- that he had but one son to whom this mark of their kindness would be handed down , when it pleased the G . A . O . T . U . to call him from this world . With a view , as an inducement to others to do the samehe thought it to mention thatfrom the able manner
, proper , the Secretary ( Br . Farnlield ) explained the benefits of the several charities to their poorer brethren and their widows , a brother of the Lodge , not yet in office , had handed him a cheque for tlie sum of £ 26 5 s ., with a request that he would pay the same to tne proper parties , to enable him to become a Governor of tho four charities above named .
LODGE OF FELICITY ( NO . 66 ) . —The only business transacted at the meeting of this Lodge , which took place at tho London Tavern , on Monday the 19 th , was the election of Br . K ynaston as G . S . for the ensuing year , the candidate for raising not arriving until the Lodge was closed . ROYAL NAVAL LODGE ( NO . 70 ) . —The members of this Lodge assembled together at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , the 14 th nit , when a brother was passed to the second and another raised to the third degree .
ST . MARY ' LODGE ( NO . 76 ) . —This highly respectable Lodge held its meeting , at the Freemason ' s Tavern , on Thursday , February 15 th , when a Brother was passed to the Second Degree . GRENADIERS LODGE ( NO 79 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge , held their monthly meeting , on Thursday , February 22 nd , when the W . M . elect , Br . Peek , was installed into tlie chair , by Br . P . M . Tyler . The other business of tlie evening consisted of two passings and one raising ; the whole of the ceremonies being extremelwell
y performed . Tlie brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshments , and spent a very agreeable evening . LODGE OF UNITV ( N O . 82 ) . —The members of this Lodge met together , at the London Tavern , on Monday evening , February 5 th , when Br . Bellinger was most effectively installed into the chair by Br . P . M . Howe . The new W . M . was pleased to
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New Provincial Grand Masters.
26 th , under the presidency of the W . M ., B . Edward Warwick , when the brethren appeared in Masonic mourning , as a mark of respect to our deceased Br . Scrivener , tho late Honorary Secretary of the Lodge ; to whose memory the AV . M . in the course of the evening , took occasion to caii upon the brethren to pay a tribute of regard and esteem . GiriON LODGE ( NO . 57 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at the Bridge House Hotel , London Bridge , on the 15 th February , Br . England , P . P . G . S . AY ., AV . M .
presiding . The business consisted of two initiations ; four passings , and two raisings . Amongst tlie brethren passed , were Capt . Macdonald , and tho chief mate of the . Ballarat , about immediately to proceed to Australia Nearly forty brethren afterwards -lined together , and the Lodge separated in perfect harmony . CONSTITUTIONAL LODGE ( N O . 63 ) . —Tliis Lodge held its meeting at the Exeter Hall Hotel , Strand , on Thursday , February lath , 1855 , when Br . John Shirley , P . M ., in a very able mannerinstalled BrWilliam VinceAVMfor tlie ensuing
, . , .. twelve months , tie was pleased to appoint Br . Percy Moss , S . W . ; Br . James Robert Horn , J . AV . ; Br . John Shirlev , Treasurer ; Br . William Farnfield , Secretary ; Br . . George Grumbridge , S . D . ; Br . John Ward , J . D . ; Br . Joseph Smith , I . G . The Secretary gave a statement of the usefulness of the several Masonic charities ; after which , the usual annual subscriptions were voted to the Freemasons' Girls' School ,
Boys' School , Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution , and Widows' Fund . The Lodge was then closed , and the brethren proceeded to the banquet , when , in due time , a P . M . jewel w'as presented to Br . John Mules , in token of respect for the maimer in winch he presided over the Lodge during the past yea * . The presentation was acknowled ged in a neat and appropriate speech . Many of the brethren of the Lodge having received much valuable instruction , both privately and at the Lodge of Instruction , from Br . Thomas Scotcher , P . M ., they and the other members of the
Lodge , as a mark of the high estimation in which lie is held by them , took this opportunit y of presenting him with a silver tankard , for which mark of esteem and friendship Br . Scotcher , in a very able speech , thanked the brethren ; at the same time pointing out the beauties of Freemasonry , and further stating- that he had but one son to whom this mark of their kindness would be handed down , when it pleased the G . A . O . T . U . to call him from this world . With a view , as an inducement to others to do the samehe thought it to mention thatfrom the able manner
, proper , the Secretary ( Br . Farnlield ) explained the benefits of the several charities to their poorer brethren and their widows , a brother of the Lodge , not yet in office , had handed him a cheque for tlie sum of £ 26 5 s ., with a request that he would pay the same to tne proper parties , to enable him to become a Governor of tho four charities above named .
LODGE OF FELICITY ( NO . 66 ) . —The only business transacted at the meeting of this Lodge , which took place at tho London Tavern , on Monday the 19 th , was the election of Br . K ynaston as G . S . for the ensuing year , the candidate for raising not arriving until the Lodge was closed . ROYAL NAVAL LODGE ( NO . 70 ) . —The members of this Lodge assembled together at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , the 14 th nit , when a brother was passed to the second and another raised to the third degree .
ST . MARY ' LODGE ( NO . 76 ) . —This highly respectable Lodge held its meeting , at the Freemason ' s Tavern , on Thursday , February 15 th , when a Brother was passed to the Second Degree . GRENADIERS LODGE ( NO 79 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge , held their monthly meeting , on Thursday , February 22 nd , when the W . M . elect , Br . Peek , was installed into tlie chair , by Br . P . M . Tyler . The other business of tlie evening consisted of two passings and one raising ; the whole of the ceremonies being extremelwell
y performed . Tlie brethren afterwards adjourned to refreshments , and spent a very agreeable evening . LODGE OF UNITV ( N O . 82 ) . —The members of this Lodge met together , at the London Tavern , on Monday evening , February 5 th , when Br . Bellinger was most effectively installed into the chair by Br . P . M . Howe . The new W . M . was pleased to