Article NEW PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTERS. ← Page 3 of 13 →
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New Provincial Grand Masters.
W . M . in proposing the health of the Grand Officers , congratulated the Lodge on the presence of Br . England , whom he knew from long acquaintance to be not only a good Mason but a good man , fully bearing out the qualities attached to the name of Old England . Br . England , P . G . W . for Surrey , in reply , expressed the pleasure he always felt in visiting the Enoch Lod ge , which ' he trusted he should often have the ' opportunity of enjoying . In proposing the health of the newl y initiated brethren , the
W . M . expressed the very great pleasure he felt in introducing into Masonry two of his oldest and most valued friends , father and son , as the only drawback was now removed which had in many instances prevented him from enjoying their society . With the other initiated brethren he had not the pleasure of a previous acquaintance , but from the manner in which they had gone through the ceremony , they could not fail of being cemented by that brotherly feeling which stamped the true character of Masonry . Br . Young , P . M ., in proposing the health of the W . M . spoke in the hihest terms of the
, g manner in which he had discharged his duties in going through the five initiations , and expressed himself perfectly assured that if there had been any other ceremonies they would have been j jerformed in an equal style of excellence . He also congratulated the brethren in having a Master so well calculated to advance the interests of the Lodge . ThoVW . M ., after returning thanks in a most suitable speech , proposed the health of the visitors , Bis . England , P . M ., 57 ; Hewlett , P . M ., 23 ; J . Adams , P . M ., 23 ; Day , 218 ; Playford , 255 ; and Br . Crew , the much esteemed Secretary of the
^ Girl ' s School ; ancl expressed on tho part of the brethren of the Lodge , the great pleasure they always felt in being honored by the presence of such distinguished visitors . In proposing the health of the Past Masters , the W . M . expressed his thanks for their readiness at , all times to render their valuable advice and assistance to the Lodge when called upon , but more particularly for their kindness to himself , in rendering him instruction and support in whatever office he had had the honor of
being placed . In calling upon the brethren to drink the health of the Officers , the W . M . thanked them for the able manner they always had discharged their duties , and more particularly for the able support he had received on the present occasion . Br . Bincks , S . W ., ancl Br . German , returned thanks . The pleasure of the evening was much enhanced by the excellent singing of Br . Day , Br . Crew , and several other brethren .
LODGE OP FORTITUDE AND OLD CUMBERLAND ( NO . 12 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , February 12 , under the presidency of Br . Louis Meunier , W . M ., -when a candidate was initiated into the mysteries of the Order , and two brethren passed and one raised to their respective degrees . The brethren afterwards dined togetheiyand the enjoyment of the evening was much enhanced b y the exertions of Br . Donald King , J . W ., Br . A . Braham , and Br . Binge .
GLOBE LODGE ( NO . 23 ) . —This distinguished Lodge met at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on Thursday , February 15 th , when the W . M . ( Br . Humphrey ) passed a brother to the second degree , and initiated a gentleman into the mysteries of Masonry . Br . J . W . Adams was elected to serve the office of Grand Steward for the year 1855-6 . The W . M . stated , that as he had the honour of serving as Steward at the festival of the Boys' School , he should feel obliged by the support of as many brethren as could make it convenient to attend on that occasion . Before the close of the Lod
' ge , a tribute of respect was deservedly paid to the memory of Br . Edward Charker , P . M ., whose recent death is greatly lamented by his brethren and friends . ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( NO . 25 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting , at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , February 5 th . Br . Goring ablv presided , in the absence of the W . M ., from indisposition . Two brethren ( Brs " . Powell ancl Dougal ) were raised to the third degree , and another addition was made to the number of members bthe initiation of a gentleman into the OrderAll business
y . being concluded , the Lodge was closed at nine o ' clock . We were surprised , out of the long list of P . M . ' s belonging to the Lodge , to find but two present on this occasion , Brs . Goring and Newton . OLD KINGS ARMS LODGE ( NO . 30 ) —This Lodge met on Monday , February
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New Provincial Grand Masters.
W . M . in proposing the health of the Grand Officers , congratulated the Lodge on the presence of Br . England , whom he knew from long acquaintance to be not only a good Mason but a good man , fully bearing out the qualities attached to the name of Old England . Br . England , P . G . W . for Surrey , in reply , expressed the pleasure he always felt in visiting the Enoch Lod ge , which ' he trusted he should often have the ' opportunity of enjoying . In proposing the health of the newl y initiated brethren , the
W . M . expressed the very great pleasure he felt in introducing into Masonry two of his oldest and most valued friends , father and son , as the only drawback was now removed which had in many instances prevented him from enjoying their society . With the other initiated brethren he had not the pleasure of a previous acquaintance , but from the manner in which they had gone through the ceremony , they could not fail of being cemented by that brotherly feeling which stamped the true character of Masonry . Br . Young , P . M ., in proposing the health of the W . M . spoke in the hihest terms of the
, g manner in which he had discharged his duties in going through the five initiations , and expressed himself perfectly assured that if there had been any other ceremonies they would have been j jerformed in an equal style of excellence . He also congratulated the brethren in having a Master so well calculated to advance the interests of the Lodge . ThoVW . M ., after returning thanks in a most suitable speech , proposed the health of the visitors , Bis . England , P . M ., 57 ; Hewlett , P . M ., 23 ; J . Adams , P . M ., 23 ; Day , 218 ; Playford , 255 ; and Br . Crew , the much esteemed Secretary of the
^ Girl ' s School ; ancl expressed on tho part of the brethren of the Lodge , the great pleasure they always felt in being honored by the presence of such distinguished visitors . In proposing the health of the Past Masters , the W . M . expressed his thanks for their readiness at , all times to render their valuable advice and assistance to the Lodge when called upon , but more particularly for their kindness to himself , in rendering him instruction and support in whatever office he had had the honor of
being placed . In calling upon the brethren to drink the health of the Officers , the W . M . thanked them for the able manner they always had discharged their duties , and more particularly for the able support he had received on the present occasion . Br . Bincks , S . W ., ancl Br . German , returned thanks . The pleasure of the evening was much enhanced by the excellent singing of Br . Day , Br . Crew , and several other brethren .
LODGE OP FORTITUDE AND OLD CUMBERLAND ( NO . 12 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , February 12 , under the presidency of Br . Louis Meunier , W . M ., -when a candidate was initiated into the mysteries of the Order , and two brethren passed and one raised to their respective degrees . The brethren afterwards dined togetheiyand the enjoyment of the evening was much enhanced b y the exertions of Br . Donald King , J . W ., Br . A . Braham , and Br . Binge .
GLOBE LODGE ( NO . 23 ) . —This distinguished Lodge met at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on Thursday , February 15 th , when the W . M . ( Br . Humphrey ) passed a brother to the second degree , and initiated a gentleman into the mysteries of Masonry . Br . J . W . Adams was elected to serve the office of Grand Steward for the year 1855-6 . The W . M . stated , that as he had the honour of serving as Steward at the festival of the Boys' School , he should feel obliged by the support of as many brethren as could make it convenient to attend on that occasion . Before the close of the Lod
' ge , a tribute of respect was deservedly paid to the memory of Br . Edward Charker , P . M ., whose recent death is greatly lamented by his brethren and friends . ROBERT BURNS LODGE ( NO . 25 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting , at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , February 5 th . Br . Goring ablv presided , in the absence of the W . M ., from indisposition . Two brethren ( Brs " . Powell ancl Dougal ) were raised to the third degree , and another addition was made to the number of members bthe initiation of a gentleman into the OrderAll business
y . being concluded , the Lodge was closed at nine o ' clock . We were surprised , out of the long list of P . M . ' s belonging to the Lodge , to find but two present on this occasion , Brs . Goring and Newton . OLD KINGS ARMS LODGE ( NO . 30 ) —This Lodge met on Monday , February