Article NEW PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTERS. ← Page 2 of 13 →
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New Provincial Grand Masters.
brother to the third degree , after which Br . P . M . Bisgood ably installed the W . M . into the chair , for the second year , when the W . M . re-appointed his officers . The brethren , at the close of business , proceeded to partake of an elegant dinner . After the usual loyal toasts had been duly honoured , the W . M ., in proposing the healths of the Grand Officers , congratulated the Lodge in having so distinguished a representative of that excellent body amongst them as Br . Purton Cooper , P . G . M ., of Kent . In returning thanks , Br . Cooper stated that ho had long been a member of
the British Lodge , and whatever honours he had attained in Masonry must be attributed to that Lodge ; ami he could assure the brethren that he never felt greater pleasure than in being present at their meetings . —The W . M . then proposed " The Provincial Lodges , more particularly that of Kent / ' which was so much distinguished for its charities and other excellent Masonic qualities , and coupled with it the health of Br . Bisgood , D . G . M . for that province . —Br . Bisgood , in reply , expressed his surprise at being laced in such a position when so eminent and esteemed a brother
p as the P . G . M . ( Br . Cooper ) was present , ' who was so much better qualified than himself to explain how Masonry in that province had attained so high a degree of usefulness than he could possiblv be . —The W . M . then proposed the health of the visitors—Brs . Adlard , P . M ., 7 ; Warwick-, W . M ., 30 ; Smith , 30 ; and Powell , 109 . In doing so , he eloquently alluded to the benefit derived by Masonry from the visits of the members of other Lodges , tending , as it did , to cement the true fellowship which should
always exist amongst Masons . —Br . Stohwasser , P . M ., in proposing the health of the W . M , , said that it afforded him peculiar pleasure to do so , inasmuch that the Lodge had done honour to tho Brother and credit to itself iu re-electing him W . M . for the ensuing year . As a memorial of the estimation which the brethren had of his great talent , he had , on their behalf , to invest him with a handsome Past Master ' s jewel , inscribed with the thanks of the Lodge for his eminent services during the fear 1854 . After a suitable and feeling repl £ the W . M . proposed the health of the Past Masters , which was responded to by Br . Gillman and several other
Past Masters . —The W . M . next proposed tho health of his oflicers , and thanked them for their services during the past year . —The S . W ., iu reply , said , he felt a greater difficulty in returning thanks thaa he had before experienced , as on previous occasions any little error might be attributed to inexperience , which could not now be pleaded . —Br . Pigot , J . W ., having been unanimously elected Grand Steward for the ensuing year , stated that it should be his study to discharge tie duties of the office to the best of his abilityand add to the comforts of all those who put themselves
, under his banner ; and , at the same time , as he was about to serve the office of Steward to the festival of the Boys' School , — an institution Avhose merits were such that it required no advocacy , —ho should be glad to see as many members of the Lodge present as possible . —Br . Bisgood stated that it had been his intention to stand as Steward for the festival of tho Girl ' s School , but had been only too happy to give way for a younger and most rising Brother , viz ., Br . Baxter , J . D . —The Lodge closed in
was perfect harmony . ALBION LODGE ( No . 9 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge , on Tuesday , January 0 , Br . Burton , W . M ., presiding , two brethren were raised to the third degree in a very efficient manner . At the conclusion of business the brethren adjourned , and the proceedings of the latter part of the evening were enlivened by the excellent comic singing of Br . Beular . ENOCH LODGE ( NO , 11 ) . —This numerous and excellent Lodge held its monthly at the
meeting Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , Feb . 14 th . Br . Spooner , AV . M ., assisted by his wardens , Brs . Bincks and Masterman , and the rest of his officers , initiated five gentlemen into the mysteries of Masonry , in a manner hardly to be equalled by a Master so young in chair . On the motion of Br . P . M . Young , seconded by Br . Isaac Bind , it was unanimously resolved that a P . M . jewel of the value of . € 5 5 * . should be presented to the Immediate Past Master , Frederic Ledger , for the great interest he had always taken in the welfare of the Lodge , and for the zeal and urbanity displayed by him during his mastership . The business having concluded , the brethren adjourned to dinner . Subsequent to the usual loyal toasts the
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New Provincial Grand Masters.
brother to the third degree , after which Br . P . M . Bisgood ably installed the W . M . into the chair , for the second year , when the W . M . re-appointed his officers . The brethren , at the close of business , proceeded to partake of an elegant dinner . After the usual loyal toasts had been duly honoured , the W . M ., in proposing the healths of the Grand Officers , congratulated the Lodge in having so distinguished a representative of that excellent body amongst them as Br . Purton Cooper , P . G . M ., of Kent . In returning thanks , Br . Cooper stated that ho had long been a member of
the British Lodge , and whatever honours he had attained in Masonry must be attributed to that Lodge ; ami he could assure the brethren that he never felt greater pleasure than in being present at their meetings . —The W . M . then proposed " The Provincial Lodges , more particularly that of Kent / ' which was so much distinguished for its charities and other excellent Masonic qualities , and coupled with it the health of Br . Bisgood , D . G . M . for that province . —Br . Bisgood , in reply , expressed his surprise at being laced in such a position when so eminent and esteemed a brother
p as the P . G . M . ( Br . Cooper ) was present , ' who was so much better qualified than himself to explain how Masonry in that province had attained so high a degree of usefulness than he could possiblv be . —The W . M . then proposed the health of the visitors—Brs . Adlard , P . M ., 7 ; Warwick-, W . M ., 30 ; Smith , 30 ; and Powell , 109 . In doing so , he eloquently alluded to the benefit derived by Masonry from the visits of the members of other Lodges , tending , as it did , to cement the true fellowship which should
always exist amongst Masons . —Br . Stohwasser , P . M ., in proposing the health of the W . M , , said that it afforded him peculiar pleasure to do so , inasmuch that the Lodge had done honour to tho Brother and credit to itself iu re-electing him W . M . for the ensuing year . As a memorial of the estimation which the brethren had of his great talent , he had , on their behalf , to invest him with a handsome Past Master ' s jewel , inscribed with the thanks of the Lodge for his eminent services during the fear 1854 . After a suitable and feeling repl £ the W . M . proposed the health of the Past Masters , which was responded to by Br . Gillman and several other
Past Masters . —The W . M . next proposed tho health of his oflicers , and thanked them for their services during the past year . —The S . W ., iu reply , said , he felt a greater difficulty in returning thanks thaa he had before experienced , as on previous occasions any little error might be attributed to inexperience , which could not now be pleaded . —Br . Pigot , J . W ., having been unanimously elected Grand Steward for the ensuing year , stated that it should be his study to discharge tie duties of the office to the best of his abilityand add to the comforts of all those who put themselves
, under his banner ; and , at the same time , as he was about to serve the office of Steward to the festival of the Boys' School , — an institution Avhose merits were such that it required no advocacy , —ho should be glad to see as many members of the Lodge present as possible . —Br . Bisgood stated that it had been his intention to stand as Steward for the festival of tho Girl ' s School , but had been only too happy to give way for a younger and most rising Brother , viz ., Br . Baxter , J . D . —The Lodge closed in
was perfect harmony . ALBION LODGE ( No . 9 ) . —At the meeting of this Lodge , on Tuesday , January 0 , Br . Burton , W . M ., presiding , two brethren were raised to the third degree in a very efficient manner . At the conclusion of business the brethren adjourned , and the proceedings of the latter part of the evening were enlivened by the excellent comic singing of Br . Beular . ENOCH LODGE ( NO , 11 ) . —This numerous and excellent Lodge held its monthly at the
meeting Freemasons' Tavern , on Wednesday , Feb . 14 th . Br . Spooner , AV . M ., assisted by his wardens , Brs . Bincks and Masterman , and the rest of his officers , initiated five gentlemen into the mysteries of Masonry , in a manner hardly to be equalled by a Master so young in chair . On the motion of Br . P . M . Young , seconded by Br . Isaac Bind , it was unanimously resolved that a P . M . jewel of the value of . € 5 5 * . should be presented to the Immediate Past Master , Frederic Ledger , for the great interest he had always taken in the welfare of the Lodge , and for the zeal and urbanity displayed by him during his mastership . The business having concluded , the brethren adjourned to dinner . Subsequent to the usual loyal toasts the