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New Provincial Grand Masters.
We have great pleasure , in being enabled to announce , that tlie M . W . G . M . has been pleased to appoint Robt . John Bagshaw , Esq ., of Dovercourt , Harwich , to be Prov . G . M . for Essex , vice Br , Rowland Alston , resigned . The W . M . has also been pleased to appoint John Atkins Bowyer , Esq ., of Steeple Ashton , to be Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire , vice Br . C . Ridley , deceased . THE BOYS' SCHOOL .
We beg to remind the brethren that the annual festival of this charity will take place on the 14 th inst ., when we are informed a very numerous party is expected to attend . The musical arrangements have been entrusted to Br . Lawler , and are more than usually attractive . Br . Lawler will be assisted by Miss Birch , Miss Poole , Miss Clara Henderson , and Brs . Allen , and Donald King . Br . T . Jolly , jun ., will preside at the piano . LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE . At the meeting of this Lodge , on the 31 st January , Br . G . W . Potter in the chair , . £ G 3 were disbursed in affording relief to seven petitioners .
LONDON LODGES . GRAND STEWARDS LODGE . — -A meeting of ( his Lodge was held on Wednesday , February- 21 st , when Br . Tomkins , the immediate P . M ., installed Br . Blake into the chair , as his successor . The new W . M . was pleased to invest his officers , as follows . —Br . Burgess , S . W .,- Br . Johnson , J . W .,- Br . Stohwasser , S .-D . ; Br . Dawson , J . D . ; Br . Hewlett , I . G . ; Br . Giraud , Treasurer .
GRAND MASTER ' LODGE ( NO . 1 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , February 19 th , the business consisted of the passing of a brother to the second degree , the ceremony being most ably performed by the W . M ., Br . G . W . K . Potter . Amongst the visitors were Br . K . S . Williams , P . M ., No- 11 j Br . C . Lenny , P . M ., No . 27 ; and Br . Donald Nicoll , of No . 109 . At tlie conclusion of the Masonic business , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and the proceedings of the evening were enlivened by the musical
talents of Br . Jolly , and Br . P . M . Francis Crew , the able and indefatigable Secretary of the Lodge . LODGE OF FIDELITY ( No . 3 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 14 th February , when the W . M . elect , Br . Low , was most ably installed into the chair by P . M . Br . Grant , assisted by Br . Goldsworthy , and a duly constituted board of installed Masters . The officers having been appointed and other business transacted , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
ST . GEORGE AND CORNER STONE LODGE ( No . 5 ) . —This Lodge , -which , after a period of some depression , is now progressing most favourably , and rapidly assuming its former hi gh position in the Order , held its annual meeting , at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on Monday , February 12 th , when Br . Head was re-installed W . M . for the ensuing year . The W . M . passed one , and raised four duly qualified brethren to their respective degrees in a very impressive manner . At the conclusion o £ the Masonic business , the brethren adjourned to a very elegant dinner , to which nearly 30 sat
down , the W . M . presiding with great good taste ancl bonhommie . There were numerous visitors present , amongst whom we observed Brs . Keightley , P . G . D . ; Kingsbury , P . G . D . ; Wm . Farnlield , P . M ., 318 ; Taylor , P . M ., 21 ; Marston , P . M ., 1 ; Clifton , Wood , & c . During the evening , the speeches were interspersed with some excellent singing by Brs . T . Young , Leffier , and Jolly . BRITISH LODGE ( No . S ) . —The brethren of this eminent Lodge held their meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , February 19 th . The W . M ., Br . F . D . Massey Dawson , in a most efficient ancl impressive manner raised a
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New Provincial Grand Masters.
We have great pleasure , in being enabled to announce , that tlie M . W . G . M . has been pleased to appoint Robt . John Bagshaw , Esq ., of Dovercourt , Harwich , to be Prov . G . M . for Essex , vice Br , Rowland Alston , resigned . The W . M . has also been pleased to appoint John Atkins Bowyer , Esq ., of Steeple Ashton , to be Prov . G . M . for Oxfordshire , vice Br . C . Ridley , deceased . THE BOYS' SCHOOL .
We beg to remind the brethren that the annual festival of this charity will take place on the 14 th inst ., when we are informed a very numerous party is expected to attend . The musical arrangements have been entrusted to Br . Lawler , and are more than usually attractive . Br . Lawler will be assisted by Miss Birch , Miss Poole , Miss Clara Henderson , and Brs . Allen , and Donald King . Br . T . Jolly , jun ., will preside at the piano . LODGE OF BENEVOLENCE . At the meeting of this Lodge , on the 31 st January , Br . G . W . Potter in the chair , . £ G 3 were disbursed in affording relief to seven petitioners .
LONDON LODGES . GRAND STEWARDS LODGE . — -A meeting of ( his Lodge was held on Wednesday , February- 21 st , when Br . Tomkins , the immediate P . M ., installed Br . Blake into the chair , as his successor . The new W . M . was pleased to invest his officers , as follows . —Br . Burgess , S . W .,- Br . Johnson , J . W .,- Br . Stohwasser , S .-D . ; Br . Dawson , J . D . ; Br . Hewlett , I . G . ; Br . Giraud , Treasurer .
GRAND MASTER ' LODGE ( NO . 1 ) . —At the monthly meeting of this Lodge , held at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , February 19 th , the business consisted of the passing of a brother to the second degree , the ceremony being most ably performed by the W . M ., Br . G . W . K . Potter . Amongst the visitors were Br . K . S . Williams , P . M ., No- 11 j Br . C . Lenny , P . M ., No . 27 ; and Br . Donald Nicoll , of No . 109 . At tlie conclusion of the Masonic business , the brethren adjourned to refreshment , and the proceedings of the evening were enlivened by the musical
talents of Br . Jolly , and Br . P . M . Francis Crew , the able and indefatigable Secretary of the Lodge . LODGE OF FIDELITY ( No . 3 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , the 14 th February , when the W . M . elect , Br . Low , was most ably installed into the chair by P . M . Br . Grant , assisted by Br . Goldsworthy , and a duly constituted board of installed Masters . The officers having been appointed and other business transacted , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to refreshment .
ST . GEORGE AND CORNER STONE LODGE ( No . 5 ) . —This Lodge , -which , after a period of some depression , is now progressing most favourably , and rapidly assuming its former hi gh position in the Order , held its annual meeting , at the Freemasons ' Tavern , on Monday , February 12 th , when Br . Head was re-installed W . M . for the ensuing year . The W . M . passed one , and raised four duly qualified brethren to their respective degrees in a very impressive manner . At the conclusion o £ the Masonic business , the brethren adjourned to a very elegant dinner , to which nearly 30 sat
down , the W . M . presiding with great good taste ancl bonhommie . There were numerous visitors present , amongst whom we observed Brs . Keightley , P . G . D . ; Kingsbury , P . G . D . ; Wm . Farnlield , P . M ., 318 ; Taylor , P . M ., 21 ; Marston , P . M ., 1 ; Clifton , Wood , & c . During the evening , the speeches were interspersed with some excellent singing by Brs . T . Young , Leffier , and Jolly . BRITISH LODGE ( No . S ) . —The brethren of this eminent Lodge held their meeting at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Monday , February 19 th . The W . M ., Br . F . D . Massey Dawson , in a most efficient ancl impressive manner raised a