Article Consecration of the Cheselden Lodge, No. 2870. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Devonian Lodge, No. 2834. Page 1 of 1 Article Lodge of Asaph, No. 1319. Page 1 of 1 Article St. Luke 's Lodge, No. 144. Page 1 of 2 →
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Consecration Of The Cheselden Lodge, No. 2870.
An excellent programme of music under the superintendence ¦ of the Grand Organist , W . Bro . Dr . Walmesly-Little , enhanced greatly the pleasure of the evening , the only regret being that owing to the length of the proceedings and the delays due to the fog some of the items had unavoidably to be omitted .
It should be added that H . R . H . the Duke of Connanght was graciously pleased to honour the Cheselden Lodge by becoming its first honorary member .
Devonian Lodge, No. 2834.
Devonian Lodge , No . 2834 .
THE first installation meeting of the Devonian Lodge , which was only consecrated twelve months ago , was most successfully held at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel on the 14 th November , when W . Bro . Walter Wellsman , P . A . G . D . C , who is also the Worshipful Master of Farringdon Without Lodge , No . 1745 , was duly installed in the chair of
King Solomon , a special dispensation being obtained from Grand Lodge . The ceremony of installation was performed and addresses given by R . W . Bro . Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . W ., whose regrettable absence at the subsequent proceedings , owing to a previous engagement , was much
deplored by the Worshipful Master , and a vote of thanks for bis kind offices were unanimously passed by the brethren . W . Bro . the Rev . W . Whittle }* , P . G . D ., P . P . S . G . W . Devon , as S . W . ; Bro . Geo . Lambert , M . P ., as J . W ., and the remainder of his officers for the ensuing year , upon
completion of which and after the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall , where a most sumptuous repast was given . V . W . Bro . Hiimon Le Strange , P . G . M . Norfolk , in returning thanks to the toast of "The Grand Officers , " spoke
of the Norfolk Lodge being founded in imitation of the Devonian Lodge , which he stated was the sincerest form of fiattery . The Worshipful Master , in replying to his own toast , which was given by the I . P . M ., R . W . Bro . the Earl of
Halsbury , P . G . W ., mentioned that there was only one way of showing himself worthy of the lodge , and that was to do his work well during the forthcoming year and to endeavour to make it one of the premier lodges of the country . He felt , he stated , the greatest possible honour had been his
in having his toast proposed by the Lord High Chancellor of England . The Worshipful Master then proceeded to propose " The I . P . M ., " and remarked upon the great honour the lodge had had in securing the Lord High Chancellor as its first Master ,
whose kind interest in the lodge was most fully appreciated by himself and all the brethren . He trusted his lordship would accept the little memorial of his past year of office which the brethren had prepared for him in the shape of a Past Master's jewel , which he had much pleasure in therewith investing him .
Bro . the Earl of Halsbury , in returning thanks , said he was somewhat abashed , but that in all sincerity he most heartily thanked the brethren for the jewel they had presented him . He had been delighted to have been their Worshipful Master , and spoke of the great pride he had in Masonry . He would also , he said , use his efforts to attend
the lodge again to share their kind hospitality . The Worshipful Master , in giving the toast of " The Visitors , " said there were so many distinguished brethren present that it was a most difficult matter to know upon whom he could call to respond , but he would couple with
the toast the names of Bros . H . Nicholls , Hobrow , and Home , who in turn replied thereto . The remainder of the toasts were duly given and responded to . During the evening a most delightful musical entertainment was provided , including some humorous piano sketches and sleight-of-hand tricks , all most admirably performed .
Lodge Of Asaph, No. 1319.
Lodge of Asaph , No . 1319 .
''pHE above lodge , which is composed principally of I members of the dramatic and musical professions , held its installation meeting at the Freemasons ' Hall , on the qth November , when Bro . Algernon Syms was installed as W . M . by Bro . James W . Mathews , the retiring Master . Several Grand Officers and a large number of
members and guests were present . An excellent banquet was afterwards served , and a musical entertainment was provided under the very able direction of W . Bro . Charles E . Tinnev , P . M ., Organist .
BRO . ALGERXOX SYMS— { Pholo Wile Tori mil Co . ) The usual loyal toasts having been given , that of " The Grand Officers " was responded to by W . Bro . James Weaver , P . M ., P . G ., Std . Br . The W . M ., replying to the toast of his healthwas commendably brief , and concluded by assuring
, the brethren that he would endeavour to emulate the Masters who had preceded him . The toast of " The I . P . M . " was accompanied with the presentation of a P . M . 's jewel , for which the I . P . M . tendered his hearty thanks , and said the past twelve months had been
the most fully appreciated of any in his life , and personally thanked the Secretary , W . Bro . Weaver , for his hearty cooperation during his year of office .
St. Luke 'S Lodge, No. 144.
St . Luke ' s Lodge , No . 144 .
^ T ^ HIS ancient lodge , whose existence dates from 1765 , I held its installation meeting at the Holborn Restaurant on the 28 th October . In addition to the installation , the Worshipful Master , Bro . W . H . Royle , conferred the Second and Third Degrees on the several candidates , and the proceedings were characterised by that thoroughness for
which the lodge has long had the reputation . Bro . Austin acted as D . C . The officers were appointed as follows - . — Bros . Winsborrow , S . W . ; F . J . Ingram , J . W . ; C . J . White Price , Treasurer ; F . Stutfield , Secretary ; H . Havward , S . D . ; G . S . Ellis , J . D . ; and C . L . Wright , I . G .
The Worshipful Master then delivered the addresses , and afterwards initiated three candidates in such a manner as to give excellent promise of good work during his year of office . The interest in the ceremonies was much enhanced by a musical accompaniment of a small choir formed of members of the lodge , under the direction of Bro . Austin .
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Consecration Of The Cheselden Lodge, No. 2870.
An excellent programme of music under the superintendence ¦ of the Grand Organist , W . Bro . Dr . Walmesly-Little , enhanced greatly the pleasure of the evening , the only regret being that owing to the length of the proceedings and the delays due to the fog some of the items had unavoidably to be omitted .
It should be added that H . R . H . the Duke of Connanght was graciously pleased to honour the Cheselden Lodge by becoming its first honorary member .
Devonian Lodge, No. 2834.
Devonian Lodge , No . 2834 .
THE first installation meeting of the Devonian Lodge , which was only consecrated twelve months ago , was most successfully held at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel on the 14 th November , when W . Bro . Walter Wellsman , P . A . G . D . C , who is also the Worshipful Master of Farringdon Without Lodge , No . 1745 , was duly installed in the chair of
King Solomon , a special dispensation being obtained from Grand Lodge . The ceremony of installation was performed and addresses given by R . W . Bro . Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . W ., whose regrettable absence at the subsequent proceedings , owing to a previous engagement , was much
deplored by the Worshipful Master , and a vote of thanks for bis kind offices were unanimously passed by the brethren . W . Bro . the Rev . W . Whittle }* , P . G . D ., P . P . S . G . W . Devon , as S . W . ; Bro . Geo . Lambert , M . P ., as J . W ., and the remainder of his officers for the ensuing year , upon
completion of which and after the closing of the lodge the brethren adjourned to the banqueting hall , where a most sumptuous repast was given . V . W . Bro . Hiimon Le Strange , P . G . M . Norfolk , in returning thanks to the toast of "The Grand Officers , " spoke
of the Norfolk Lodge being founded in imitation of the Devonian Lodge , which he stated was the sincerest form of fiattery . The Worshipful Master , in replying to his own toast , which was given by the I . P . M ., R . W . Bro . the Earl of
Halsbury , P . G . W ., mentioned that there was only one way of showing himself worthy of the lodge , and that was to do his work well during the forthcoming year and to endeavour to make it one of the premier lodges of the country . He felt , he stated , the greatest possible honour had been his
in having his toast proposed by the Lord High Chancellor of England . The Worshipful Master then proceeded to propose " The I . P . M ., " and remarked upon the great honour the lodge had had in securing the Lord High Chancellor as its first Master ,
whose kind interest in the lodge was most fully appreciated by himself and all the brethren . He trusted his lordship would accept the little memorial of his past year of office which the brethren had prepared for him in the shape of a Past Master's jewel , which he had much pleasure in therewith investing him .
Bro . the Earl of Halsbury , in returning thanks , said he was somewhat abashed , but that in all sincerity he most heartily thanked the brethren for the jewel they had presented him . He had been delighted to have been their Worshipful Master , and spoke of the great pride he had in Masonry . He would also , he said , use his efforts to attend
the lodge again to share their kind hospitality . The Worshipful Master , in giving the toast of " The Visitors , " said there were so many distinguished brethren present that it was a most difficult matter to know upon whom he could call to respond , but he would couple with
the toast the names of Bros . H . Nicholls , Hobrow , and Home , who in turn replied thereto . The remainder of the toasts were duly given and responded to . During the evening a most delightful musical entertainment was provided , including some humorous piano sketches and sleight-of-hand tricks , all most admirably performed .
Lodge Of Asaph, No. 1319.
Lodge of Asaph , No . 1319 .
''pHE above lodge , which is composed principally of I members of the dramatic and musical professions , held its installation meeting at the Freemasons ' Hall , on the qth November , when Bro . Algernon Syms was installed as W . M . by Bro . James W . Mathews , the retiring Master . Several Grand Officers and a large number of
members and guests were present . An excellent banquet was afterwards served , and a musical entertainment was provided under the very able direction of W . Bro . Charles E . Tinnev , P . M ., Organist .
BRO . ALGERXOX SYMS— { Pholo Wile Tori mil Co . ) The usual loyal toasts having been given , that of " The Grand Officers " was responded to by W . Bro . James Weaver , P . M ., P . G ., Std . Br . The W . M ., replying to the toast of his healthwas commendably brief , and concluded by assuring
, the brethren that he would endeavour to emulate the Masters who had preceded him . The toast of " The I . P . M . " was accompanied with the presentation of a P . M . 's jewel , for which the I . P . M . tendered his hearty thanks , and said the past twelve months had been
the most fully appreciated of any in his life , and personally thanked the Secretary , W . Bro . Weaver , for his hearty cooperation during his year of office .
St. Luke 'S Lodge, No. 144.
St . Luke ' s Lodge , No . 144 .
^ T ^ HIS ancient lodge , whose existence dates from 1765 , I held its installation meeting at the Holborn Restaurant on the 28 th October . In addition to the installation , the Worshipful Master , Bro . W . H . Royle , conferred the Second and Third Degrees on the several candidates , and the proceedings were characterised by that thoroughness for
which the lodge has long had the reputation . Bro . Austin acted as D . C . The officers were appointed as follows - . — Bros . Winsborrow , S . W . ; F . J . Ingram , J . W . ; C . J . White Price , Treasurer ; F . Stutfield , Secretary ; H . Havward , S . D . ; G . S . Ellis , J . D . ; and C . L . Wright , I . G .
The Worshipful Master then delivered the addresses , and afterwards initiated three candidates in such a manner as to give excellent promise of good work during his year of office . The interest in the ceremonies was much enhanced by a musical accompaniment of a small choir formed of members of the lodge , under the direction of Bro . Austin .