Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 12 of 20 →
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Additional interest was excited by tbe circumstance of the Prov . G . Lodge of Freemasons of Staffordshire uniting Avith the civic authorities in the pubic demonstration , aud thereby adding to the eclat Avith which thc proceedings Avent off . The ceremonial of the day AA'as preceded by a handsome luncheon at the Castle Hotel , at twelve o ' clock , given by Alderman Henry Hall , AV . M . of the Sutherland
Loclge of Unity , Newcastle . The invitations Avere extended to every Brother in the Province , and others at a distance . UpAvards of eighty Brethren partook of Bro . Hall ' s hospitality . At the conclusion of the repast , the Brethren adjourned to the temporary Lodge-room , at the Literary ancl Scientific Institution , when the Craft Loclge Avas opened by Bro . Hall . Soon after , the R . AV . Prov . G . M . Lieut .-Col . A ernonR . AV . Prov . D . G . M . T . AVardand
, , the other Officers of the Prov . G . Loclge were admitted , and the P . G . Lodge opened in due form . This being a Lodge of emergency , the only business transacted was in connection with the ceremony of the day , Avhich being done , the Brethren formed in procession about tivo o ' clock , and proceeded to Marsh Parade , the residence of the Mayoi - , Avhere tliey were joined by the civic procession . On arriving at the sitethe Brethren and others composing tbe
, procession opened to the right and left , forming an avenue , through Avhich tbe Mayor , the civic body , the P . G . Master , and the Masonic body passed , and took up the respective stations allotted to them .. The ceremony was commenced by the P . G . Chaplain , the Rev . AV . H .
Wright , offering up a prayer ; at the conclusion or Avhich tbe choir , under the direction of the P . G . Organist , sang a portion of the Hundredth Psalm . The upper stone Avas then raised , and the loAver one adjusted . The P . G . Treasurer then deposited the coins in the cavity of the lower stone . A copy of the Staffordshire Advertiser of October Sth , ancl of tbe Times of October 13 th , were also deposited in the stone . The P . G . Secretary then read the inscription
on the plate , and placed the same in its proper situation . The P . G . Chaplain again offered up a prayer . The cement Avas next placed on the upper surface of the lower stone , and the Mayor adjusted the same witb a silver trowel , AA'hich was handed to him for that purpose hy the P . G . Sup . of W . The stone Avas then S 1 OAA * 1 V lowered , and the Mayor gave it one knock AA'ith the mallet , amidst the applause of the assembled multitude . " Rule Britannia" Avas then played by the
band . The P . G . Master next proved the just position of the stone by the plumb-rule , level , aucl square , which were handed to him by the several Brethren AA'hose duty it Avas so to do , the P . G . M . giving the stone three knocks vrith the mallet , and making-the customary declaration . At the conclusion of this part of the ceremony the band relayed the National Anthem . The cornucopia containing the corn , and the ewers containing the wine and oilAvere next presented to
, the Prov . G . M , who sprinkled the corn and poured the AA'ine ancl oil Avith the usual ceremonies , the choir singing an anthem in the intervals between each inA'ocation . The architect then handed the plans of the building to the P . G . M , Avho , after inspecting them , returned
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Additional interest was excited by tbe circumstance of the Prov . G . Lodge of Freemasons of Staffordshire uniting Avith the civic authorities in the pubic demonstration , aud thereby adding to the eclat Avith which thc proceedings Avent off . The ceremonial of the day AA'as preceded by a handsome luncheon at the Castle Hotel , at twelve o ' clock , given by Alderman Henry Hall , AV . M . of the Sutherland
Loclge of Unity , Newcastle . The invitations Avere extended to every Brother in the Province , and others at a distance . UpAvards of eighty Brethren partook of Bro . Hall ' s hospitality . At the conclusion of the repast , the Brethren adjourned to the temporary Lodge-room , at the Literary ancl Scientific Institution , when the Craft Loclge Avas opened by Bro . Hall . Soon after , the R . AV . Prov . G . M . Lieut .-Col . A ernonR . AV . Prov . D . G . M . T . AVardand
, , the other Officers of the Prov . G . Loclge were admitted , and the P . G . Lodge opened in due form . This being a Lodge of emergency , the only business transacted was in connection with the ceremony of the day , Avhich being done , the Brethren formed in procession about tivo o ' clock , and proceeded to Marsh Parade , the residence of the Mayoi - , Avhere tliey were joined by the civic procession . On arriving at the sitethe Brethren and others composing tbe
, procession opened to the right and left , forming an avenue , through Avhich tbe Mayor , the civic body , the P . G . Master , and the Masonic body passed , and took up the respective stations allotted to them .. The ceremony was commenced by the P . G . Chaplain , the Rev . AV . H .
Wright , offering up a prayer ; at the conclusion or Avhich tbe choir , under the direction of the P . G . Organist , sang a portion of the Hundredth Psalm . The upper stone Avas then raised , and the loAver one adjusted . The P . G . Treasurer then deposited the coins in the cavity of the lower stone . A copy of the Staffordshire Advertiser of October Sth , ancl of tbe Times of October 13 th , were also deposited in the stone . The P . G . Secretary then read the inscription
on the plate , and placed the same in its proper situation . The P . G . Chaplain again offered up a prayer . The cement Avas next placed on the upper surface of the lower stone , and the Mayor adjusted the same witb a silver trowel , AA'hich was handed to him for that purpose hy the P . G . Sup . of W . The stone Avas then S 1 OAA * 1 V lowered , and the Mayor gave it one knock AA'ith the mallet , amidst the applause of the assembled multitude . " Rule Britannia" Avas then played by the
band . The P . G . Master next proved the just position of the stone by the plumb-rule , level , aucl square , which were handed to him by the several Brethren AA'hose duty it Avas so to do , the P . G . M . giving the stone three knocks vrith the mallet , and making-the customary declaration . At the conclusion of this part of the ceremony the band relayed the National Anthem . The cornucopia containing the corn , and the ewers containing the wine and oilAvere next presented to
, the Prov . G . M , who sprinkled the corn and poured the AA'ine ancl oil Avith the usual ceremonies , the choir singing an anthem in the intervals between each inA'ocation . The architect then handed the plans of the building to the P . G . M , Avho , after inspecting them , returned