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some months ago , when there was a vacancy in the office of alderman , the TOAVU Council , for the first time since its formation , made their choice aAvay from their own body , and selected Bro . Randall , Avho at that time Avas not a Councillor , to fill the vacancy . A greater compliment could not possibly have been paid to any citizen , and it reflected great credit on the Council , for one more worthy of it
could not be found within tbe walls of this ancient and loyal city . It is no less gratifying to find that the Masonic Brethren have also taken the earliest opportunity of testifying that they appreciate the services ancl kindness of heart of one , who Avill reflect honour on the chair which he will fill , and credit on the Lodge , over which he is selected to preside . At the same LodgeBro . Alderman Dudley was elected Treasurer
, , and Bros . Frazer and Townsend Avere re-elected Stewards for the ensuing year . Tbe AV . M . Bro . Dudley was unable to be present at the Lodge , and Bro . Alderman R . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B , officiated for him ; later in the evening Bro . Dudley was enabled to take his seat at the head of tbe banquet , which u * as graced with the presence of the R . AV . P . G . M . Bro . Rev . C . J . Ridley . CIVIC HONOURS BESTOWED ON MASONS . —The corporation of
Oxford bave elected Bro . Alderman R . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B , a most distinguished Mason , and well knoAvn to the members of Grand Lodge from his services at the Board of General Purposes , and Grand Sword Bearer for two years , to fill tbe high and responsible office of chief magistrate of tho city . The mayor of the past year was Bro . Alderman Dudley , who is tbe present W . M . of the Alfred City Lodge ; but he will vacate the latter office on St . John ' s DayAvhen
, Bro . Randall will be installed . The corporation of Oxford includes among its members the folloAving Masons : —Bro . R . J . Spiers , mayor ; Bro . C . J . Sadler and Bro . AV . H . Butler , aldermen ; Bro . G . P . P . Hester , toAvn clerk ; Bros . J . Wyatt , AV . Thompson , F . Thomas , and J . Plowman , councillors .
SOMERSETSHIRE . TAUNTON . —Bro . Eales AVhite , P . P . J . G . Warden , Somerset , and P . M . No . 327 , has been elected High Bailiff of tbe ancient borough of Taunton . The annual festival of St . John was celebrated on the 30 th Dec . Lodge No . 327 . —The Hon . Major Charles Napier has been chosen AV . M . of this Lodge for the ensuing year . Much approbation has been aAvarded to the W . M . Bro . Abraham , for the able manner in which the working of the Lodge has been accomplished in tbe past year .
STAFFORDSHIRE . NEAVCASTLE-UNDER-LYME . —On Thursday , 17 th Oct , the foundation-stone of the UOAV eoi'ered market , mtended to be erected on the site of the CroAvn Inn , in Penkhull-street , was laid by the Worshi pful the Mayor , John , Lamb , Esq ., witb considerable ceremonial .
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some months ago , when there was a vacancy in the office of alderman , the TOAVU Council , for the first time since its formation , made their choice aAvay from their own body , and selected Bro . Randall , Avho at that time Avas not a Councillor , to fill the vacancy . A greater compliment could not possibly have been paid to any citizen , and it reflected great credit on the Council , for one more worthy of it
could not be found within tbe walls of this ancient and loyal city . It is no less gratifying to find that the Masonic Brethren have also taken the earliest opportunity of testifying that they appreciate the services ancl kindness of heart of one , who Avill reflect honour on the chair which he will fill , and credit on the Lodge , over which he is selected to preside . At the same LodgeBro . Alderman Dudley was elected Treasurer
, , and Bros . Frazer and Townsend Avere re-elected Stewards for the ensuing year . Tbe AV . M . Bro . Dudley was unable to be present at the Lodge , and Bro . Alderman R . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B , officiated for him ; later in the evening Bro . Dudley was enabled to take his seat at the head of tbe banquet , which u * as graced with the presence of the R . AV . P . G . M . Bro . Rev . C . J . Ridley . CIVIC HONOURS BESTOWED ON MASONS . —The corporation of
Oxford bave elected Bro . Alderman R . J . Spiers , P . G . S . B , a most distinguished Mason , and well knoAvn to the members of Grand Lodge from his services at the Board of General Purposes , and Grand Sword Bearer for two years , to fill tbe high and responsible office of chief magistrate of tho city . The mayor of the past year was Bro . Alderman Dudley , who is tbe present W . M . of the Alfred City Lodge ; but he will vacate the latter office on St . John ' s DayAvhen
, Bro . Randall will be installed . The corporation of Oxford includes among its members the folloAving Masons : —Bro . R . J . Spiers , mayor ; Bro . C . J . Sadler and Bro . AV . H . Butler , aldermen ; Bro . G . P . P . Hester , toAvn clerk ; Bros . J . Wyatt , AV . Thompson , F . Thomas , and J . Plowman , councillors .
SOMERSETSHIRE . TAUNTON . —Bro . Eales AVhite , P . P . J . G . Warden , Somerset , and P . M . No . 327 , has been elected High Bailiff of tbe ancient borough of Taunton . The annual festival of St . John was celebrated on the 30 th Dec . Lodge No . 327 . —The Hon . Major Charles Napier has been chosen AV . M . of this Lodge for the ensuing year . Much approbation has been aAvarded to the W . M . Bro . Abraham , for the able manner in which the working of the Lodge has been accomplished in tbe past year .
STAFFORDSHIRE . NEAVCASTLE-UNDER-LYME . —On Thursday , 17 th Oct , the foundation-stone of the UOAV eoi'ered market , mtended to be erected on the site of the CroAvn Inn , in Penkhull-street , was laid by the Worshi pful the Mayor , John , Lamb , Esq ., witb considerable ceremonial .