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Mr . Thomas Lloyd , the feuar and builder , next addressed the meeting . Mr . Robert Burst , deacon of the Glovers , followed . The Right Worshipful Master concluded—Mr . Lloyd and gentlemen , I thank you again for the great honour you have conferred upon me , and for the very handsome presentation you have made . I can assure you that I shall always look upon it and back to this day ' s work
with feelings of delight . Called on , as I have been , in rather an unexpected way to preside here to-day , and for the first time on such an occasion as this , I am afraid I have come short of my duties ; but should any services of mine be accepted by you and the brethren , as they appear to be , I would be greatly gratified , but as you have been pleased to accompany them with this handsome memorial , I feel doubly grateful . I beg leaveto thank you allbrethrenand particularly
, , , you , Mr . Lloyd . The R . W . Master then proposed three cheers for her Majesty the Queen , who would shortly be in her ancient city , which were loudly given ; three cheers for the Glover Incorporation ; and three cheers for Mr . Lloyd . A brother then proposed three cheers for the R . W . M . The procession then re-formed , and returned by Methven-street , High-street , and St . John-street , to the Star Hotel . On returning to the Star Hotel ,
the whole of the brethren and members of the Glovers , were regaled with wine and cake ; and in the evening the brethren , with a number of guests , dined together , and spent some hours in a most harmonious manner .
CULLODEN MONUMENT , Sept . 19 . —The foundation-stone of the Culloden Monument was this day laid with masonic honours . The various bodies of which the procession was composed assembled at eleven o ' clock in the Academy Park , and after forming in line of procession , they passed up Inglis-street , turned down Petty-street , and took the Milburn-road . Culloden-mooras every one knowsis nearlfive miles from
Inver-, , y ness , and no regular order was observed by the procession from Milburn House until it had approached the moor . About a mile from the site of the monument , a halt was called and the procession re-formed . First came a band of music ; next the boys of several schools ; then the Inverness band ; the Inverness Abstinence Society , with its banners ; the Six Incorporated Trades , headed by their convener ; a deputation from the St . Duthus Lodge of Freemasons , Tain , and the Tain and
Ross Royal Arch Chapters ; a deputation from the St . Mary ' s Lodge , Inverness ; a deputation from the St . Lawrence , of Forres ; and lastly , a deputation from the St . John ' s Lodge , of Forres , constituted , pro tempore , the Provincial Grand Lodge , and decorated with the gold and other insignia of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Bro . Bryce , Grand Tyler of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , was present , and was of great service . The procession was composed in all of three or four hundred
persons . By this time at least 2500 individuals , including many ladies , had assembled round the site of the monument , and twelve or fifteen carriages and coaches lined the road . Amongst those present we observed Mackintosh of Mackintosh , and party ; Mr . Grant , of Glenmoriston ; Mr . Mitchell , Viewhill , and party ; Mr . Mackintosh of Holm ( who wore the Highland dress ); Mr . Dun . Forbes , of Leanach ; Mr . Fraser , of Balcony ; Mrs . Dr . Nicol and Miss Nicol ; the Misses Wood , from
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mr . Thomas Lloyd , the feuar and builder , next addressed the meeting . Mr . Robert Burst , deacon of the Glovers , followed . The Right Worshipful Master concluded—Mr . Lloyd and gentlemen , I thank you again for the great honour you have conferred upon me , and for the very handsome presentation you have made . I can assure you that I shall always look upon it and back to this day ' s work
with feelings of delight . Called on , as I have been , in rather an unexpected way to preside here to-day , and for the first time on such an occasion as this , I am afraid I have come short of my duties ; but should any services of mine be accepted by you and the brethren , as they appear to be , I would be greatly gratified , but as you have been pleased to accompany them with this handsome memorial , I feel doubly grateful . I beg leaveto thank you allbrethrenand particularly
, , , you , Mr . Lloyd . The R . W . Master then proposed three cheers for her Majesty the Queen , who would shortly be in her ancient city , which were loudly given ; three cheers for the Glover Incorporation ; and three cheers for Mr . Lloyd . A brother then proposed three cheers for the R . W . M . The procession then re-formed , and returned by Methven-street , High-street , and St . John-street , to the Star Hotel . On returning to the Star Hotel ,
the whole of the brethren and members of the Glovers , were regaled with wine and cake ; and in the evening the brethren , with a number of guests , dined together , and spent some hours in a most harmonious manner .
CULLODEN MONUMENT , Sept . 19 . —The foundation-stone of the Culloden Monument was this day laid with masonic honours . The various bodies of which the procession was composed assembled at eleven o ' clock in the Academy Park , and after forming in line of procession , they passed up Inglis-street , turned down Petty-street , and took the Milburn-road . Culloden-mooras every one knowsis nearlfive miles from
Inver-, , y ness , and no regular order was observed by the procession from Milburn House until it had approached the moor . About a mile from the site of the monument , a halt was called and the procession re-formed . First came a band of music ; next the boys of several schools ; then the Inverness band ; the Inverness Abstinence Society , with its banners ; the Six Incorporated Trades , headed by their convener ; a deputation from the St . Duthus Lodge of Freemasons , Tain , and the Tain and
Ross Royal Arch Chapters ; a deputation from the St . Mary ' s Lodge , Inverness ; a deputation from the St . Lawrence , of Forres ; and lastly , a deputation from the St . John ' s Lodge , of Forres , constituted , pro tempore , the Provincial Grand Lodge , and decorated with the gold and other insignia of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . Bro . Bryce , Grand Tyler of the Grand Lodge of Scotland , was present , and was of great service . The procession was composed in all of three or four hundred
persons . By this time at least 2500 individuals , including many ladies , had assembled round the site of the monument , and twelve or fifteen carriages and coaches lined the road . Amongst those present we observed Mackintosh of Mackintosh , and party ; Mr . Grant , of Glenmoriston ; Mr . Mitchell , Viewhill , and party ; Mr . Mackintosh of Holm ( who wore the Highland dress ); Mr . Dun . Forbes , of Leanach ; Mr . Fraser , of Balcony ; Mrs . Dr . Nicol and Miss Nicol ; the Misses Wood , from