Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 16 of 16
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bells of the parish church rang merrily throughout the day ; and the town presented a gay and animated appearance . The Lodge of Brotherly Love , Yeovil , met at the Town-hall . The W . M . opened the lodge and received the Grand Lodge of Somerset in due form . The Rev . H . Randolphe , D . P . G . M ., in the absence of Colonel Tynte , the R . W . P . G . M ., who was suddenly called into Wales upon urgent businessoccupied the throne ; when the usual masonic business was
, gone through . The lodge was closed about three o ' clock ; and at four , the brethren , to the number of fifty , sat down to a splendid banquet at the Three Choughs' Hotel . After the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given , and many excellent speeches made ; and at nine o ' clock the brethren adjourned to the ball-room , where dancing was kept up with great spirit till four o ' clock in the morning . The decorations of the room were in keeping with the occasion . Over the
orchestra hung the Yeovil banner , representing the Ark of the Covenant , at the other end , resting on the mantle-piece , was a representation of Jacob ' s ladder , with Faith , Hope , and Charity , painted in large figures ; on the west side of the room were the four orders of architecture . Over the doors leading into the refreshment-rooms ( on scrolls ) , were painted the four cardinal virtues , Fortitude , Justice , Temperance , and Prudence , so well known to Masons . Around the room were very beautiful silk banners , representing the four banners under which the
leading divisions of the army of Israel encamped , namely , the Eagle , an () x , a Man , and a Lion . The refreshments were profuse and of the very best description , champagne flowed in abundance , indeed nothing could exceed the attention of the Stewards and the Committee of Management . We now hope that as this splendid room has been so well opened in this way by the liberality of the masonic brethren , that it will not end in one ball , but that a succession of such assemblies will be kept up and supported annually .
GUERNSEY , Dec . 6 . —The brethren met in large numbers at a new lodge-room , in Pollet-street , for the purpose of assisting in the solemn ceremony of consecration . The R . W . Bro . J . J . Hammond , the Provincial Grand Master for the provinces of Guernsey and Jersey , accompanied by the Rev . H . Orme Wood , Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Guernsey , the Rev . Frederick J . Jeremie , Provincial Grand Chaplain for Guernsey , and the officers of the Grand Lodge of Guernsey , having arrived , the warrant empowering certain brethren to form and hold a new lodge , to be called "Hammond Lodge , "
( m compliment to Bro . J . J . Hammond , P . G . M ., ) and appointing Bro . Benjamin Collenette , surgeon , W . M . thereof , having been read , the P . G . M . then performed the beautiful and solemn ceremony of consecration . In the course of the evening Bro . Collenette , as W . M . of the lodge , presented , on behalf of Mrs . Hammond , the lady of the R . W . the P . G . M . of this province , a beautiful quarto bible , bearing a suitable inscription . The labours of the lodge being over , the brethren retired to banquet , where the utmost harmony and brotherl y feeling prevailed throughout the evening .
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bells of the parish church rang merrily throughout the day ; and the town presented a gay and animated appearance . The Lodge of Brotherly Love , Yeovil , met at the Town-hall . The W . M . opened the lodge and received the Grand Lodge of Somerset in due form . The Rev . H . Randolphe , D . P . G . M ., in the absence of Colonel Tynte , the R . W . P . G . M ., who was suddenly called into Wales upon urgent businessoccupied the throne ; when the usual masonic business was
, gone through . The lodge was closed about three o ' clock ; and at four , the brethren , to the number of fifty , sat down to a splendid banquet at the Three Choughs' Hotel . After the removal of the cloth the usual loyal and masonic toasts were given , and many excellent speeches made ; and at nine o ' clock the brethren adjourned to the ball-room , where dancing was kept up with great spirit till four o ' clock in the morning . The decorations of the room were in keeping with the occasion . Over the
orchestra hung the Yeovil banner , representing the Ark of the Covenant , at the other end , resting on the mantle-piece , was a representation of Jacob ' s ladder , with Faith , Hope , and Charity , painted in large figures ; on the west side of the room were the four orders of architecture . Over the doors leading into the refreshment-rooms ( on scrolls ) , were painted the four cardinal virtues , Fortitude , Justice , Temperance , and Prudence , so well known to Masons . Around the room were very beautiful silk banners , representing the four banners under which the
leading divisions of the army of Israel encamped , namely , the Eagle , an () x , a Man , and a Lion . The refreshments were profuse and of the very best description , champagne flowed in abundance , indeed nothing could exceed the attention of the Stewards and the Committee of Management . We now hope that as this splendid room has been so well opened in this way by the liberality of the masonic brethren , that it will not end in one ball , but that a succession of such assemblies will be kept up and supported annually .
GUERNSEY , Dec . 6 . —The brethren met in large numbers at a new lodge-room , in Pollet-street , for the purpose of assisting in the solemn ceremony of consecration . The R . W . Bro . J . J . Hammond , the Provincial Grand Master for the provinces of Guernsey and Jersey , accompanied by the Rev . H . Orme Wood , Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Guernsey , the Rev . Frederick J . Jeremie , Provincial Grand Chaplain for Guernsey , and the officers of the Grand Lodge of Guernsey , having arrived , the warrant empowering certain brethren to form and hold a new lodge , to be called "Hammond Lodge , "
( m compliment to Bro . J . J . Hammond , P . G . M ., ) and appointing Bro . Benjamin Collenette , surgeon , W . M . thereof , having been read , the P . G . M . then performed the beautiful and solemn ceremony of consecration . In the course of the evening Bro . Collenette , as W . M . of the lodge , presented , on behalf of Mrs . Hammond , the lady of the R . W . the P . G . M . of this province , a beautiful quarto bible , bearing a suitable inscription . The labours of the lodge being over , the brethren retired to banquet , where the utmost harmony and brotherl y feeling prevailed throughout the evening .