Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 13 of 16 →
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selves into bands , an act of parliament was passed on the subject , and the only exception it contained was in favour of Freemasons ; a complete proof this , that government placed the most implicit confidence in the loyalty and prudence with which their lodges were conducted ; indeed we see them frequented by men of unaffected piety and undaunted patriotism ; we see them in the pulpit and in the senate defending , by their talentsthe doctrines of our religionand exemplifing in their
, , y conduct the precepts it enjoins ; we see them in the hour of danger rallying around the throne , and proffering for its safety their hearts and their arms ; we see them in the form of heroes at the head of our fleets and our armies , and the day we hope will again arrive , ( though God grant that it may be prolonged to a distant period , ) when a Freemason in the person of our own Duke , the son of our beloved Queen , and grandson of a Royal Grand Master shall sway the sceptre of these
kingdoms and fill with honour and dignity the British throne . Bro . Pearce , Treasurer and Past D . P . G . M ., proposed the thanks of the brethren to Bro . Ellis , which being duly seconded by Bro . Reginald Rogers , P . G . S . W ., was carried by acclamation . Bro . Edwards , P . G . J . W ., also proposed , and in this the brethren all joined , that the address be printed with the permission of D . P . G . M . Bro . Ellis .
SHERBORNE , Oct . 2 . —The annual assemblage of the masonic brethren of the province of Dorset took place , and held a Royal Arch Chapter at the lodge at Sherborne , under the superintendence of the most excellent Z ., Comp . W . Tucker , when two brethren were exalted to that sublime degree . On Wednesday , the 3 rd , the general annual provincial meeting was held at Shaftesbury , but owing to the very unfavourable state of the
weather , it was not quite so numerously attended as on some previous occasions . The brethren met at the Guildhall , from whence , at eleven o ' clock , they walked in their usual order of procession , preceded by the Blandford cornopean band , to the church of the Holy Trinity , where divine service was performed by the Rev . T . S . Stephens , and a very appropriate sermon preached by the Rev . Thomas Stanton , the rector , taking his text from Leviticus xix . 30 ; the P . G . Chaplain , Bro . W . J .
Percy , being prevented attending through indisposition . The musical services were most efficiently performed by an able choir , W . Storey , Esq ., skilfully presiding at the organ . At the close of the service the brethren re-formed in order of procession , and returned to the lodge , where the usual business of the Craft was performed , and the following officers were appointed for the ensuing year : —Rev . G . F . St . John , Prov . G . S . W . ( 459 ); Sir John De la Pole ,
Prov . G . J . W . ; Sir Edward Baker , Prov . G . Registrar , ( 459 ) ; Rev . W . J . Percy , Prov . G . Chaplain , ( 469 ); W . Hannen , Prov . G . Treas ., ( 694 ) ; J . Jacob , Prov . G . Sec . ; Jos . Maunders , Prov . G . S . D ., ( 199 ); W . White , Prov . G . J . D ., ( 459 ) ; G . M . Roberts , Prov . G . Dir . Cer . ; J . Davis , Assist . Prov . G . Dir . Cer ., ( 694 ); Edward Hodges , Prov . G . Sup . Works , ( 199 ) ; C . J . Stone , Prov . G . Sword Bearer , ( 160 ); H . CousensFirst Prov . G . Standard Bearer ( 640 ); T . MilesSecond
, , , Prov . G . Standard Bearer , ( 694 ); G . Pulman , Prov . G . Organist , ( 802 ); J . Davis , Prov . G . Pursuivant , ( 160 ) . Stewards—J . Pitman , Charles Down , ( 459 \ Charles Charlton , J . J . Child , Mark Woodcock , Thos . Denham , ( 694 ) . A Charge was delivered by the P . G . M ., Bro . Tucker , of Coryton Park , which will be found at page 339 .
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selves into bands , an act of parliament was passed on the subject , and the only exception it contained was in favour of Freemasons ; a complete proof this , that government placed the most implicit confidence in the loyalty and prudence with which their lodges were conducted ; indeed we see them frequented by men of unaffected piety and undaunted patriotism ; we see them in the pulpit and in the senate defending , by their talentsthe doctrines of our religionand exemplifing in their
, , y conduct the precepts it enjoins ; we see them in the hour of danger rallying around the throne , and proffering for its safety their hearts and their arms ; we see them in the form of heroes at the head of our fleets and our armies , and the day we hope will again arrive , ( though God grant that it may be prolonged to a distant period , ) when a Freemason in the person of our own Duke , the son of our beloved Queen , and grandson of a Royal Grand Master shall sway the sceptre of these
kingdoms and fill with honour and dignity the British throne . Bro . Pearce , Treasurer and Past D . P . G . M ., proposed the thanks of the brethren to Bro . Ellis , which being duly seconded by Bro . Reginald Rogers , P . G . S . W ., was carried by acclamation . Bro . Edwards , P . G . J . W ., also proposed , and in this the brethren all joined , that the address be printed with the permission of D . P . G . M . Bro . Ellis .
SHERBORNE , Oct . 2 . —The annual assemblage of the masonic brethren of the province of Dorset took place , and held a Royal Arch Chapter at the lodge at Sherborne , under the superintendence of the most excellent Z ., Comp . W . Tucker , when two brethren were exalted to that sublime degree . On Wednesday , the 3 rd , the general annual provincial meeting was held at Shaftesbury , but owing to the very unfavourable state of the
weather , it was not quite so numerously attended as on some previous occasions . The brethren met at the Guildhall , from whence , at eleven o ' clock , they walked in their usual order of procession , preceded by the Blandford cornopean band , to the church of the Holy Trinity , where divine service was performed by the Rev . T . S . Stephens , and a very appropriate sermon preached by the Rev . Thomas Stanton , the rector , taking his text from Leviticus xix . 30 ; the P . G . Chaplain , Bro . W . J .
Percy , being prevented attending through indisposition . The musical services were most efficiently performed by an able choir , W . Storey , Esq ., skilfully presiding at the organ . At the close of the service the brethren re-formed in order of procession , and returned to the lodge , where the usual business of the Craft was performed , and the following officers were appointed for the ensuing year : —Rev . G . F . St . John , Prov . G . S . W . ( 459 ); Sir John De la Pole ,
Prov . G . J . W . ; Sir Edward Baker , Prov . G . Registrar , ( 459 ) ; Rev . W . J . Percy , Prov . G . Chaplain , ( 469 ); W . Hannen , Prov . G . Treas ., ( 694 ) ; J . Jacob , Prov . G . Sec . ; Jos . Maunders , Prov . G . S . D ., ( 199 ); W . White , Prov . G . J . D ., ( 459 ) ; G . M . Roberts , Prov . G . Dir . Cer . ; J . Davis , Assist . Prov . G . Dir . Cer ., ( 694 ); Edward Hodges , Prov . G . Sup . Works , ( 199 ) ; C . J . Stone , Prov . G . Sword Bearer , ( 160 ); H . CousensFirst Prov . G . Standard Bearer ( 640 ); T . MilesSecond
, , , Prov . G . Standard Bearer , ( 694 ); G . Pulman , Prov . G . Organist , ( 802 ); J . Davis , Prov . G . Pursuivant , ( 160 ) . Stewards—J . Pitman , Charles Down , ( 459 \ Charles Charlton , J . J . Child , Mark Woodcock , Thos . Denham , ( 694 ) . A Charge was delivered by the P . G . M ., Bro . Tucker , of Coryton Park , which will be found at page 339 .