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The High Degrees Of Freemasonry.
Grand Lodge was opened at Boston , A . v . 1733 , by a charter granted by Lord : Montague , Grand Master of England . Within thirty years of that time-the eminent degrees were under proper authority in the New World ; for at a grand consistory of the Princes of the Royal Secret , in 1761 , the illustrious Bro . Morin was appointed Inspector General for the New . World , and received a patent from Chaillon de Joinville , at that time Substitute General of the Order . This patent is still in existenceand
, a copy of it in the archives of the Supreme Council of Grand Inspectors General for England and Wales ; On the grand confirrriation of the Masonic constitutions in 1762 , as above detailed , Morin was confirmed in his authority , and he had the honour of seeing triumphant in the New World tlie pure system of the ancient and accepted rite , as proclaimed by those constitutions . He appointed Deputy Inspectors General throughout several of the states of North America .
Frederick , King of Prussia , continued at the head of the Order until his death ; and by the support and countenance given by him to the same , it acquired a great influence . Much anxiety was felt as to the appointment of his successor . It was seen that if the influence thus obtained were'turned to improper political purposes , much evil would ensue . To prevent any such disastrous result , the great Frederick established the thirty-thirdand lastdegree ; the object of which was
, , , anil is , that the supreme power should not be in the hands of an individual , but in that of-a distinct council in all sovereign states . , For that purpose , the Supreme Council of the thirty-third degree was duly and lawfully established at the Grand East of Berlin , on the 1 st of May , A . i ) . 1786 ; at which Supreme Council was present , in person ; his most
august Majesty Frederick the Second , King of Prussia , most puissant Grand Commander . The constitutions and regulations for the government of the eminent degrees , were submitted for solemn ratification , and became the irrevocable and unchanging constitutions of the Order . By these constitutions , the legal appointment of four Grand Inspectors General is pointed out with precision , any deviation from which would render the appointment invalid . The fifth section providesthat each
, Supreme Council of the thirty-third degree is to be composed of nine Inspectors General ; that but one council of this degree should exist in each of the sovereign states of Europe , and two in the states of America , as remote from each other as possible . For the purpose of forming this united Council , as it were , for the whole world , it was specially provided that no Supreme Council could befcrmed , except the Brother receiving
the deputation for that purpose was a member of the Supreme Council giving the deputation , under . legal and proper authority so appointed . Brethren who took their Masonic rank from patents from Morin , established the two Supreme Councils now existing in the United States of America , both of which have been now flourishing there for the last half century . Thatfor the northern division and jurisdiction have their Grand East at the city of New York , and that for the Southern division and jurisdiction at Charlestown ; South Carolina . It is from authority
received from the southern division that the Supreme Council for the . ' thirty-third degree' for' Ireland Is legalized . - The northern'division has had the honour of establishing the Supreme Council for England and Wales arid the dependencies of the British crown . It was intended in this paper to showHie'present state of the eminent 1 ' degrees' oil thc Contineritof Europe , and to have pointed to the character ' aiitT position of the exalted Brethren through whose support . they are
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The High Degrees Of Freemasonry.
Grand Lodge was opened at Boston , A . v . 1733 , by a charter granted by Lord : Montague , Grand Master of England . Within thirty years of that time-the eminent degrees were under proper authority in the New World ; for at a grand consistory of the Princes of the Royal Secret , in 1761 , the illustrious Bro . Morin was appointed Inspector General for the New . World , and received a patent from Chaillon de Joinville , at that time Substitute General of the Order . This patent is still in existenceand
, a copy of it in the archives of the Supreme Council of Grand Inspectors General for England and Wales ; On the grand confirrriation of the Masonic constitutions in 1762 , as above detailed , Morin was confirmed in his authority , and he had the honour of seeing triumphant in the New World tlie pure system of the ancient and accepted rite , as proclaimed by those constitutions . He appointed Deputy Inspectors General throughout several of the states of North America .
Frederick , King of Prussia , continued at the head of the Order until his death ; and by the support and countenance given by him to the same , it acquired a great influence . Much anxiety was felt as to the appointment of his successor . It was seen that if the influence thus obtained were'turned to improper political purposes , much evil would ensue . To prevent any such disastrous result , the great Frederick established the thirty-thirdand lastdegree ; the object of which was
, , , anil is , that the supreme power should not be in the hands of an individual , but in that of-a distinct council in all sovereign states . , For that purpose , the Supreme Council of the thirty-third degree was duly and lawfully established at the Grand East of Berlin , on the 1 st of May , A . i ) . 1786 ; at which Supreme Council was present , in person ; his most
august Majesty Frederick the Second , King of Prussia , most puissant Grand Commander . The constitutions and regulations for the government of the eminent degrees , were submitted for solemn ratification , and became the irrevocable and unchanging constitutions of the Order . By these constitutions , the legal appointment of four Grand Inspectors General is pointed out with precision , any deviation from which would render the appointment invalid . The fifth section providesthat each
, Supreme Council of the thirty-third degree is to be composed of nine Inspectors General ; that but one council of this degree should exist in each of the sovereign states of Europe , and two in the states of America , as remote from each other as possible . For the purpose of forming this united Council , as it were , for the whole world , it was specially provided that no Supreme Council could befcrmed , except the Brother receiving
the deputation for that purpose was a member of the Supreme Council giving the deputation , under . legal and proper authority so appointed . Brethren who took their Masonic rank from patents from Morin , established the two Supreme Councils now existing in the United States of America , both of which have been now flourishing there for the last half century . Thatfor the northern division and jurisdiction have their Grand East at the city of New York , and that for the Southern division and jurisdiction at Charlestown ; South Carolina . It is from authority
received from the southern division that the Supreme Council for the . ' thirty-third degree' for' Ireland Is legalized . - The northern'division has had the honour of establishing the Supreme Council for England and Wales arid the dependencies of the British crown . It was intended in this paper to showHie'present state of the eminent 1 ' degrees' oil thc Contineritof Europe , and to have pointed to the character ' aiitT position of the exalted Brethren through whose support . they are