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Madras, Nellore, And Arcot Railway Company.
SOME of our readers may probably express surprise that we should venture on the subject of railways after the explosion of the " Bubble Mania , "but that very result has settled our opinion ; and now that a check—ancl we hope an effectual one—has been put on those delusive schemes , that have proved as ruinous on the one hand as disgraceful on the other , we can with the better expectation endeavour to direct such
of our readers as may feel a desire to winnow the wheat from the chaff , to examine into the Indian railways generally , and to the Madras , Nellore , and Arcotin particular , assuring them that , from the first germ of its existence , the greatest care has been taken to avoid any sudden and startling effects—that every day ' s experience has proved how well justified its conductors are in their conceptions , and on what well-grounded
data they are proceeding to accomplish great ends . As it will be impossible to devote sufficient space to this subject , we cannot do better than direct attention to the circular , which will be found appended to this number .
No one whose thoughts travel fox the benefit of others can uoubt the reality of the great means by which worlds are brought into social compact with worlds . Hitherto the camel has been known as the ship of the desert ; " a century hence , and that most useful animal will become a nondescript of the age . The overland passage is now the wonder of the day , but how greatly will its importance be enhanced when
the railway shall bring its advantages to the countless cities of the various empires of the East ! If our opinion has been slow in development , it is because we felt hesitation in touching on what we were comparatively ignorant of—but now , when the mists of delusion and snare are cleared away , we can look on the sunshine which projects ( gigantic though they be ) present , because they are fraught with intelligence ,
and bave for their object such clear and striking advantages for the Eastern nations . War has subjected many Eastern kingdoms to the British rule—let peace finish the work ; and let us not be content with emulating the Romans in their polity by making roads for the transit of armies—let us give the subjects of India the advantages of railways to carry their produce in any quantity to its destined port , instead of ,
as now , encountering the tedious difficulty of space and time . In recommending " Railways" to our Anglo-Indian readers , we beg to be clearly understood that we consider them to possess vast powers of con-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Madras, Nellore, And Arcot Railway Company.
SOME of our readers may probably express surprise that we should venture on the subject of railways after the explosion of the " Bubble Mania , "but that very result has settled our opinion ; and now that a check—ancl we hope an effectual one—has been put on those delusive schemes , that have proved as ruinous on the one hand as disgraceful on the other , we can with the better expectation endeavour to direct such
of our readers as may feel a desire to winnow the wheat from the chaff , to examine into the Indian railways generally , and to the Madras , Nellore , and Arcotin particular , assuring them that , from the first germ of its existence , the greatest care has been taken to avoid any sudden and startling effects—that every day ' s experience has proved how well justified its conductors are in their conceptions , and on what well-grounded
data they are proceeding to accomplish great ends . As it will be impossible to devote sufficient space to this subject , we cannot do better than direct attention to the circular , which will be found appended to this number .
No one whose thoughts travel fox the benefit of others can uoubt the reality of the great means by which worlds are brought into social compact with worlds . Hitherto the camel has been known as the ship of the desert ; " a century hence , and that most useful animal will become a nondescript of the age . The overland passage is now the wonder of the day , but how greatly will its importance be enhanced when
the railway shall bring its advantages to the countless cities of the various empires of the East ! If our opinion has been slow in development , it is because we felt hesitation in touching on what we were comparatively ignorant of—but now , when the mists of delusion and snare are cleared away , we can look on the sunshine which projects ( gigantic though they be ) present , because they are fraught with intelligence ,
and bave for their object such clear and striking advantages for the Eastern nations . War has subjected many Eastern kingdoms to the British rule—let peace finish the work ; and let us not be content with emulating the Romans in their polity by making roads for the transit of armies—let us give the subjects of India the advantages of railways to carry their produce in any quantity to its destined port , instead of ,
as now , encountering the tedious difficulty of space and time . In recommending " Railways" to our Anglo-Indian readers , we beg to be clearly understood that we consider them to possess vast powers of con-