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forgiving ; a friend to the distressed and afflicted , ever ready to succour the needy with his purse , or the careworn with his counsel , not merely limiting his aid to the " enlightened few . " He was invited in 1844 to lay the foundation stone ofthe Royal South Hants Infirmary , " on which occasion the influence of his Masonic character and his private worth drew together an assemblage of Masons never out-numbered in Southampton : in that procession joined the corporation , the clergy , the
ministers of all sects , the inhabitants of all grades , and the governors of the Infirmary . This was the last public act ofthe worthy Brother , but it was one inexpressibly dear to his heart , and cheered him to the last hour of his afflictions . Bro . Trew has left a widow ancl six daughters to mourn his loss ; he was an indulgent parent , and a kind ancl faithful husband , with high spirits and great conversational powers to charm and enliven the society of many happy circles , yet never giving a smile the less at home . " May he rest in peace . "
Oct . 8 . —In the Albany , at . 68 , Bro . John Ramsbottom , for thirtyfive years one of the representatives in Parliament . of the borough of Windsor . { Fide page -113 ) . Oct . 12 . —At Highgate , ret . 53 , Joseph Ferdinand Taafe , Count of the Empire , Knight of the Order of St . John of Jerusalem , great grandson of Nicholas VI ., Viscount and cousin of Francis VIII ., and present Viscount Taafe in the peerage of Ireland , Count of the Empire . The deceased was initialed a few years since in the Burlington Lodge , and was liberal as to his means . Severe disappointments affected his spirits , nervous debility ensued , and he sunk gradually under its effects .
Oct . 19 . —At his residence in Aldermanbury Postern , Bro . Robert Timothy Hall , cet . 57 . Hishealth had , long been undermined by nervous debility , arising from a disease of the heart . He was installed in the Tuscan Lodge , of which he became Master , and as such was most hospitable ; he served the office of Grand Steward , and also as Steward for the Schools and the Asylum ; was installed as Masonic Knight Templar , and Rose Croix , in the Cross of Christ Encampment . He was a very diffident , but a very upright and liberal man ; fearful of offending those in authority , but most anxious to support the reform so much needed in the Order .
Nov . 1 . —BRO . THOMAS MOORE . —In recording the decease of the late Bro . Thomas Moore , P . J . Grand Deacon , who died at his residence , 5 , Dorset Square , cet . 73 , it will be necessary for us to bear in mind that , in addition to the honourable station which he held in the Grand Lodge , the Craft at large cannot forget the more distinguished position whicli he held for so many years , and with such advantage to the Institution and honour to himself , the office of Treasurer to the Royal Masonic
Institution for Boys . Bro . Moore was , we believe , initiated in the Prince of AVales' Lodge , in the year 1812 , and was honoured by receiving the appointment Of Deputy Master under the Duke of Clarence ( his " late Majesty AVilliam IV . ) in the year I 82 S , previous to which period , however , he had obtained the rank of Worshipful Master in the Castle Lodge of Harmony , to which he contributed as a member for very man y years . Bro . Moore also held the office of Treasurer in the Lodge of Antiquity for several years : he served as Grand Steward , and was , we believe , President of the Board , but did not join the Grand Steward ' s Lodge .
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forgiving ; a friend to the distressed and afflicted , ever ready to succour the needy with his purse , or the careworn with his counsel , not merely limiting his aid to the " enlightened few . " He was invited in 1844 to lay the foundation stone ofthe Royal South Hants Infirmary , " on which occasion the influence of his Masonic character and his private worth drew together an assemblage of Masons never out-numbered in Southampton : in that procession joined the corporation , the clergy , the
ministers of all sects , the inhabitants of all grades , and the governors of the Infirmary . This was the last public act ofthe worthy Brother , but it was one inexpressibly dear to his heart , and cheered him to the last hour of his afflictions . Bro . Trew has left a widow ancl six daughters to mourn his loss ; he was an indulgent parent , and a kind ancl faithful husband , with high spirits and great conversational powers to charm and enliven the society of many happy circles , yet never giving a smile the less at home . " May he rest in peace . "
Oct . 8 . —In the Albany , at . 68 , Bro . John Ramsbottom , for thirtyfive years one of the representatives in Parliament . of the borough of Windsor . { Fide page -113 ) . Oct . 12 . —At Highgate , ret . 53 , Joseph Ferdinand Taafe , Count of the Empire , Knight of the Order of St . John of Jerusalem , great grandson of Nicholas VI ., Viscount and cousin of Francis VIII ., and present Viscount Taafe in the peerage of Ireland , Count of the Empire . The deceased was initialed a few years since in the Burlington Lodge , and was liberal as to his means . Severe disappointments affected his spirits , nervous debility ensued , and he sunk gradually under its effects .
Oct . 19 . —At his residence in Aldermanbury Postern , Bro . Robert Timothy Hall , cet . 57 . Hishealth had , long been undermined by nervous debility , arising from a disease of the heart . He was installed in the Tuscan Lodge , of which he became Master , and as such was most hospitable ; he served the office of Grand Steward , and also as Steward for the Schools and the Asylum ; was installed as Masonic Knight Templar , and Rose Croix , in the Cross of Christ Encampment . He was a very diffident , but a very upright and liberal man ; fearful of offending those in authority , but most anxious to support the reform so much needed in the Order .
Nov . 1 . —BRO . THOMAS MOORE . —In recording the decease of the late Bro . Thomas Moore , P . J . Grand Deacon , who died at his residence , 5 , Dorset Square , cet . 73 , it will be necessary for us to bear in mind that , in addition to the honourable station which he held in the Grand Lodge , the Craft at large cannot forget the more distinguished position whicli he held for so many years , and with such advantage to the Institution and honour to himself , the office of Treasurer to the Royal Masonic
Institution for Boys . Bro . Moore was , we believe , initiated in the Prince of AVales' Lodge , in the year 1812 , and was honoured by receiving the appointment Of Deputy Master under the Duke of Clarence ( his " late Majesty AVilliam IV . ) in the year I 82 S , previous to which period , however , he had obtained the rank of Worshipful Master in the Castle Lodge of Harmony , to which he contributed as a member for very man y years . Bro . Moore also held the office of Treasurer in the Lodge of Antiquity for several years : he served as Grand Steward , and was , we believe , President of the Board , but did not join the Grand Steward ' s Lodge .