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Obituary .
Decease of another aged Annuitant ofthe Asylum . Sept . 2 fi . —BRO . GEORGE COLCOTT , the father of London Masons , cet . 83 . —He was of very humble origin ; apprenticed to the silk trade ; impressed into the navy in 1780 ; drafted on hoard the Belligerant Gl . ; discharged in 1783 , at the close of the American war . He then , for a short time , worked at the silk trade , and afterwards assisted his uncle and cousin as house-joiners to the Bank of Englandbut becoming
, afflicted with a palpitation of the heart , he left them after seven years service , and resumed his own business until his employers retired . Bro . Adams , a feather merchant , knowing his integrity ancl his competency for clerkship , as he wrote an excellent hand , took him into his countinghouse , where he continued for seven years , when he was most severely attacked by rheumatism , and was ever after incapable of doing anything for himself ; his master allowed him 7 s . 6 c / . a-weekbutfalling himself
, , into misfortune , was compelled to discontinue his generosity . Bro . Colcott was initiated in the Kent Lodge , No . 15 , in January , 1794 , and exalted in 1805 ; went through every office ; he was much esteemed by Bro . Herron , P . S . G . AV ., of the Athol Society ; he served the Lodge of Prosperity for thirty , ancl the Kent Lodge for upwards of forty years , as secretary , for which service he derived a very small emolument . He was elected on the Asylum Fund , and subsequently
also on the Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund . Connected with his election on the latter is the following incident . Being informed that his acceptance of the Asylum pension would bar his claim to the Benevolent Annuity Fund , he told his grief to Bro . Peter Thomson , who , although he had ceased to support the Asylum , could not as easily throw aside the claims of thirty years friendship , and declaring that , if the petition was rejected , he would revolt from the Annuity Fund ancl resume his allegiance to the Asylum ; the threat , or a better spirit , or both perhaps , succeeded , and the latter days of Bro . George Colcott were past in comparative comfort .
Sept . 25 . —The mortal remains of Charles Woodhead , Esq ., were committed to their last resting place , in St . Bartholomew ' s church , Meltham , with Masonic honours , in accordance with the dying wish of the departed Brother . The Brethren at Meltbam and from Huddersfield , having obtained dispensation from the Deputy Prov . Grand Master , ( Charles Lee , Esq . ) appeared in Masonic clothing and costume , and seemed to ponder on the lesson which Freemasonry teaches them , that , though the prince or the peer may pride himself in his dignities , and the statesman or the scholar may glory in his attainments , in the grave , whither we are all wending , all are on the "Level . "
Oct . 1 . —THOMAS TREIV , Esq , of Southampton , aged 44 . The deceased was the Manager of the Hampshire Banking Company , ancl had gained the esteem and regard of the whole community ; he was likewise an able and indefatigable Mason , beloved by the Brethren of the Province to which he had long been Past Grand Treasurer ; also a Past Master of Lodges No . 152 , " Southampton , ancl 462 , Romsey—of the latter , on several occasions , as early as twenty years since ; a Past Z . of the Royal Gloucester Chapter , and a member of the Royal Grand Encampment . Bro . Trew was essentially a Mason ; charitable , kind , anil VOL . HI . 3 Q
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Obituary .
Decease of another aged Annuitant ofthe Asylum . Sept . 2 fi . —BRO . GEORGE COLCOTT , the father of London Masons , cet . 83 . —He was of very humble origin ; apprenticed to the silk trade ; impressed into the navy in 1780 ; drafted on hoard the Belligerant Gl . ; discharged in 1783 , at the close of the American war . He then , for a short time , worked at the silk trade , and afterwards assisted his uncle and cousin as house-joiners to the Bank of Englandbut becoming
, afflicted with a palpitation of the heart , he left them after seven years service , and resumed his own business until his employers retired . Bro . Adams , a feather merchant , knowing his integrity ancl his competency for clerkship , as he wrote an excellent hand , took him into his countinghouse , where he continued for seven years , when he was most severely attacked by rheumatism , and was ever after incapable of doing anything for himself ; his master allowed him 7 s . 6 c / . a-weekbutfalling himself
, , into misfortune , was compelled to discontinue his generosity . Bro . Colcott was initiated in the Kent Lodge , No . 15 , in January , 1794 , and exalted in 1805 ; went through every office ; he was much esteemed by Bro . Herron , P . S . G . AV ., of the Athol Society ; he served the Lodge of Prosperity for thirty , ancl the Kent Lodge for upwards of forty years , as secretary , for which service he derived a very small emolument . He was elected on the Asylum Fund , and subsequently
also on the Masonic Benevolent Annuity Fund . Connected with his election on the latter is the following incident . Being informed that his acceptance of the Asylum pension would bar his claim to the Benevolent Annuity Fund , he told his grief to Bro . Peter Thomson , who , although he had ceased to support the Asylum , could not as easily throw aside the claims of thirty years friendship , and declaring that , if the petition was rejected , he would revolt from the Annuity Fund ancl resume his allegiance to the Asylum ; the threat , or a better spirit , or both perhaps , succeeded , and the latter days of Bro . George Colcott were past in comparative comfort .
Sept . 25 . —The mortal remains of Charles Woodhead , Esq ., were committed to their last resting place , in St . Bartholomew ' s church , Meltham , with Masonic honours , in accordance with the dying wish of the departed Brother . The Brethren at Meltbam and from Huddersfield , having obtained dispensation from the Deputy Prov . Grand Master , ( Charles Lee , Esq . ) appeared in Masonic clothing and costume , and seemed to ponder on the lesson which Freemasonry teaches them , that , though the prince or the peer may pride himself in his dignities , and the statesman or the scholar may glory in his attainments , in the grave , whither we are all wending , all are on the "Level . "
Oct . 1 . —THOMAS TREIV , Esq , of Southampton , aged 44 . The deceased was the Manager of the Hampshire Banking Company , ancl had gained the esteem and regard of the whole community ; he was likewise an able and indefatigable Mason , beloved by the Brethren of the Province to which he had long been Past Grand Treasurer ; also a Past Master of Lodges No . 152 , " Southampton , ancl 462 , Romsey—of the latter , on several occasions , as early as twenty years since ; a Past Z . of the Royal Gloucester Chapter , and a member of the Royal Grand Encampment . Bro . Trew was essentially a Mason ; charitable , kind , anil VOL . HI . 3 Q