Article MASONIC CHIT CHAT. ← Page 3 of 3
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Masonic Chit Chat.
Craft in that city and county , ancl check his rambling propensities , ivhich he was about to resume . DANIEL DE FOE ' ESTIMATE OF 1 VOMK > .. —His rare and high opinion of women had given him a just contempt for the female training of his time . He could not think , he said , that God ever made them so delicate , so glorious creatures , to be only stewards of our houses , cooks , and
slaves . " A woman well-bred and well-taught , furnished with the additional accomplishments of knowledge and behaviour , is a creature without comparison . Her society is the emblem of sublimer enjoyments ; she is all softness and sweetness , love , wit , and delight . "
DEFINITION OP A LOW-BRED WOMAN . —One who stays at home , takes care of her children , and never meddles with tbe business of her neighbours . Species almost extinct . —American Paper . MARRIAGES . —Marriage of Earl Howe , the Deputy Grand Master of England , with the Hon . Miss Gore , at Witley . —On the Sth Oct . Earl Howe was married to the Hon . Anne Gore , maid of honour to her Majesty Queen Adelaideand daughter of the late AdmiralSir John
, . Gore . The ceremony took place at AVitley Church , in the presence of Queen Adelaide , her Majesty ' s sister the Duchess Icla of Saxe AVeimar , the Princesses Anna and Amelia of Saxe Weimar ,, the Marquis ancl Marchioness of Worcester , Colonel and Mrs . Stuart , Viscount Curzon , the Honourable Capt . Curzon , the Hon . W . Curzon , the Hon .,, Leicester Curzon , Lady Gme , Miss Maria Gore , Captain Montague , R . N ., ancl Captain James Montague , R . N ., and Sir David Davies .
Shortly , after eleven o ' clock . the bridal ' , party proceeded from AVitley Court to the church adjoining , where the . solemn . ceremony was performed in a most impressive manner by the Rev .. J [ .. 'R . Wood , canon - of Worcester Cathedral , and chaplain to her Majesty Queen Adelaide ,, assisted by the Rev . T . Pearson , rector of AAltley . The fair bride ( who was splendidly yet chastely attired for the occasion ) was given . away by Colonel AVroughton ; and the bridesmaids were Miss Maria
Gore and the youthful ladies Adelaide and Amelia Curzon . At the conclusion of the ceremony the Queen advanced to the newly-made bride and saluted her affectionately , as also did the Duchess of Saxe AVeimar , ancl of course congratulations were general . On the party retiring to the drawing-room of the mansion , a most splendid dejeuner was served up by Mr . Bodie , confectioner to her Majesty Queen Adelaidein a style which could'not be excelledabout twenty-four
sal-, ; down to this elegant repast . Shortly after one ^ o ' clock , the Noble Earl ; with his beautiful bride , left AVitley Court in a carriage ancl four , for his Lordship ' s noble seat , Gopsall Hal ! , Leicestershire . Among ; the Queen ' s household the most cordial festivity reigned , from the stewards' - room down to the servants' hall , until the evening ; and the health ofthe happy pair was toasted again ancl again .
Oct . 18—At St . Pancras , Mr . G . J . Reynolds , of Dalston , to Kate , Lucy , daughter of Bro . Morley Chubb , of Judd-place , Euston-square .., Nov . 6 . —At St . George ' s , Hanover square , the Hon . . Captain James Lindsay , second son of the Earl and Countess of Balearr . es , - ' . led to the ; hymeneal altar the beautiful Lady Sarah Elizabeth Savill , only daughter , of the Earl of Mexbbrough , Provincial G . 'M . for'West'Yorkshire . ;' ^; Nov . 20 . —Brother Robert llcniiman , P . M ., No . 327 , to"Mis-r Stacey , of Taunton . ' u . u-. i . i
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Masonic Chit Chat.
Craft in that city and county , ancl check his rambling propensities , ivhich he was about to resume . DANIEL DE FOE ' ESTIMATE OF 1 VOMK > .. —His rare and high opinion of women had given him a just contempt for the female training of his time . He could not think , he said , that God ever made them so delicate , so glorious creatures , to be only stewards of our houses , cooks , and
slaves . " A woman well-bred and well-taught , furnished with the additional accomplishments of knowledge and behaviour , is a creature without comparison . Her society is the emblem of sublimer enjoyments ; she is all softness and sweetness , love , wit , and delight . "
DEFINITION OP A LOW-BRED WOMAN . —One who stays at home , takes care of her children , and never meddles with tbe business of her neighbours . Species almost extinct . —American Paper . MARRIAGES . —Marriage of Earl Howe , the Deputy Grand Master of England , with the Hon . Miss Gore , at Witley . —On the Sth Oct . Earl Howe was married to the Hon . Anne Gore , maid of honour to her Majesty Queen Adelaideand daughter of the late AdmiralSir John
, . Gore . The ceremony took place at AVitley Church , in the presence of Queen Adelaide , her Majesty ' s sister the Duchess Icla of Saxe AVeimar , the Princesses Anna and Amelia of Saxe Weimar ,, the Marquis ancl Marchioness of Worcester , Colonel and Mrs . Stuart , Viscount Curzon , the Honourable Capt . Curzon , the Hon . W . Curzon , the Hon .,, Leicester Curzon , Lady Gme , Miss Maria Gore , Captain Montague , R . N ., ancl Captain James Montague , R . N ., and Sir David Davies .
Shortly , after eleven o ' clock . the bridal ' , party proceeded from AVitley Court to the church adjoining , where the . solemn . ceremony was performed in a most impressive manner by the Rev .. J [ .. 'R . Wood , canon - of Worcester Cathedral , and chaplain to her Majesty Queen Adelaide ,, assisted by the Rev . T . Pearson , rector of AAltley . The fair bride ( who was splendidly yet chastely attired for the occasion ) was given . away by Colonel AVroughton ; and the bridesmaids were Miss Maria
Gore and the youthful ladies Adelaide and Amelia Curzon . At the conclusion of the ceremony the Queen advanced to the newly-made bride and saluted her affectionately , as also did the Duchess of Saxe AVeimar , ancl of course congratulations were general . On the party retiring to the drawing-room of the mansion , a most splendid dejeuner was served up by Mr . Bodie , confectioner to her Majesty Queen Adelaidein a style which could'not be excelledabout twenty-four
sal-, ; down to this elegant repast . Shortly after one ^ o ' clock , the Noble Earl ; with his beautiful bride , left AVitley Court in a carriage ancl four , for his Lordship ' s noble seat , Gopsall Hal ! , Leicestershire . Among ; the Queen ' s household the most cordial festivity reigned , from the stewards' - room down to the servants' hall , until the evening ; and the health ofthe happy pair was toasted again ancl again .
Oct . 18—At St . Pancras , Mr . G . J . Reynolds , of Dalston , to Kate , Lucy , daughter of Bro . Morley Chubb , of Judd-place , Euston-square .., Nov . 6 . —At St . George ' s , Hanover square , the Hon . . Captain James Lindsay , second son of the Earl and Countess of Balearr . es , - ' . led to the ; hymeneal altar the beautiful Lady Sarah Elizabeth Savill , only daughter , of the Earl of Mexbbrough , Provincial G . 'M . for'West'Yorkshire . ;' ^; Nov . 20 . —Brother Robert llcniiman , P . M ., No . 327 , to"Mis-r Stacey , of Taunton . ' u . u-. i . i