Article MASONIC CHIT CHAT. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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Masonic Chit Chat.
only by a single vote of a majority . He has subsequently conducted himself so admirably , in reconciling existing differences , inviting all to his winter balls and his summer fetes , that on his retirement in November , a service of plate , value 800 / ., was presented to him by his grateful fellow-townsmen .
PERSIAN IDEA OF FREEMASONRY . — In the morning we received a visit from the Governor ; who seemed rather a dull person , though very polite ancl civil . He asked a great many questions regarding the Feramoosh Khoneh , as they call the Freemasons' Hall in London ; which is a complete mystery to all the Persians who have heard of it . Very often the first question we have been asked is , " AVhat do they do at the Feramoosh Khoneh ? AVhat is it ? " They generally believe it to be a
most wonderful place , where a man may acquire in one clay the wisdom of a thousand years of study ; but every one has his own peculiar conjectures concerning it . Some of the Persians who went to England became Freemasons ; and their friends complain that they will not tell what they saw at the hall , and cannot conceive why they should all be uncommunicative . —Holmes ' s Sketches on the Shores ofthe Caspian .
THE MASONIC SISTERHOOD . —The Sisters of the Fraternity in the city of New York , in unison with those in Brooklyn , are strongly in favour of getting a fair to be held about Christmas , for the benefit of the Asylum Fund of the Grand Lodge . The proposition is received by the Brethren with great good humour , and they meet the benevolent design with another proposition , which is , to close the fair on St . John ' s Day , and wind up with a family party , in which probably a thousand Brothers and Sisters may be brought together , and partake of a supper and ball . AA e think the ladies who promote this object may well be called Sisters . —American Masonic Register . —r _ Sueh women bless the cause they support . —Ed . F . Q . R 71
LIBRARY OP THE LATE DR . HERSCHAL . —This excellent library , consisting of upwards of 4 , 000 Hebrew volumes , among which there are many very rare and valuable booksand manuscripts , collected by our / chief rabbi , his father , and grandfather , has just been bought by the committee of the Hebrew College , for that establishment , for the very low sum of 300 / . AVe hope this valuable library will be soon arranged ancl catalogued , so that students desirous of information may have no hindrance in gaining access to its treasures . —Jewish Chronicle .
BROTHER OJ / E BULL . —It is understood that Brother Ole Bull has promised to give a concert for the benefit of the Asylum Fund , and that he is preparing a new and appropriate piece of music for the occasion ; but we are not informed when it is to take place . —American Masonic Register . —[ AVe hope to catch Brother Ole Bull on his return to England , and to prevail upon him to delight the London Brethren on ' a similar occasion . After the Asylum has been fiddling to a sad tune in Chanceryon the horns of a dilemmafrom which it has just escaped
, , , 'the horn ' s of such a Bull will be just the sort of music suited to the case . —Ed . F . Q . R . ] - " ¦ . ' '• 'Our Brother Goodacre , of Lincoln , Assistant P . G . Director of Cere-1 'iiioiliesfor thatprovince , has been elected Secretary to the Lincolnshire "'JMiiaticAsylum ; this appointment will keep his usefid services for the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Chit Chat.
only by a single vote of a majority . He has subsequently conducted himself so admirably , in reconciling existing differences , inviting all to his winter balls and his summer fetes , that on his retirement in November , a service of plate , value 800 / ., was presented to him by his grateful fellow-townsmen .
PERSIAN IDEA OF FREEMASONRY . — In the morning we received a visit from the Governor ; who seemed rather a dull person , though very polite ancl civil . He asked a great many questions regarding the Feramoosh Khoneh , as they call the Freemasons' Hall in London ; which is a complete mystery to all the Persians who have heard of it . Very often the first question we have been asked is , " AVhat do they do at the Feramoosh Khoneh ? AVhat is it ? " They generally believe it to be a
most wonderful place , where a man may acquire in one clay the wisdom of a thousand years of study ; but every one has his own peculiar conjectures concerning it . Some of the Persians who went to England became Freemasons ; and their friends complain that they will not tell what they saw at the hall , and cannot conceive why they should all be uncommunicative . —Holmes ' s Sketches on the Shores ofthe Caspian .
THE MASONIC SISTERHOOD . —The Sisters of the Fraternity in the city of New York , in unison with those in Brooklyn , are strongly in favour of getting a fair to be held about Christmas , for the benefit of the Asylum Fund of the Grand Lodge . The proposition is received by the Brethren with great good humour , and they meet the benevolent design with another proposition , which is , to close the fair on St . John ' s Day , and wind up with a family party , in which probably a thousand Brothers and Sisters may be brought together , and partake of a supper and ball . AA e think the ladies who promote this object may well be called Sisters . —American Masonic Register . —r _ Sueh women bless the cause they support . —Ed . F . Q . R 71
LIBRARY OP THE LATE DR . HERSCHAL . —This excellent library , consisting of upwards of 4 , 000 Hebrew volumes , among which there are many very rare and valuable booksand manuscripts , collected by our / chief rabbi , his father , and grandfather , has just been bought by the committee of the Hebrew College , for that establishment , for the very low sum of 300 / . AVe hope this valuable library will be soon arranged ancl catalogued , so that students desirous of information may have no hindrance in gaining access to its treasures . —Jewish Chronicle .
BROTHER OJ / E BULL . —It is understood that Brother Ole Bull has promised to give a concert for the benefit of the Asylum Fund , and that he is preparing a new and appropriate piece of music for the occasion ; but we are not informed when it is to take place . —American Masonic Register . —[ AVe hope to catch Brother Ole Bull on his return to England , and to prevail upon him to delight the London Brethren on ' a similar occasion . After the Asylum has been fiddling to a sad tune in Chanceryon the horns of a dilemmafrom which it has just escaped
, , , 'the horn ' s of such a Bull will be just the sort of music suited to the case . —Ed . F . Q . R . ] - " ¦ . ' '• 'Our Brother Goodacre , of Lincoln , Assistant P . G . Director of Cere-1 'iiioiliesfor thatprovince , has been elected Secretary to the Lincolnshire "'JMiiaticAsylum ; this appointment will keep his usefid services for the