Article THE REPORTER. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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The Reporter.
will not abandon the helm until they are assured that they have qualified their successors to steer well , and strictly too , by thc compass . Brother S . B . Allison presided . The Lodge was opened and closed in the three degrees , and the fourth , fifth , and sixth sections of the first lecture ivere most ably worked . Tlie committee appointed in May last to provide furniture , paraphernalia , tracing-boards , & c , on the most approved princilesso that this Lodge miht be considered as a model for others
p , g , were called near the chair , when the W . M . addressed the Lodge , and informed the members that the first step taken by the committee was to consider the subject of the Tracing-boards ; they accordingly gave notice , and invited artists to send in designs . From many designs that were sent in , those by Brother John Harris , P . M ., were selected ; and he had the pleasure now to exhibit the new Tracing-boards to the Lodge . It afforded him great satisfaction to observethat in the progress of the
, execution of this ivork of Masonic art , every suggestion made by the coinmittee was eagerly listened to by Bro . Harris . He ( Bro . AVilson ) anticipated that , when the Brethren inspected the general design , examined into its merits , ancl observed carefully the general execution , they would be equally struck with the Masonic correctness of the Tracing-boards ; whicli wore not less to be admired as excellent paintings . The Tracing-boards were then produced , and were submitted to a
very close and critical inspection , and Bro . Harris was deservedly complimented on his success . * Bro . DALY , P . M ., No . 8 , moved that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . S . B . AVilson , and the other members of the committee , for their great attention to the subject , and that the same be entered on the Minutes . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to the Banquet , at which Bro .
Soancs , Past Grand Steward , presided ( in the absence of Bro . S . B . Wilson , who , we regret to say , was compelled to retire from indisposition ) . The cloth being withdrawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bros . Crew , Marriott , Kincaid , Beuler , and others , delighted the company with many favourite songs , and the evening was spent with the usual satisfaction . Among many appropriate addresses , that by Brother Crew , on behalf of the Masonic Charities , elicited marked attention ancl applause . f
LODGE OP JOPPA , No . 223 , and LODGE OF ISRAEL , NO . 247 . — It is a pleasing reflection for the English Freemason to observe , that while his Hebrew Brethren are excluded , in Prussia , from participating in the blessings of the Order , they , in this happy country , not only have a moral right to claim access to every Masonic Lodge , as a Mason ' s Church , without any distinction , but that there are two Lodges almost entirely composed of Hebrew Members in London . On the 1 st instant
there were three initiations , and still more passings ancl raisings , with several joinings , which , with the election of officers , comprising an vening ' s work of no small importance to Lodge 223 . [" There was a Hebrew Brother present , who could not remain till the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Reporter.
will not abandon the helm until they are assured that they have qualified their successors to steer well , and strictly too , by thc compass . Brother S . B . Allison presided . The Lodge was opened and closed in the three degrees , and the fourth , fifth , and sixth sections of the first lecture ivere most ably worked . Tlie committee appointed in May last to provide furniture , paraphernalia , tracing-boards , & c , on the most approved princilesso that this Lodge miht be considered as a model for others
p , g , were called near the chair , when the W . M . addressed the Lodge , and informed the members that the first step taken by the committee was to consider the subject of the Tracing-boards ; they accordingly gave notice , and invited artists to send in designs . From many designs that were sent in , those by Brother John Harris , P . M ., were selected ; and he had the pleasure now to exhibit the new Tracing-boards to the Lodge . It afforded him great satisfaction to observethat in the progress of the
, execution of this ivork of Masonic art , every suggestion made by the coinmittee was eagerly listened to by Bro . Harris . He ( Bro . AVilson ) anticipated that , when the Brethren inspected the general design , examined into its merits , ancl observed carefully the general execution , they would be equally struck with the Masonic correctness of the Tracing-boards ; whicli wore not less to be admired as excellent paintings . The Tracing-boards were then produced , and were submitted to a
very close and critical inspection , and Bro . Harris was deservedly complimented on his success . * Bro . DALY , P . M ., No . 8 , moved that a vote of thanks be given to Bro . S . B . AVilson , and the other members of the committee , for their great attention to the subject , and that the same be entered on the Minutes . The Brethren afterwards adjourned to the Banquet , at which Bro .
Soancs , Past Grand Steward , presided ( in the absence of Bro . S . B . Wilson , who , we regret to say , was compelled to retire from indisposition ) . The cloth being withdrawn , the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given . Bros . Crew , Marriott , Kincaid , Beuler , and others , delighted the company with many favourite songs , and the evening was spent with the usual satisfaction . Among many appropriate addresses , that by Brother Crew , on behalf of the Masonic Charities , elicited marked attention ancl applause . f
LODGE OP JOPPA , No . 223 , and LODGE OF ISRAEL , NO . 247 . — It is a pleasing reflection for the English Freemason to observe , that while his Hebrew Brethren are excluded , in Prussia , from participating in the blessings of the Order , they , in this happy country , not only have a moral right to claim access to every Masonic Lodge , as a Mason ' s Church , without any distinction , but that there are two Lodges almost entirely composed of Hebrew Members in London . On the 1 st instant
there were three initiations , and still more passings ancl raisings , with several joinings , which , with the election of officers , comprising an vening ' s work of no small importance to Lodge 223 . [" There was a Hebrew Brother present , who could not remain till the