Article THE GRAND CONCLAVE OF THE ROYAL ORDER OF H R. D. M., K. D. S. H., PALESTINE. ← Page 2 of 2 Article THE CHARITIES. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Grand Conclave Of The Royal Order Of H R. D. M., K. D. S. H., Palestine.
" 2 . Can a Master Mason , created a Red Cross , be received and acknowledged as such in any legally constituted Council , until he shall have been exalted and healed ? " 3 . Can you suggest any course that could be legally pursued , otherwise than by passing through a Royal Arch Chapter , to remove thc obstacle from the way of those in this predicament ? " 4 . AVhatare the designations ofthe officers of a Red Cross Council ?
" 5 . Under whose jurisdiction are Red Cross Councils ? " C . AVhat are the designations of the officers of a Mark Lodge ? " 7 . AVhat is the appropriate colour of the Mark degree ( trimmings of apron , & c . ) ? " T . " Calcutta , October l , IS 45 . " ANSWERS . 1 . The English practice is not to confer the degree of a Masonic
Knight Templar on any Mason below the degree of the Royal Arch . 2 . Consequently , any Mason not duly qualified should not be received into any Encampment , Chapter , Consistory , or Council . 3 . There can be no other course to qualify such than by exalting them to the Royal Arch degree , and then to naturalize them into that into which they had been surreptitiously introduced . This would be but an act of justice to themand the best mode of repairing an injury so
, unjustly inflicted on their inexperience . 4 . Simple as the reply would be , it should be referred to a private letter . 5 . In England as yet there is no Red Cross Council , each private Templar Encampment controlling and regulating the materiel ofthe higher degrees amongst its own members . But there is a great probability that these points will be settled at no great distance of time .
0 . The English Constitutions do not recognize the Mark , & c . They are , however occasionally in operation . 7 . The Regalia isnot strictly uniform at present . —E » . F . Q . R .
The Charities.
THE BOYS' SCHOOL . The decease of Brother Thomas Moore , has drawn our attention more especially to this charity . AVe remember that on his election to the treasurership , he found it in a very precarious state ; it might be unfashionable ; no one of high standing in the craft appeared to take an interest in its welfare ; there was great difficulty in obtaining
stewards for the festival , which , for want of their aid , was but unproductive ; nor were , the annual subscriptions numerous , while the stock ¦ funded was but 800 / . That amount now exceeds 8000 / . ; Stewards flock ; to the Festival , which for many years has produced ' Upwards of 400 / .. Brother Moore was friendly to the intention of building asclldolhouse , and in justice to his memory , that intention shoulcV'iibw' be gravely considered ; in fact , if it is either not considered , or ' abaridoncd , wc are of opinion that the annual festival is unnecessary , as the amount
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The Grand Conclave Of The Royal Order Of H R. D. M., K. D. S. H., Palestine.
" 2 . Can a Master Mason , created a Red Cross , be received and acknowledged as such in any legally constituted Council , until he shall have been exalted and healed ? " 3 . Can you suggest any course that could be legally pursued , otherwise than by passing through a Royal Arch Chapter , to remove thc obstacle from the way of those in this predicament ? " 4 . AVhatare the designations ofthe officers of a Red Cross Council ?
" 5 . Under whose jurisdiction are Red Cross Councils ? " C . AVhat are the designations of the officers of a Mark Lodge ? " 7 . AVhat is the appropriate colour of the Mark degree ( trimmings of apron , & c . ) ? " T . " Calcutta , October l , IS 45 . " ANSWERS . 1 . The English practice is not to confer the degree of a Masonic
Knight Templar on any Mason below the degree of the Royal Arch . 2 . Consequently , any Mason not duly qualified should not be received into any Encampment , Chapter , Consistory , or Council . 3 . There can be no other course to qualify such than by exalting them to the Royal Arch degree , and then to naturalize them into that into which they had been surreptitiously introduced . This would be but an act of justice to themand the best mode of repairing an injury so
, unjustly inflicted on their inexperience . 4 . Simple as the reply would be , it should be referred to a private letter . 5 . In England as yet there is no Red Cross Council , each private Templar Encampment controlling and regulating the materiel ofthe higher degrees amongst its own members . But there is a great probability that these points will be settled at no great distance of time .
0 . The English Constitutions do not recognize the Mark , & c . They are , however occasionally in operation . 7 . The Regalia isnot strictly uniform at present . —E » . F . Q . R .
The Charities.
THE BOYS' SCHOOL . The decease of Brother Thomas Moore , has drawn our attention more especially to this charity . AVe remember that on his election to the treasurership , he found it in a very precarious state ; it might be unfashionable ; no one of high standing in the craft appeared to take an interest in its welfare ; there was great difficulty in obtaining
stewards for the festival , which , for want of their aid , was but unproductive ; nor were , the annual subscriptions numerous , while the stock ¦ funded was but 800 / . That amount now exceeds 8000 / . ; Stewards flock ; to the Festival , which for many years has produced ' Upwards of 400 / .. Brother Moore was friendly to the intention of building asclldolhouse , and in justice to his memory , that intention shoulcV'iibw' be gravely considered ; in fact , if it is either not considered , or ' abaridoncd , wc are of opinion that the annual festival is unnecessary , as the amount