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The Freemason S' Quarterly Review.
to convince itself , that it is correct or not ; if not , is it unbecoming the character of a gentleman to take the earliest opportunity to acknowledge his information to be in error ? and lives there the Freemason who would for a moment have cavilled at such a proof of candour ? we trust not one . He , however , does nothing of the sort , but simply induces a nobleman of undoubted veracity , of the highest standing , of a reputation
so pure , that no one can for a moment doubt the most trifling matter in which he is concerned , to say for him , that he has been misrepresented even in print . Those who heard himhave no doubts at all , those who did not have not the best witnesses , their own ears . We cannot but complain of the course the representative has pursued , to attempt to push the blame from his shoulders on to those of others , and screen himself
behind the explanation of the Grand Master ; he has thereby a much greater advantage than if he made it himself ; we do not think it on a par with his general character , we are sure it is not generous . We have no personal feeling to gratify . An explanation lias been given ; weare willing to take it ; and at all times , if it will but promote peace , we will be satisfied with less than we are entitled to on this
occasion . We close for the present , with the earnest hope—we will add , prayer—that the Representative of the Grand Royal York Lodge of Prussia will use the advantage of his high position , the great Masonic influence he must possess , to assist in obtaining an amicable settlement of this vital question , ancl unite ancl co-operate with the Graucl Lodges of Europe and America in the great design of peace and
amity , joining in the sentiment , " Happy have we met , happy let us part , and happy meet again . " It would be ungracious on our part not to acknowledge the zeal ancl efficient services rendered to tbe Grand Master , by Brother Faudel , and thereby to the Craft at large , during the recent investigation . The mode of expressing their thanks we leave to thc Hebrew fraternity themselves , not doubting that they will unite as one body to do him honour .
The Motion For Increasing Dues,
and the Application of a Portion of such Increase lo Annuities for , the Widows of Masons . - _ -r- -.:, ¦ The opportunity of doing justice to the Mason ' s Widow < is deferred— -the motion has been negatived . On full consideratioj ^¦ we ' s do not regret this result , for there has b _ 'c-n so much misapprehension
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemason S' Quarterly Review.
to convince itself , that it is correct or not ; if not , is it unbecoming the character of a gentleman to take the earliest opportunity to acknowledge his information to be in error ? and lives there the Freemason who would for a moment have cavilled at such a proof of candour ? we trust not one . He , however , does nothing of the sort , but simply induces a nobleman of undoubted veracity , of the highest standing , of a reputation
so pure , that no one can for a moment doubt the most trifling matter in which he is concerned , to say for him , that he has been misrepresented even in print . Those who heard himhave no doubts at all , those who did not have not the best witnesses , their own ears . We cannot but complain of the course the representative has pursued , to attempt to push the blame from his shoulders on to those of others , and screen himself
behind the explanation of the Grand Master ; he has thereby a much greater advantage than if he made it himself ; we do not think it on a par with his general character , we are sure it is not generous . We have no personal feeling to gratify . An explanation lias been given ; weare willing to take it ; and at all times , if it will but promote peace , we will be satisfied with less than we are entitled to on this
occasion . We close for the present , with the earnest hope—we will add , prayer—that the Representative of the Grand Royal York Lodge of Prussia will use the advantage of his high position , the great Masonic influence he must possess , to assist in obtaining an amicable settlement of this vital question , ancl unite ancl co-operate with the Graucl Lodges of Europe and America in the great design of peace and
amity , joining in the sentiment , " Happy have we met , happy let us part , and happy meet again . " It would be ungracious on our part not to acknowledge the zeal ancl efficient services rendered to tbe Grand Master , by Brother Faudel , and thereby to the Craft at large , during the recent investigation . The mode of expressing their thanks we leave to thc Hebrew fraternity themselves , not doubting that they will unite as one body to do him honour .
The Motion For Increasing Dues,
and the Application of a Portion of such Increase lo Annuities for , the Widows of Masons . - _ -r- -.:, ¦ The opportunity of doing justice to the Mason ' s Widow < is deferred— -the motion has been negatived . On full consideratioj ^¦ we ' s do not regret this result , for there has b _ 'c-n so much misapprehension