Article THE FREEMASONS' LEXICON. ← Page 5 of 11 →
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
Writings , ancl his incessant studies in the secret works of the magicians , had put the idea into his head , that the greater number of diseases ; were occasioned by evil spirits , whose power could only be destroyed by benedictions and prayers . He commenced by attempting to cure somo of his parishioners , ancl succeeded , at least , as far as to procuresome leputation . The Bishop of Constance invited him to his residence , but wtts soon convinced of the charlatanry of the miracle workerand
, gave him the prudent advice to return to the spiritual care of his parishioners . But Gassner applied to another prelate , whose faith was stronger , ancl exorcised in his diocese . In the year 1774 he received a call from the Archbishop of Regensburgh to Ellwanger , ivhere a multitude of sick , who needed his assistance , and of others , influenced by curiosity , awaited his arrival . He found this large sphere of action quite proportioned to his strengthand healed the lame and blindbut was especiallfortunate
, , y with those who were subject to convulsions . But there is great reason to believe , that be very often procured healthy persons to perform the part ofthe sick , and that the cure of those who were really sick only continued so long as their heated imaginations were inflamed by the discourses of the exorcist . Enlightened men raised their voices against him , and celebrity gradually faded away . He died in March , 177 S , after the Bishop of Regensberg , his constant patronhad laced him in a very
, p good living at Bonndorf , near Regensburgh . There is still a book of his extant , which has passed through many editions , the title of which is "How to Live Wise , Pious , and Healthy , and how to Die Calmly ancl Religiously ; or , Useful Instructions how to Combat the Devil , " & c . & c , 1774 . A great deal was written against him , even in Munster , which'he
answered , and . defended himself and his doctrines . Gebct . Prayer ,- —The Freemason is assured , that at his labour he requires the grace and strength of God , for which reason he frequently prays for it ., When the Order is increased by a new member , a proper form of prayer for the occasion is not superfluous- Oneof the most ancien t is the following : — " O , Lord God ! thou great and grand Architect of the universe , and first Maker ancl Creator of mankind , to be thy temple . Be
. with us , O Lord ! as thou hast promised that , when two or three are gathered together in thy name , there wilt thou be in the midst of them . Be with us , O Lord : and bless all our undertakings , and grant that this , our friend , may . become an upright and true Brother Mason . Let grace ancl peace be with us for ever , and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ be deeply implanted in our hearts ! Grant , also , O Lord ! that we indeed fulfil thy holy unadulterated word , ancl that our hands maybe ever
strengthened to support , first , a worthy Brother Mason , ancl then every one of our fellow-men who may be in danger or tribulation , without injuring ourselves or our families . Strengthen us further , O Lord God , in all good works ; make us fit for the exercise of virtue , according to thy great ancl dear promises , in order that thereby thy holy name , Jehovah , may be honoured , glorified , ancl praised for ever , and that thy blessings may be extended unto usand to the whole world ! OLord Godhear
, , , pur prayer ! add to our faith virtue , to virtue science and knowledge ; and conduct us from this knowledge to temperance , from temperance to pru-, dence , from prudence to patience , from patience to thy fear , and from thy fear unto brotherly love , and from brotherl y love to the love of our neighbour ! And grant unto us , O Lord God ! that our Freemasonry in all its works and bearings may continually enjoy thy blessing ^ and that thy peace may ever be with us . O Lorcl God ! grant unto ; us ,
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The Freemasons' Lexicon.
Writings , ancl his incessant studies in the secret works of the magicians , had put the idea into his head , that the greater number of diseases ; were occasioned by evil spirits , whose power could only be destroyed by benedictions and prayers . He commenced by attempting to cure somo of his parishioners , ancl succeeded , at least , as far as to procuresome leputation . The Bishop of Constance invited him to his residence , but wtts soon convinced of the charlatanry of the miracle workerand
, gave him the prudent advice to return to the spiritual care of his parishioners . But Gassner applied to another prelate , whose faith was stronger , ancl exorcised in his diocese . In the year 1774 he received a call from the Archbishop of Regensburgh to Ellwanger , ivhere a multitude of sick , who needed his assistance , and of others , influenced by curiosity , awaited his arrival . He found this large sphere of action quite proportioned to his strengthand healed the lame and blindbut was especiallfortunate
, , y with those who were subject to convulsions . But there is great reason to believe , that be very often procured healthy persons to perform the part ofthe sick , and that the cure of those who were really sick only continued so long as their heated imaginations were inflamed by the discourses of the exorcist . Enlightened men raised their voices against him , and celebrity gradually faded away . He died in March , 177 S , after the Bishop of Regensberg , his constant patronhad laced him in a very
, p good living at Bonndorf , near Regensburgh . There is still a book of his extant , which has passed through many editions , the title of which is "How to Live Wise , Pious , and Healthy , and how to Die Calmly ancl Religiously ; or , Useful Instructions how to Combat the Devil , " & c . & c , 1774 . A great deal was written against him , even in Munster , which'he
answered , and . defended himself and his doctrines . Gebct . Prayer ,- —The Freemason is assured , that at his labour he requires the grace and strength of God , for which reason he frequently prays for it ., When the Order is increased by a new member , a proper form of prayer for the occasion is not superfluous- Oneof the most ancien t is the following : — " O , Lord God ! thou great and grand Architect of the universe , and first Maker ancl Creator of mankind , to be thy temple . Be
. with us , O Lord ! as thou hast promised that , when two or three are gathered together in thy name , there wilt thou be in the midst of them . Be with us , O Lord : and bless all our undertakings , and grant that this , our friend , may . become an upright and true Brother Mason . Let grace ancl peace be with us for ever , and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ be deeply implanted in our hearts ! Grant , also , O Lord ! that we indeed fulfil thy holy unadulterated word , ancl that our hands maybe ever
strengthened to support , first , a worthy Brother Mason , ancl then every one of our fellow-men who may be in danger or tribulation , without injuring ourselves or our families . Strengthen us further , O Lord God , in all good works ; make us fit for the exercise of virtue , according to thy great ancl dear promises , in order that thereby thy holy name , Jehovah , may be honoured , glorified , ancl praised for ever , and that thy blessings may be extended unto usand to the whole world ! OLord Godhear
, , , pur prayer ! add to our faith virtue , to virtue science and knowledge ; and conduct us from this knowledge to temperance , from temperance to pru-, dence , from prudence to patience , from patience to thy fear , and from thy fear unto brotherly love , and from brotherl y love to the love of our neighbour ! And grant unto us , O Lord God ! that our Freemasonry in all its works and bearings may continually enjoy thy blessing ^ and that thy peace may ever be with us . O Lorcl God ! grant unto ; us ,