Article FREEMASONRY. , ¦' '' {. ' ¦'¦)> . Just p... Page 1 of 1 Article -y'- . — 'yy- . FREEMASONRY. To' be publ... Page 1 of 1 Article ... ,.,,- FREEMASONRY. ,iv '; / Just Pub... Page 1 of 1
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Freemasonry. , ¦' '' {. ' ¦'¦)> . Just P...
FREEMASONRY . , ¦ ' ' ' { . ' ¦'¦)> . Just published , under the Sanction of the United Grand Lodge of England , and by the command of the M . W . Grand Master . rpHE FREEMASONS' POCKET BOOK AND CALENDAR for the Year 184 G . *¦ Published for the benefit of the Charity Fund . Price 3 s . in roan tuck caseor in silk
, cover ; 6 s . 6 d . in Morocco , silver lock , and in Morocco and Russia wallets , 8 s . to 12 s . Sold by Bro . R . Spencer , 314 , High Holborn , and all other Booksellers . < In the Press . " . ' ¦ ¦ - ¦¦ AN APOLOGY FOR THE FREEMASONS ; respectfully submitted to the consi-¦ £ *• deration of those Clergymen who doubt the propriety of allowing the use of their
churches for Masonic celebrations . By the Rev . G . Oliver , D . D ., Author of "The History of Initiation , " & c . % * Bro . R . S . executes orders for Craft and R . A . Badge aud Jewel Cases ; Signature , Declaration , Minute , and all other Lodge and R . A . Chapter Books ruled and printed . according to the instructions of Grand Lodge . Lodge and II . A . Chapter Bye-laws and Summonses engraved and printed to order . Bookbinding , Masonic or otherwise , in
the first style . Orders for Books , Stationary , & c , of every description , punctually attended to . January 1 st , 1846 . 314 , High Holborn . :
-Y'- . — 'Yy- . Freemasonry. To' Be Publ...
-y ' - . — ' yy- . FREEMASONRY . To' be published by . Subscription . In one vol . Price 7 s . A SYSTEM OF PROTESTANT THEOLOGY , both Doctrinal and Experimental , .. .. rf /* vin .. a Series of Lectures upon St . Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews , delivered in the Collegiate ChurchWolverhampton . Bthe Rev . H . Raper BladeD . D . Rector of
, y , , Kehley , Domestic Chaplain to the Earl of Clarendon , G . C . B ., and Grand Chaplain of the Province of Stafford , & c . & c . 1845 . ! '" ' Brethrenwilling to subscribe , may send their Name and Address to Brother Spencer ' s Library , 314 , High Holborn , ' or to the Author , at Wolverhampton .
... ,.,,- Freemasonry. ,Iv '; / Just Pub...
... ,.,,- FREEMASONRY . , iv '; / Just Published , Vol . 1 , demy 8 vo ., with Plates ; and Parts 5 , 6 , and 7 , of Vol . 2 . ' "rpHE HISTORICAL LANDMARKS , and other Evidences of Freemasonry *¦ explained , in a Series of Practical Lectures . By the Rev . G . Oliver , D . D .
. London : Published by R . Spencer , and sold by R . and C . Chalmers , Montreal , who ' have also for sale a collection of the most useful and popular Masonic Works , by , Dr . Oliver and others . Catalogues of which , with full descriptions , can be obtainetl gratis , on application . ' ,. ' X ¦ -.. . THE FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW will , in future , be received u ' regularly as . published , and delivered to Subscribers in Canada at 20 * . ' curre " ncy , per .. , annum . .: . " . . . ., "¦ . ' "•' ¦ ' ¦ - - ' ¦ '¦'¦ :- .-3 .. _ . * . r <;' f i » -TR .: C .-Chalmers ,. Montreal , Oct . 11 , 1814 . / . _ "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry. , ¦' '' {. ' ¦'¦)> . Just P...
FREEMASONRY . , ¦ ' ' ' { . ' ¦'¦)> . Just published , under the Sanction of the United Grand Lodge of England , and by the command of the M . W . Grand Master . rpHE FREEMASONS' POCKET BOOK AND CALENDAR for the Year 184 G . *¦ Published for the benefit of the Charity Fund . Price 3 s . in roan tuck caseor in silk
, cover ; 6 s . 6 d . in Morocco , silver lock , and in Morocco and Russia wallets , 8 s . to 12 s . Sold by Bro . R . Spencer , 314 , High Holborn , and all other Booksellers . < In the Press . " . ' ¦ ¦ - ¦¦ AN APOLOGY FOR THE FREEMASONS ; respectfully submitted to the consi-¦ £ *• deration of those Clergymen who doubt the propriety of allowing the use of their
churches for Masonic celebrations . By the Rev . G . Oliver , D . D ., Author of "The History of Initiation , " & c . % * Bro . R . S . executes orders for Craft and R . A . Badge aud Jewel Cases ; Signature , Declaration , Minute , and all other Lodge and R . A . Chapter Books ruled and printed . according to the instructions of Grand Lodge . Lodge and II . A . Chapter Bye-laws and Summonses engraved and printed to order . Bookbinding , Masonic or otherwise , in
the first style . Orders for Books , Stationary , & c , of every description , punctually attended to . January 1 st , 1846 . 314 , High Holborn . :
-Y'- . — 'Yy- . Freemasonry. To' Be Publ...
-y ' - . — ' yy- . FREEMASONRY . To' be published by . Subscription . In one vol . Price 7 s . A SYSTEM OF PROTESTANT THEOLOGY , both Doctrinal and Experimental , .. .. rf /* vin .. a Series of Lectures upon St . Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews , delivered in the Collegiate ChurchWolverhampton . Bthe Rev . H . Raper BladeD . D . Rector of
, y , , Kehley , Domestic Chaplain to the Earl of Clarendon , G . C . B ., and Grand Chaplain of the Province of Stafford , & c . & c . 1845 . ! '" ' Brethrenwilling to subscribe , may send their Name and Address to Brother Spencer ' s Library , 314 , High Holborn , ' or to the Author , at Wolverhampton .
... ,.,,- Freemasonry. ,Iv '; / Just Pub...
... ,.,,- FREEMASONRY . , iv '; / Just Published , Vol . 1 , demy 8 vo ., with Plates ; and Parts 5 , 6 , and 7 , of Vol . 2 . ' "rpHE HISTORICAL LANDMARKS , and other Evidences of Freemasonry *¦ explained , in a Series of Practical Lectures . By the Rev . G . Oliver , D . D .
. London : Published by R . Spencer , and sold by R . and C . Chalmers , Montreal , who ' have also for sale a collection of the most useful and popular Masonic Works , by , Dr . Oliver and others . Catalogues of which , with full descriptions , can be obtainetl gratis , on application . ' ,. ' X ¦ -.. . THE FREEMASONS' QUARTERLY REVIEW will , in future , be received u ' regularly as . published , and delivered to Subscribers in Canada at 20 * . ' curre " ncy , per .. , annum . .: . " . . . ., "¦ . ' "•' ¦ ' ¦ - - ' ¦ '¦'¦ :- .-3 .. _ . * . r <;' f i » -TR .: C .-Chalmers ,. Montreal , Oct . 11 , 1814 . / . _ "