Article LITERARY NOTICES, &c. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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Literary Notices, &C.
The Natural System of Architecture- By AA'illiam Pettit Griffith , F . S . A . London . The author , who is also the publisher of this work , which is a large quarto , elegantly printed , but , as times go , very dear , is opposed to the artificial system of architecture of the present day , ancl has advertised his work as containing a discovery of the connection between architecturemusicand astronomyas well as the geometrical secrets of the
, , , Freemasons . In this atttempt he has certainly displayed much taste , ancl his researches have evidently been directed with considerable care ; but we do not consider that he has successfully combatted the opinions of AVilkins and other modern architects . The diagrams are executed with much skill , ancl this brings to our recollection a brief but carefully written paper by Bro . Robert Turner , that appeared in our columns so long as December 1834 which we have re-perused with added
ago , , satisfaction , ancl which becomes the more important in connection with Mr . Griffith ' s work . AA ' e hope our correspondent will resume the subject with which he is so well acquainted . AA'e have been often asked , what is the " College of the Freemasons of the church ? " The assumption of such a title is somewhat suspicious , the church having lost its power may canniely wish to regain it by a union with the craft .
An Historical Account of Religious Houses formerly situated on thc Eastern Banks of the River William . By the Rev . G eorge Oliver , DD . ( In the press . ) Oliver , Uppingham . Spencer , London . The indefatigable antiquarian , Dr . Oliver , is again in the field ; his fertile thought is ever producing good results . The present work is founded on papers read before the Lincoln Topographical Society in . 1842 , and will be embraced in thirteen chapters , referring to monachism and its design—monkish employments—accounts of various abbeys ancl priories—many interesting anecdotes and observations—suppression of monachism in England , & c .
Herald of Peace . Thomas AVard ancl Co . As the continual dripping of water will impress the hardest stone , so assuredly will the Herald of Peace , in time , effect advancement in the great moral principle it advocates . A letter to ministers is written in the true spirit of sound philosophy . Some extracts from lectures by AVil- " liam Smyth , professor of modern history in the University of Cambridge , tell admirably in the cause . " Peace , ( says Professor Smyth ) is the great cause of human nature , it is the great secret of prosperity to all nations , collectively and individually . It is therefore the common policy of all . "
The Bromley Magazine . Conducted by the Pupils of Mr . Rowe ' s Academy , Bromley , Kent . Our juvenile contemporary continues its bold flight , occasionally resting on the wing to survey the ebb and flood tide of literature . The yet unpracticed eye , however , may scarcely be enabled to scan with sound observation the contending elements of so vast a sphere , and it will not , thereforebe surprising that in some there should lack the salient
, pages point ; but we must not be hypercritical where there is so much to admire , and still more to hope for . The articles on Botany and Wild Plants are industrially arranged . " Self-Importance" ( a tale ) has its moral . " Philos" will hereafter take still higher place ; and the " Prize Essay" stamps its author as iu polished armour , cap a pied , ready for a foremost rank .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Literary Notices, &C.
The Natural System of Architecture- By AA'illiam Pettit Griffith , F . S . A . London . The author , who is also the publisher of this work , which is a large quarto , elegantly printed , but , as times go , very dear , is opposed to the artificial system of architecture of the present day , ancl has advertised his work as containing a discovery of the connection between architecturemusicand astronomyas well as the geometrical secrets of the
, , , Freemasons . In this atttempt he has certainly displayed much taste , ancl his researches have evidently been directed with considerable care ; but we do not consider that he has successfully combatted the opinions of AVilkins and other modern architects . The diagrams are executed with much skill , ancl this brings to our recollection a brief but carefully written paper by Bro . Robert Turner , that appeared in our columns so long as December 1834 which we have re-perused with added
ago , , satisfaction , ancl which becomes the more important in connection with Mr . Griffith ' s work . AA ' e hope our correspondent will resume the subject with which he is so well acquainted . AA'e have been often asked , what is the " College of the Freemasons of the church ? " The assumption of such a title is somewhat suspicious , the church having lost its power may canniely wish to regain it by a union with the craft .
An Historical Account of Religious Houses formerly situated on thc Eastern Banks of the River William . By the Rev . G eorge Oliver , DD . ( In the press . ) Oliver , Uppingham . Spencer , London . The indefatigable antiquarian , Dr . Oliver , is again in the field ; his fertile thought is ever producing good results . The present work is founded on papers read before the Lincoln Topographical Society in . 1842 , and will be embraced in thirteen chapters , referring to monachism and its design—monkish employments—accounts of various abbeys ancl priories—many interesting anecdotes and observations—suppression of monachism in England , & c .
Herald of Peace . Thomas AVard ancl Co . As the continual dripping of water will impress the hardest stone , so assuredly will the Herald of Peace , in time , effect advancement in the great moral principle it advocates . A letter to ministers is written in the true spirit of sound philosophy . Some extracts from lectures by AVil- " liam Smyth , professor of modern history in the University of Cambridge , tell admirably in the cause . " Peace , ( says Professor Smyth ) is the great cause of human nature , it is the great secret of prosperity to all nations , collectively and individually . It is therefore the common policy of all . "
The Bromley Magazine . Conducted by the Pupils of Mr . Rowe ' s Academy , Bromley , Kent . Our juvenile contemporary continues its bold flight , occasionally resting on the wing to survey the ebb and flood tide of literature . The yet unpracticed eye , however , may scarcely be enabled to scan with sound observation the contending elements of so vast a sphere , and it will not , thereforebe surprising that in some there should lack the salient
, pages point ; but we must not be hypercritical where there is so much to admire , and still more to hope for . The articles on Botany and Wild Plants are industrially arranged . " Self-Importance" ( a tale ) has its moral . " Philos" will hereafter take still higher place ; and the " Prize Essay" stamps its author as iu polished armour , cap a pied , ready for a foremost rank .