Article WEST INDIES. ← Page 3 of 3 Article TASMANIA (VAN DIEMAN'S LAND). Page 1 of 2 →
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West Indies.
ST . A ' INCENT , Oct . 23 . —The members of Lodge 2 G 2 , held in H . M . S 5 th Light Infantry ; ancl many other Brethren attended the church , and heard an eloquent and appropriate discourse by the Rev . J . Checkley . In the afternoon the Master , Bro . Struth , and the AA ' ardens of the new Lodge , " Victoria , 755 , " under the registry of England were installed . AA'e have now a resident Lodge , and hope to work well , and continue to live happily as Masons .
Tasmania (Van Dieman's Land).
THE Lodges anil Chapters at work here are all under the Grand Registry of Ireland , and are as follow : No . 33 , Fusileer Lodge and Chapter , originall y held in the 21 st regiment Royal Scots Fusileers , wherein it was worked for many years . In 1842 , the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of Ireland granted Stationary AVarrants for Hobart Town , where meetings are regularly held at Mezger ' s
Hotel . Fees : Initiation , 3 / . 10 * . ; joining , 10 s . ; exaltation , 5 / . 5 s . ; joining , 21 . 2 s . No . 313 , Tasmanian Lodge , 1830 , and Pacific Chapter , 1835 . These were the first Stationary Civil Warrants ever worked in Van Dieman ' s Land ; the meetings are held also at Mezger ' s Hotel . Initiation , 51 , 5 s . ; joining , 11 . Is . ; exaltation , 51 . 5 s . joiningj 2 / . 2 s . No . 326 Union Lodge 1832 meets at the Lodge RoomDavery-street
, , , , , Hobart Town . Initiation , 51 . 5 s . ; joining , 11 . Is . There is a Lodge of Instruction attached to this Lodge , which meets monthly . No . 345 , Tasmanian Operative Lodge , 1834 , meets at Mezger ' s Hotel . Initiation , 5 l . 5 s . ; joining , 1 / . Is . St . John ' s Lodge , established at Launceston under a Dispensation granted by the Operative Lodge , No . 345 . Initiation fee , Tl . Ws . .- In this Colonyas well as in Sdneythere have been established a
, , y , Benevolent Fund for distressed Masons , their widows , and oiphans , which , if not realizing all the expectations of the promoters , is eff ' ectirig some good . The Tasmanian Lodges took the lead , and have succeeded better than those in S ydney . : The Lodges in both Colonies are in want of Masonic instruction ; they evince great desire to work correctly . Any Brother , whose pursuits may lead him in their direction , that would thoroughly qualify himself , would
be welcomed with the most grateful hospitality by all . A Correspondent , ivho has just returned home , is desirous that , we . should notify his arrival here by an acknowledgment of the . Masonic kindness he received from all but one Brother , whose name is , for obvious reasons , suppressed . Our Correspondent left London for Hobart Town , full of hope , but fortune was unpropitious ; he became , unfortunate , and was compelled to apply to the Committee of Management , to assist , him to return to England ; they complied with his request , repurchased ! his Masonic jewels , which he had reluctantly parted with , ancl added a
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
West Indies.
ST . A ' INCENT , Oct . 23 . —The members of Lodge 2 G 2 , held in H . M . S 5 th Light Infantry ; ancl many other Brethren attended the church , and heard an eloquent and appropriate discourse by the Rev . J . Checkley . In the afternoon the Master , Bro . Struth , and the AA ' ardens of the new Lodge , " Victoria , 755 , " under the registry of England were installed . AA'e have now a resident Lodge , and hope to work well , and continue to live happily as Masons .
Tasmania (Van Dieman's Land).
THE Lodges anil Chapters at work here are all under the Grand Registry of Ireland , and are as follow : No . 33 , Fusileer Lodge and Chapter , originall y held in the 21 st regiment Royal Scots Fusileers , wherein it was worked for many years . In 1842 , the Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter of Ireland granted Stationary AVarrants for Hobart Town , where meetings are regularly held at Mezger ' s
Hotel . Fees : Initiation , 3 / . 10 * . ; joining , 10 s . ; exaltation , 5 / . 5 s . ; joining , 21 . 2 s . No . 313 , Tasmanian Lodge , 1830 , and Pacific Chapter , 1835 . These were the first Stationary Civil Warrants ever worked in Van Dieman ' s Land ; the meetings are held also at Mezger ' s Hotel . Initiation , 51 , 5 s . ; joining , 11 . Is . ; exaltation , 51 . 5 s . joiningj 2 / . 2 s . No . 326 Union Lodge 1832 meets at the Lodge RoomDavery-street
, , , , , Hobart Town . Initiation , 51 . 5 s . ; joining , 11 . Is . There is a Lodge of Instruction attached to this Lodge , which meets monthly . No . 345 , Tasmanian Operative Lodge , 1834 , meets at Mezger ' s Hotel . Initiation , 5 l . 5 s . ; joining , 1 / . Is . St . John ' s Lodge , established at Launceston under a Dispensation granted by the Operative Lodge , No . 345 . Initiation fee , Tl . Ws . .- In this Colonyas well as in Sdneythere have been established a
, , y , Benevolent Fund for distressed Masons , their widows , and oiphans , which , if not realizing all the expectations of the promoters , is eff ' ectirig some good . The Tasmanian Lodges took the lead , and have succeeded better than those in S ydney . : The Lodges in both Colonies are in want of Masonic instruction ; they evince great desire to work correctly . Any Brother , whose pursuits may lead him in their direction , that would thoroughly qualify himself , would
be welcomed with the most grateful hospitality by all . A Correspondent , ivho has just returned home , is desirous that , we . should notify his arrival here by an acknowledgment of the . Masonic kindness he received from all but one Brother , whose name is , for obvious reasons , suppressed . Our Correspondent left London for Hobart Town , full of hope , but fortune was unpropitious ; he became , unfortunate , and was compelled to apply to the Committee of Management , to assist , him to return to England ; they complied with his request , repurchased ! his Masonic jewels , which he had reluctantly parted with , ancl added a