Article WEST INDIES. ← Page 2 of 3 →
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West Indies.
He was not known to all present , therefore he would toll those who arc unacquainted with him that he had been the vector of this parish for the last twenty years , and was a friend in every difficulty ; that he felt proud in having the honour of proposing and drinking liis health , as he had continued throughout without blemish in every relation . He was sure there was not a heart that would not respond when he mentioned the name of the Rev . W . P . Burtonrector of this parishand
, , Prov . Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in Jamaica . The Prov . Grand Master then rose and thanked the AVorshipful Master for the manner in which he had proposed his toast , and ihe brethren for the cordial manner they had responded to it . fie felt sensible of the honour intended , but ivas not deserving of one-tenth of the piaise which had been bestowed on him . If he had done anything , it was induced through the kindness of his friends who had always
manifested love towards him , and if there was any credit due , it must reflect back on them ; that as he had the honour of meeting them in the terrestrial Lodge , he hoped he would have the greater pleasure of meeting them in the celestial one . ... " ; The Senior AVarden then claimed his right , which being conceded ,-he rose and proposed the health of "The Ladies , " especially those who ' honoured the banquet-room with their presence this day . Their
entrance , he . said , ; had Enlivened and shed a lustre over their proceedings . - He' _ . trusted that' they would continue to grace their meetings . as they had done on ; this occasiori . The P . G . Master rose and said , as I am the man for the ladies , I should be ; , wanting , were I not to return thanks on their behalf . I have 'performed the pleasing duty of making the single happy , therefore , I return you thanks on the behalf of the ladies .
Bro . Hall proposed the health of the Deputy Grand Master ( Dr . Ewart ) , which was responded . to with great applause . The Worshipful Doctor returned thanks in a very appropriate speech . ; The ladies having left the table , several of the gallant gentlemen ; followed , which reduced the number very much , and shortly after one by one was seen wending his way towards home . The Prov . Grand Master has been pleased to grant a warrant-arid , dispensation for the early erection of a Lodge in this city , to be named the Glenlyon Lodge Provincial No . 2 , under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , the Right AV orshipful AV . J . Rutherford as Master . "¦ . <
Having omitted in our last to give the names of the Master and AVardens of the new Lodge Le Union e Concordia ; we now supply them ; viz . Bro . J . J . Nisto , AV . M ., Jos . Ariano , S . AA ,, J . M . Tre- garori , J . AV . ANTIGUA , Oct . 23 . —The ceremony of laying the corner-stone of the cathedral of St . John ' s by the Masonic fraternity , was observed , this day with all due solemnity ; every class of society " was represented on this
interesting and important occasion ; the Lord Bishop of the diocese , Di-. Davis , and Sir Charles Fitzroy the Governor assisted . The address of "the'Bishop was a pious effusion of thanksgiving to the Most High , from whom he implored a blessing on the undertaking ; after the conclusion of the Masonic ceremony , the Bishop presented the trowel to the Governor . The collection at the cathedral gates amounted to 41 / . 3 . 9 . 3 d . Among the concourse of ladies present , were Lady Mary Fitzroy , and Uib Lady hf tlie'Bishop . ' ' "voi ' . T iii" o r
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West Indies.
He was not known to all present , therefore he would toll those who arc unacquainted with him that he had been the vector of this parish for the last twenty years , and was a friend in every difficulty ; that he felt proud in having the honour of proposing and drinking liis health , as he had continued throughout without blemish in every relation . He was sure there was not a heart that would not respond when he mentioned the name of the Rev . W . P . Burtonrector of this parishand
, , Prov . Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Scotland in Jamaica . The Prov . Grand Master then rose and thanked the AVorshipful Master for the manner in which he had proposed his toast , and ihe brethren for the cordial manner they had responded to it . fie felt sensible of the honour intended , but ivas not deserving of one-tenth of the piaise which had been bestowed on him . If he had done anything , it was induced through the kindness of his friends who had always
manifested love towards him , and if there was any credit due , it must reflect back on them ; that as he had the honour of meeting them in the terrestrial Lodge , he hoped he would have the greater pleasure of meeting them in the celestial one . ... " ; The Senior AVarden then claimed his right , which being conceded ,-he rose and proposed the health of "The Ladies , " especially those who ' honoured the banquet-room with their presence this day . Their
entrance , he . said , ; had Enlivened and shed a lustre over their proceedings . - He' _ . trusted that' they would continue to grace their meetings . as they had done on ; this occasiori . The P . G . Master rose and said , as I am the man for the ladies , I should be ; , wanting , were I not to return thanks on their behalf . I have 'performed the pleasing duty of making the single happy , therefore , I return you thanks on the behalf of the ladies .
Bro . Hall proposed the health of the Deputy Grand Master ( Dr . Ewart ) , which was responded . to with great applause . The Worshipful Doctor returned thanks in a very appropriate speech . ; The ladies having left the table , several of the gallant gentlemen ; followed , which reduced the number very much , and shortly after one by one was seen wending his way towards home . The Prov . Grand Master has been pleased to grant a warrant-arid , dispensation for the early erection of a Lodge in this city , to be named the Glenlyon Lodge Provincial No . 2 , under the Grand Lodge of Scotland , the Right AV orshipful AV . J . Rutherford as Master . "¦ . <
Having omitted in our last to give the names of the Master and AVardens of the new Lodge Le Union e Concordia ; we now supply them ; viz . Bro . J . J . Nisto , AV . M ., Jos . Ariano , S . AA ,, J . M . Tre- garori , J . AV . ANTIGUA , Oct . 23 . —The ceremony of laying the corner-stone of the cathedral of St . John ' s by the Masonic fraternity , was observed , this day with all due solemnity ; every class of society " was represented on this
interesting and important occasion ; the Lord Bishop of the diocese , Di-. Davis , and Sir Charles Fitzroy the Governor assisted . The address of "the'Bishop was a pious effusion of thanksgiving to the Most High , from whom he implored a blessing on the undertaking ; after the conclusion of the Masonic ceremony , the Bishop presented the trowel to the Governor . The collection at the cathedral gates amounted to 41 / . 3 . 9 . 3 d . Among the concourse of ladies present , were Lady Mary Fitzroy , and Uib Lady hf tlie'Bishop . ' ' "voi ' . T iii" o r