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wiis subscribed out of their own pockets by the Brethren before they separated . ROUEN , Feb . 22 . —A ball took place ; the profits from which being 700 francs , it was decided that non-Masons should likewise be relieved—wood ancl bread were therefore given to that amount to all who applied .
CHEMNITZ , March 27 . —The new Masonic building was consecrated by Bro . AV . Eger , in the place of Bro . B . AV . Teisig , absent from indisposition . The deputy conducted the proceedings with much eclat . The Freemasons flocked from all parts . The procession was then formed , and proceeded to the Lodge . There they were met by the II .. AA . the Deputy Grand Master for Saxony , Bro . Meissner . At the close of the ceremonies the Sisters of the Brethren presented to the Lodge three massive silver candlesticks , with branches . During tbe day , and at the banquet , four poems ancl songs , written and composed for . the occasion , were recited and sung .
, DRESDEN , Feb . 9 . —A festival to commemorate the 70 th anniversary of , the birth day of Bro . Winkler , the Grand Master of the Saxon Lodge , took place . Between two and three hundred brethren had arrived , and immediately appointed a deputation to proceed to the residence of the M . AA . Brother , to escort him to the Lodge . On his approach the Masonic chain was formed , which , being opened to receive'him , was again closed , the entire assernblage at the same moment
singing a new chorus of four stanzas . Atthe conclusion the presiding chairman , AVorshipful Bro . Richard , presented Bro . Winkler with au elegant silver goblet , on which the Masonic emblems were embossed , and an inscription engraven , stating the date and object of its gift . He ivas then placed in the chair , ancl the brethren retired to ' their places . Bro . AVinkler returned thanks , and declined the seat of honour . Many addresses were delivered by the brethren , after which they adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , and parted , delighted alike with the occasion of their meeting and the manner of their separation .
PORTUGAL . —AA e learn from letters received from Portugal , dated Feb . 21 , that 20 , 000 French persons are at present in that kingdom , many of whom are Freemasons , but have no Lodge for themselves , although four Grand Orients exist . They are distinguished by the names of—1 . The Lusitanish Grand Orient , which is in reality a Provincial Grand Lodge of the Grand Lodge of the Brazils ; 2 . The Irish Grand Orient , which is constituted from and depends on the Grand Lodge of Ireland ; 3 . The Passos Manual Grand Orient ; 4 . The
Grand Orient of Costa Cabral . The two last are Independent Grand Lodges , ancl seem to have a considerable number of Lodges under their c . ontrpul . Memorials have been addressed to the Grand Orient of France to issue a warrant for the establishment , under its banner , of a FrenchLpdge at . Lisbon . It is urged that such a Lodge is absolutely called , for , in consequence of the number of French merchant vessels and ^ ships of the line that are always in the Tagus , the officers of , which frequently . are ^ Freemasons , but very seldom speak the Portuguese language , and are thereby prevented from attending the existing Lodges .
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wiis subscribed out of their own pockets by the Brethren before they separated . ROUEN , Feb . 22 . —A ball took place ; the profits from which being 700 francs , it was decided that non-Masons should likewise be relieved—wood ancl bread were therefore given to that amount to all who applied .
CHEMNITZ , March 27 . —The new Masonic building was consecrated by Bro . AV . Eger , in the place of Bro . B . AV . Teisig , absent from indisposition . The deputy conducted the proceedings with much eclat . The Freemasons flocked from all parts . The procession was then formed , and proceeded to the Lodge . There they were met by the II .. AA . the Deputy Grand Master for Saxony , Bro . Meissner . At the close of the ceremonies the Sisters of the Brethren presented to the Lodge three massive silver candlesticks , with branches . During tbe day , and at the banquet , four poems ancl songs , written and composed for . the occasion , were recited and sung .
, DRESDEN , Feb . 9 . —A festival to commemorate the 70 th anniversary of , the birth day of Bro . Winkler , the Grand Master of the Saxon Lodge , took place . Between two and three hundred brethren had arrived , and immediately appointed a deputation to proceed to the residence of the M . AA . Brother , to escort him to the Lodge . On his approach the Masonic chain was formed , which , being opened to receive'him , was again closed , the entire assernblage at the same moment
singing a new chorus of four stanzas . Atthe conclusion the presiding chairman , AVorshipful Bro . Richard , presented Bro . Winkler with au elegant silver goblet , on which the Masonic emblems were embossed , and an inscription engraven , stating the date and object of its gift . He ivas then placed in the chair , ancl the brethren retired to ' their places . Bro . AVinkler returned thanks , and declined the seat of honour . Many addresses were delivered by the brethren , after which they adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , and parted , delighted alike with the occasion of their meeting and the manner of their separation .
PORTUGAL . —AA e learn from letters received from Portugal , dated Feb . 21 , that 20 , 000 French persons are at present in that kingdom , many of whom are Freemasons , but have no Lodge for themselves , although four Grand Orients exist . They are distinguished by the names of—1 . The Lusitanish Grand Orient , which is in reality a Provincial Grand Lodge of the Grand Lodge of the Brazils ; 2 . The Irish Grand Orient , which is constituted from and depends on the Grand Lodge of Ireland ; 3 . The Passos Manual Grand Orient ; 4 . The
Grand Orient of Costa Cabral . The two last are Independent Grand Lodges , ancl seem to have a considerable number of Lodges under their c . ontrpul . Memorials have been addressed to the Grand Orient of France to issue a warrant for the establishment , under its banner , of a FrenchLpdge at . Lisbon . It is urged that such a Lodge is absolutely called , for , in consequence of the number of French merchant vessels and ^ ships of the line that are always in the Tagus , the officers of , which frequently . are ^ Freemasons , but very seldom speak the Portuguese language , and are thereby prevented from attending the existing Lodges .