Article TESTIMONIAL TO BROTHER E. F. LEEKS, P. M. LODGE OF UNITY. ← Page 2 of 2 Article MASONIC CHIT-CHAT. Page 1 of 3 →
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Testimonial To Brother E. F. Leeks, P. M. Lodge Of Unity.
The company separated at about eleven o ' clock , the ladies ( nearly equal in number to the gentlemen ) having graciously condescended to remain at the table till nearly ten . The following is a copy of the inscription : — INU' . SKNTKO TO EDWARD FREDERICK LEEKS , Esr ; . by ( ho [/ nitcd Subscriptions of very many Individuals
of all ranks ; including II . R . H . The Duke of Cambridge , K . O . His Grace the Avchbishop of Canterbury . The Bishops of Durham , Winchester , and Norwich , Lords Morpeth , Stamford , and Skclmersdale . And comprising many of his earliest Friends and Schoolfellows , in tho hope that this Universal Consent of those otherwise separated by their various stations and occupations , will show the excellence of that character which commands Respect and Esteem in every situation of life , and from every grade of society . December loth , 18 « .
Masonic Chit-Chat.
SUSSEX MEMORIAL . —The following circular has been addressed to all Lodges under the English Constitution . " Gray ' s Inn , July 1 st , 1844 . Sir , —I am requested by the sub-committee of the Sussex Memorial , of which his Grace the Duke of Sutherland is chairman , to solicit your kind co-operation in aiding the committee in raising a sufficient sum for the erection of a suitable memorial to the memory of his late Royal Highness . I am , sir , your most obedient servant , H . S . WESTMACOTT , See .
Sub-Committee . " ORKNEY AND ZETLAND . —These islands , from the latter of wiiieh . the present Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , derives his title , were , in 1 G 43 , held by the Earl of Morton by grant , which was confirmed in 1707 , and rendered absolute in 1742 . In 1766 , this property was sold by the then Earl of Morton to Sir Laurence Dundas , by whose grandsonthe present Earl of Zetlandit is now held . The rihts and
privi-, , g leges are nominally very extensive , amounting as near to sovereignty as in these times are recognisable . THE KING OF PRUSSIA AND THE JEWS . —Having heard it stated that the King of Prussia tolerates Freemasonry in his dominions only on condition of excluding Jews from its meetings , the following , copied from the Sunday Times of December , 1844 , will , we think , contradict any such prejudiced assertions : — " The Prussian Regiment—A Jew , who had
been a non-commissioned officer in a Prussian regiment , has , by a special order of the king , received a public situation , which he solicited in vain , the minister having declined to nominate him on account of his creed . This is the first time for thirty-two years that a Jew has been appointed to fulfil airy public functions . " THE BRITISH ARCHEOLOGISTS OF CANTERBURY . — " Mr . Godwin , who has for some time past turned his attention to the old Masonic signs which exist on hewn stones , exhibited copies of a variety which he had met with in various cathedrals in this country ancl on the continent , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Testimonial To Brother E. F. Leeks, P. M. Lodge Of Unity.
The company separated at about eleven o ' clock , the ladies ( nearly equal in number to the gentlemen ) having graciously condescended to remain at the table till nearly ten . The following is a copy of the inscription : — INU' . SKNTKO TO EDWARD FREDERICK LEEKS , Esr ; . by ( ho [/ nitcd Subscriptions of very many Individuals
of all ranks ; including II . R . H . The Duke of Cambridge , K . O . His Grace the Avchbishop of Canterbury . The Bishops of Durham , Winchester , and Norwich , Lords Morpeth , Stamford , and Skclmersdale . And comprising many of his earliest Friends and Schoolfellows , in tho hope that this Universal Consent of those otherwise separated by their various stations and occupations , will show the excellence of that character which commands Respect and Esteem in every situation of life , and from every grade of society . December loth , 18 « .
Masonic Chit-Chat.
SUSSEX MEMORIAL . —The following circular has been addressed to all Lodges under the English Constitution . " Gray ' s Inn , July 1 st , 1844 . Sir , —I am requested by the sub-committee of the Sussex Memorial , of which his Grace the Duke of Sutherland is chairman , to solicit your kind co-operation in aiding the committee in raising a sufficient sum for the erection of a suitable memorial to the memory of his late Royal Highness . I am , sir , your most obedient servant , H . S . WESTMACOTT , See .
Sub-Committee . " ORKNEY AND ZETLAND . —These islands , from the latter of wiiieh . the present Grand Master , the Earl of Zetland , derives his title , were , in 1 G 43 , held by the Earl of Morton by grant , which was confirmed in 1707 , and rendered absolute in 1742 . In 1766 , this property was sold by the then Earl of Morton to Sir Laurence Dundas , by whose grandsonthe present Earl of Zetlandit is now held . The rihts and
privi-, , g leges are nominally very extensive , amounting as near to sovereignty as in these times are recognisable . THE KING OF PRUSSIA AND THE JEWS . —Having heard it stated that the King of Prussia tolerates Freemasonry in his dominions only on condition of excluding Jews from its meetings , the following , copied from the Sunday Times of December , 1844 , will , we think , contradict any such prejudiced assertions : — " The Prussian Regiment—A Jew , who had
been a non-commissioned officer in a Prussian regiment , has , by a special order of the king , received a public situation , which he solicited in vain , the minister having declined to nominate him on account of his creed . This is the first time for thirty-two years that a Jew has been appointed to fulfil airy public functions . " THE BRITISH ARCHEOLOGISTS OF CANTERBURY . — " Mr . Godwin , who has for some time past turned his attention to the old Masonic signs which exist on hewn stones , exhibited copies of a variety which he had met with in various cathedrals in this country ancl on the continent , and