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Grand Conclave Of The Royal Order Of H.R.D.M.K.D.S.H. Palestine.
The minutes of the Grand Conclave held on the 2 (; th of August were read , and confirmed . * The report of the Committee , embracing the subjects referred to them , viz ., " on the costume and regalia , " and also , " on the recent changes in the Scottish Grand Conclave , " was read , ancl , with some slight variations , the same was approved ( one point being reserved until the next meeting of the Grand Conclave ) . The Committee were reappointed until the next meeting . It was resolved unanimously , that an Kspecial Grand Conclave be convened to meet on or before the 31 st of December next .
The Charities.
THE ASYLUM . —The annual ball is fixed for the 22 nd of January , to be held at Freemason ' s Hall , under the patronage of Bro . John Lane , D . C . L ., P . M ., 49 ; President , Bro . John Hodgkinson , P . M ., 113 , Vice President . Bro . Leigh , P . M ., 'Treasurer , Bro . R . Field , P . M ., 329 , Secretary ; and about twenty other brethren . The arrangements are on the most liberal scale , and the prospect of a delightful evening are most promising .
The Committee are anxious to impress on the Fraternity the urgent necessity of supporting their aged friends in the hour of need , and that subscriptions will be most thankfully received at the Bankers , Messrs . Prescott & Co ., Threadneedle-street , and by the Treasurer , Dr . Crucefix , Lancaster Place . THE BENEVOLENT ANNUITY FUND . — Not having received any account from this charity , we write in the general terms—No news
, , good news . GIRL ' SCHOOL , GENERAL COURT , 10 th Oct . —Present , Bro . B . B . Cabbell , Treasurer ; W . H . White , Crucefix , M'Mullen , Burckhardt , Lewis , Acklam , Mills , Patten , Harvey , Baumer , and many other governors . Bro . Cabbell was called to the chair , on his retirement Bro . Crucefix officiated . After the transaction of the ordinary business , the ballot for tlie election for the admission of children commenced , the
mother of the child , Matilda Hinton , finding her chance of success very indifferent , was desirous of retiring the name from the present election , but it was ruled that she could not do so , the election thereupon proceeded , ancl was declared to be in favour of—Ellen J . Hill , Ann Fatt , Louisa Lightfoot , and Jane Loftus ; the first and last being orphans of Provincial Masons , were not in attendance ; the other two children and their parents were then introduced , and addressed by Dr . Crucefix on
the nature of the institution , ancl the duties which devolved on both parents and children . Thanks were respectfull y voted to Bros . Cabbell and Crucefix , and the Court adjourned . The governors having visited the establishment , and inspected the children at the dinner , expressed themselves in the highest terms of approbation . The arrangement and discipline of the excellent matron place this institution as a model for all others . - ' --- ' - '• - THE BOYS' SCHOOL , Oct . 15 . —A theatrical benefit and ball in aid of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Grand Conclave Of The Royal Order Of H.R.D.M.K.D.S.H. Palestine.
The minutes of the Grand Conclave held on the 2 (; th of August were read , and confirmed . * The report of the Committee , embracing the subjects referred to them , viz ., " on the costume and regalia , " and also , " on the recent changes in the Scottish Grand Conclave , " was read , ancl , with some slight variations , the same was approved ( one point being reserved until the next meeting of the Grand Conclave ) . The Committee were reappointed until the next meeting . It was resolved unanimously , that an Kspecial Grand Conclave be convened to meet on or before the 31 st of December next .
The Charities.
THE ASYLUM . —The annual ball is fixed for the 22 nd of January , to be held at Freemason ' s Hall , under the patronage of Bro . John Lane , D . C . L ., P . M ., 49 ; President , Bro . John Hodgkinson , P . M ., 113 , Vice President . Bro . Leigh , P . M ., 'Treasurer , Bro . R . Field , P . M ., 329 , Secretary ; and about twenty other brethren . The arrangements are on the most liberal scale , and the prospect of a delightful evening are most promising .
The Committee are anxious to impress on the Fraternity the urgent necessity of supporting their aged friends in the hour of need , and that subscriptions will be most thankfully received at the Bankers , Messrs . Prescott & Co ., Threadneedle-street , and by the Treasurer , Dr . Crucefix , Lancaster Place . THE BENEVOLENT ANNUITY FUND . — Not having received any account from this charity , we write in the general terms—No news
, , good news . GIRL ' SCHOOL , GENERAL COURT , 10 th Oct . —Present , Bro . B . B . Cabbell , Treasurer ; W . H . White , Crucefix , M'Mullen , Burckhardt , Lewis , Acklam , Mills , Patten , Harvey , Baumer , and many other governors . Bro . Cabbell was called to the chair , on his retirement Bro . Crucefix officiated . After the transaction of the ordinary business , the ballot for tlie election for the admission of children commenced , the
mother of the child , Matilda Hinton , finding her chance of success very indifferent , was desirous of retiring the name from the present election , but it was ruled that she could not do so , the election thereupon proceeded , ancl was declared to be in favour of—Ellen J . Hill , Ann Fatt , Louisa Lightfoot , and Jane Loftus ; the first and last being orphans of Provincial Masons , were not in attendance ; the other two children and their parents were then introduced , and addressed by Dr . Crucefix on
the nature of the institution , ancl the duties which devolved on both parents and children . Thanks were respectfull y voted to Bros . Cabbell and Crucefix , and the Court adjourned . The governors having visited the establishment , and inspected the children at the dinner , expressed themselves in the highest terms of approbation . The arrangement and discipline of the excellent matron place this institution as a model for all others . - ' --- ' - '• - THE BOYS' SCHOOL , Oct . 15 . —A theatrical benefit and ball in aid of