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The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
NEW SERIES . —DECEMBER 31 , 1844 .
' * I have ever felt it my duty to support and encourage its principles and practice , because it powerfully developes all social and benevolent affections ; because it mitigates without , and annihilates within , the virulence of political and theological controversy—because it affords the only neutral ground on which all ranks and classes can meet in perfect equality , andvassb . clate without degradation or mortification , whether for purposes of moral instruction or social intercourse . "— The EARL OF DURHAM on Fieemasonry , 2 lst Jan , mm .. " "( This obedience , which must be . vigorously observed , does not prevent us , however , from inVestigatilifr"tne ; iuconvenience of laws ; which at the time they were framed may have been political , prudent—riay ,- . even necessary ; but now , from a total change of circumstances ana - events ^ may . have become unjust , oppressive , and equally useless . * * . * * " ilusttnlan declares that he acts contrary to the law whoconfining himself to the letter ;
, acts contrary to the spirit and interest of it . " — H , R . H . the Dunn OF SUSSEX , Aprt-21 , 1812 . House of Lords . * pp- > i- : ;; .- " • - ' . .- , \ ^ ¦ xtSiNCEthe publication of tlie last Number of the Freeni & s 6 ns \ Quarte ? ii / Review , ive have received a vast accession , in" the " Avay of remonstrance and of promises of supportto
, the correspondence previously mentioned . To print all that Ave have received on the subject , however important to ourselves or interesting to the Craft , Avould be impossible ; uh less , indeed , we devoted every page of the current number tte ; that , purpose . We haA'e therefore classified these earnest ahcL stirring appeals , as far as the nature of their contents
would admit ; and have selected one letter , as a specimen , from each class , to place before our readers . These Ave insert just in the order in . Avhich they happen to be dated , for we : really cannot prefer either one to another as a matter of choice—they all breathe the true Masonic spirit , and differ , merely , as the subject may be vieAved under its various phases , by different original minds : — iI ;;
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Freemasons' Quarterly Review.
NEW SERIES . —DECEMBER 31 , 1844 .
' * I have ever felt it my duty to support and encourage its principles and practice , because it powerfully developes all social and benevolent affections ; because it mitigates without , and annihilates within , the virulence of political and theological controversy—because it affords the only neutral ground on which all ranks and classes can meet in perfect equality , andvassb . clate without degradation or mortification , whether for purposes of moral instruction or social intercourse . "— The EARL OF DURHAM on Fieemasonry , 2 lst Jan , mm .. " "( This obedience , which must be . vigorously observed , does not prevent us , however , from inVestigatilifr"tne ; iuconvenience of laws ; which at the time they were framed may have been political , prudent—riay ,- . even necessary ; but now , from a total change of circumstances ana - events ^ may . have become unjust , oppressive , and equally useless . * * . * * " ilusttnlan declares that he acts contrary to the law whoconfining himself to the letter ;
, acts contrary to the spirit and interest of it . " — H , R . H . the Dunn OF SUSSEX , Aprt-21 , 1812 . House of Lords . * pp- > i- : ;; .- " • - ' . .- , \ ^ ¦ xtSiNCEthe publication of tlie last Number of the Freeni & s 6 ns \ Quarte ? ii / Review , ive have received a vast accession , in" the " Avay of remonstrance and of promises of supportto
, the correspondence previously mentioned . To print all that Ave have received on the subject , however important to ourselves or interesting to the Craft , Avould be impossible ; uh less , indeed , we devoted every page of the current number tte ; that , purpose . We haA'e therefore classified these earnest ahcL stirring appeals , as far as the nature of their contents
would admit ; and have selected one letter , as a specimen , from each class , to place before our readers . These Ave insert just in the order in . Avhich they happen to be dated , for we : really cannot prefer either one to another as a matter of choice—they all breathe the true Masonic spirit , and differ , merely , as the subject may be vieAved under its various phases , by different original minds : — iI ;;