Article FREEMASON RY. BROTHER J. P. A C K L A M,... Page 1 of 1 Article FKEKMASONKY. v ROYAL ARCH.—Bro. J. HARRI... Page 1 of 1 Article • E^EW^d- ©©^©irr. ¦ ,':.- : , . Under t... Page 1 of 1 Article :. SUPPLEMENTARY NUMBER..;;;; ,; ftf BIO... Page 1 of 1
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Freemason Ry. Brother J. P. A C K L A M,...
FREEMASON RY . BROTHER J . P . A C K L A M , MASONIC JEWEL , FURNITURE , AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , TJ ESPECTFULLY solicits the Orders and Patronage of the Craft . He has always - *•*• ready on sale a Collection of Jewels and Clothing , for Craft , Royal Arch Masonry , Knight Templars , & c . As be is the real maker , and every article is manufactured on his premises , and under his personal inspection , the Fraternity may rely ou being furnished in precise conformity with the authorised Constitutions of the different Orders . 138 , Strand , ^ opposite Catherine street .
Fkekmasonky. V Royal Arch.—Bro. J. Harri...
FKEKMASONKY . v ROYAL ARCH . —Bro . J . HARRIS ' Improved Edition of . his Illustrations to the ROYAL ARCH , in Two Designs , is now ready for delivery . Price ( coloured ) in Sheet 7 s ., bound up in Case , 10 s . Orders received by Bro . R . SPENCHH , 314 ., High Holborn , and all other Booksellers ; and of J . HARRIS , 40 , Sidmouth Street , Regeut Square , London .
• E^Ew^D- ©©^©Irr. ¦ ,':.- : , . Under T...
E ^ EW ^ d- ©©^© irr . ¦ , ' :.- : , . Under the Patronage of the Right Hon . the Countess of Eldon , the Hon . Mrs . Plan tagenet Cary , Lady Antrobus , Lady Bridges , Mrs . Joseph Reid , Mrs . Sutherland , Mrs . Maubert , Mrs . Newman Smith , and Mrs . Thomas Keen , an EVENINGCOSOERT will'be given- in ¦ fne Rail of tlie caOTOOW literary Institution ! "'"' ¦ ' : on WednesdayJANUARY 22 nd 1 S 4 Sunder the superintendence pf . Brbther HOBBS ';
, , , the entire Proceeds of which will be given in aid of the "benevolent object of providing for the support of an unfortunate Brother arid his Family . § " § " In furtherance of this plan , a Subscription List is opened , to which the attention of the benevolent is most earnestly requested . Donations will be thankfully received by * J . Blake , Esq ., John Chrees , Esq ., and George Price , Esq ., residing at Croydon , Surrey . Particulars of the case , wide p . ' 437 of the present number of the Fre ' emiisoiis Quarterly Review . . '"
:. Supplementary Number..;;;; ,; Ftf Bio...
: . SUPPLEMENTARY NUMBER .. ;;;; , ; ftf BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR ¦ -.--.. ¦ -.: ¦ ,:. OF ' .,.-, -. ..- . . HIS OTALfip ^ ? wbEsHis , ii GR & "Dra "" ittas"i aB '''' ¦ '''''''''
BEOS " , , "s a' s ., : { ,.... ^ :..-.. - SOCIAL , POLITICAL , AND MASONIC . ., „ . The only Biographical Memoir of this Illustrious Prince , and Most Worshipful Brother , is to"be ' 'f 6 ( iiid ih the'Suppieifie ' iitaiy Niirnber of the FREEMAS ' aNS ^ UA ; RTE . RXr ^ ' . REVIEW ,
PUBLISHED , . Jrf-. MAY , 1843 , . , ; AND MAy BE WAD ; OF , . - ¦ - .-, SHERWOOiP , ! GILBEiRT , , & r PIP ER , 23 , PAT . BUNOSTEKROAY' -iLONDON - .- . . PRICE THREE , SHILLINGS , -, _ . : X '¦ ' - ' X-Xx
A STRIKING LIKENESS of Hisl ^; Royal vHighness , with a fac-simile of his Handwriting , illustrate the above interesting Memoir .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemason Ry. Brother J. P. A C K L A M,...
FREEMASON RY . BROTHER J . P . A C K L A M , MASONIC JEWEL , FURNITURE , AND CLOTHING MANUFACTURER , TJ ESPECTFULLY solicits the Orders and Patronage of the Craft . He has always - *•*• ready on sale a Collection of Jewels and Clothing , for Craft , Royal Arch Masonry , Knight Templars , & c . As be is the real maker , and every article is manufactured on his premises , and under his personal inspection , the Fraternity may rely ou being furnished in precise conformity with the authorised Constitutions of the different Orders . 138 , Strand , ^ opposite Catherine street .
Fkekmasonky. V Royal Arch.—Bro. J. Harri...
FKEKMASONKY . v ROYAL ARCH . —Bro . J . HARRIS ' Improved Edition of . his Illustrations to the ROYAL ARCH , in Two Designs , is now ready for delivery . Price ( coloured ) in Sheet 7 s ., bound up in Case , 10 s . Orders received by Bro . R . SPENCHH , 314 ., High Holborn , and all other Booksellers ; and of J . HARRIS , 40 , Sidmouth Street , Regeut Square , London .
• E^Ew^D- ©©^©Irr. ¦ ,':.- : , . Under T...
E ^ EW ^ d- ©©^© irr . ¦ , ' :.- : , . Under the Patronage of the Right Hon . the Countess of Eldon , the Hon . Mrs . Plan tagenet Cary , Lady Antrobus , Lady Bridges , Mrs . Joseph Reid , Mrs . Sutherland , Mrs . Maubert , Mrs . Newman Smith , and Mrs . Thomas Keen , an EVENINGCOSOERT will'be given- in ¦ fne Rail of tlie caOTOOW literary Institution ! "'"' ¦ ' : on WednesdayJANUARY 22 nd 1 S 4 Sunder the superintendence pf . Brbther HOBBS ';
, , , the entire Proceeds of which will be given in aid of the "benevolent object of providing for the support of an unfortunate Brother arid his Family . § " § " In furtherance of this plan , a Subscription List is opened , to which the attention of the benevolent is most earnestly requested . Donations will be thankfully received by * J . Blake , Esq ., John Chrees , Esq ., and George Price , Esq ., residing at Croydon , Surrey . Particulars of the case , wide p . ' 437 of the present number of the Fre ' emiisoiis Quarterly Review . . '"
:. Supplementary Number..;;;; ,; Ftf Bio...
: . SUPPLEMENTARY NUMBER .. ;;;; , ; ftf BIOGRAPHICAL MEMOIR ¦ -.--.. ¦ -.: ¦ ,:. OF ' .,.-, -. ..- . . HIS OTALfip ^ ? wbEsHis , ii GR & "Dra "" ittas"i aB '''' ¦ '''''''''
BEOS " , , "s a' s ., : { ,.... ^ :..-.. - SOCIAL , POLITICAL , AND MASONIC . ., „ . The only Biographical Memoir of this Illustrious Prince , and Most Worshipful Brother , is to"be ' 'f 6 ( iiid ih the'Suppieifie ' iitaiy Niirnber of the FREEMAS ' aNS ^ UA ; RTE . RXr ^ ' . REVIEW ,
PUBLISHED , . Jrf-. MAY , 1843 , . , ; AND MAy BE WAD ; OF , . - ¦ - .-, SHERWOOiP , ! GILBEiRT , , & r PIP ER , 23 , PAT . BUNOSTEKROAY' -iLONDON - .- . . PRICE THREE , SHILLINGS , -, _ . : X '¦ ' - ' X-Xx
A STRIKING LIKENESS of Hisl ^; Royal vHighness , with a fac-simile of his Handwriting , illustrate the above interesting Memoir .