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self-approval , but let them ponder well on the words and actions of the Duke of Leinster , and hy a spirit of kindness endeavour to conciliate those whose opposition to their interests , however uiunasonic it may have appeared , on that very account requires at their hands the greater exercise of the christian virtue—forgiveness .
The Masonic Differences.
To THE EDITOB . —Sm AND B :-. OTIIKK—As my name lias been mentioned in the last number of your Review , in a letter relating to the unhappy dissensions which have prevailed for some time among the Masons of the higher degrees in Ireland , I wish to be permitted to offer a few observations on the subject , in explanation of the views and principles upon which my conduct has been regulated in what I have attempted to doand to state lny opinion of the case as it stood when I
, last was cognizant of it . Having been admitted to the degree of Rose Croix in 1 S 30 , in , the Baldwin Chapter at Bristol , and coining to reside permanently in Ireland in 1 S 31 , I found " the original Chapter" of Rose Croix Masons established in Dublin , and by them , after due trial and examination , I was recognized and admitted to their meetings ; and in the year 1 S . 35 ( if I do not mistake ) was adopted a member of the Chapter on a vacancy
occurring . I found the records of the Chapter , which I had opportunities of inspecting , to go back to a very early period in the present century , and even as far back as the year 1782 ; and I had , and have no reason to doubt that it is the lineal descendant of the Society established in that year . It is to he remarked that the armorial bearings of members of the Chapter occupied stations in the Lodge-room , which was the general place of resort to the most respectable Masonic bodies in Dublin , of all grades . The pretensions of the " Original Chapter of
Prince Masons" were notorious , and undisputed ; and I believe the existence of any other body claiming to be Hose Croix Masons was not dreamed of . In the year 1 S 3 G or 1837 , the members of the Original Chapter being limited by statute , to a certain number , and not imagining that . they . had any authority to constitute new Chapters , it was determined by the Duke of Leinster ; to'summon all the persons known to be resident in Irelandwho belonged t 0 this or any higher gradeto form them so
, , summoned into a Grand Council or Lodge of the higher grades , from Rose Croix upwards , in which should be vested the power to grant warrants for Chapters ,-and to govern them when constituted . About the time this was agitated , it was rumoured that there was in-Dublin a body of Masons , meeting in an obscure place of resort , who claimed . to be Prince Masons , or Rose Crosses ; and care was taken that , they should be summoned to attend the meeting , by notices served upon the Master
of the Craft Lodge , which met at the same house , upon the supposed Secretary of the Chapter , and at the bar of the house . The summons , however , ivas not attended to ; but , some time after , a person stood up in the Grand Lodge of Ireland , declaring himself to be a Prince Mason , and proclaiming that he did not , nor would lie ever acknowledge the Council of Rites , The consequence seems to have been a strenuous opposition in the Grand Lodge of Ireland , in IS 38 , to the recognition of the Grand Council of Rites , and forming with it a league of mutual
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
self-approval , but let them ponder well on the words and actions of the Duke of Leinster , and hy a spirit of kindness endeavour to conciliate those whose opposition to their interests , however uiunasonic it may have appeared , on that very account requires at their hands the greater exercise of the christian virtue—forgiveness .
The Masonic Differences.
To THE EDITOB . —Sm AND B :-. OTIIKK—As my name lias been mentioned in the last number of your Review , in a letter relating to the unhappy dissensions which have prevailed for some time among the Masons of the higher degrees in Ireland , I wish to be permitted to offer a few observations on the subject , in explanation of the views and principles upon which my conduct has been regulated in what I have attempted to doand to state lny opinion of the case as it stood when I
, last was cognizant of it . Having been admitted to the degree of Rose Croix in 1 S 30 , in , the Baldwin Chapter at Bristol , and coining to reside permanently in Ireland in 1 S 31 , I found " the original Chapter" of Rose Croix Masons established in Dublin , and by them , after due trial and examination , I was recognized and admitted to their meetings ; and in the year 1 S . 35 ( if I do not mistake ) was adopted a member of the Chapter on a vacancy
occurring . I found the records of the Chapter , which I had opportunities of inspecting , to go back to a very early period in the present century , and even as far back as the year 1782 ; and I had , and have no reason to doubt that it is the lineal descendant of the Society established in that year . It is to he remarked that the armorial bearings of members of the Chapter occupied stations in the Lodge-room , which was the general place of resort to the most respectable Masonic bodies in Dublin , of all grades . The pretensions of the " Original Chapter of
Prince Masons" were notorious , and undisputed ; and I believe the existence of any other body claiming to be Hose Croix Masons was not dreamed of . In the year 1 S 3 G or 1837 , the members of the Original Chapter being limited by statute , to a certain number , and not imagining that . they . had any authority to constitute new Chapters , it was determined by the Duke of Leinster ; to'summon all the persons known to be resident in Irelandwho belonged t 0 this or any higher gradeto form them so
, , summoned into a Grand Council or Lodge of the higher grades , from Rose Croix upwards , in which should be vested the power to grant warrants for Chapters ,-and to govern them when constituted . About the time this was agitated , it was rumoured that there was in-Dublin a body of Masons , meeting in an obscure place of resort , who claimed . to be Prince Masons , or Rose Crosses ; and care was taken that , they should be summoned to attend the meeting , by notices served upon the Master
of the Craft Lodge , which met at the same house , upon the supposed Secretary of the Chapter , and at the bar of the house . The summons , however , ivas not attended to ; but , some time after , a person stood up in the Grand Lodge of Ireland , declaring himself to be a Prince Mason , and proclaiming that he did not , nor would lie ever acknowledge the Council of Rites , The consequence seems to have been a strenuous opposition in the Grand Lodge of Ireland , in IS 38 , to the recognition of the Grand Council of Rites , and forming with it a league of mutual