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the Scottish Freemasons took place in the hall of the Grand Lodge Niddry Street . The candidates , some time ago put in nomination , were , Mr . David Rhind , and Messrs . Burn and Bryce . After a lengthened and animated discussion regarding the making up of the roll of voters , in which ex-Bailie Richardson , Mr . C . F . Shand , Hon . Henry Walpole , Mr . J . B . Douglas , Mr . Forrester , Mr . Paterson , Mr . Gardnerand other leading members took partthe Grand Lod
, , ge divided , when 156 votes were given for Messrs . Burn and Bryce , and 300 for Mr . Rhind . We understand that a protest , on the ground of irregularity in the proceedings , was taken on behalf of the latter gentleman . [^ Without impugning the integrity of the election , it is only fair to the successful candidates that their success should be exempted from any unconstitutional manoeuvre ; it is due also to prove to Mr . Rhind , as an act of justice , that such has not been the case . " )
EDINBURGH ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER , Sept . 23 . —Comps . Hector Gavin , Andrew Murray , and W . Donaldson , were elected Z . H . and J . Comp . Morris Leon , E . The other officers were also appointed . Thereafter the Companions sat down to an elegant entertainment , during which : they were . gratified hy hearing beautiful glees and songs from Comps . Ebsworth , Hunterson , and Jackson . Tlie Most Excellent Principal Z . said , " The Companions will , I am
sure , join w-ith great pleasure in dedicating a bumper to the health of her most ; gracious , majesty the Queen , and the more so , as on the present occasion she was the guest of our Most Excellent First Principal of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , Companion Lord Glenlyon , who also was during the last twelvemonth exalted ; in this Chapter . Her . majesty ' s confidence was unbounded , having . dismissed ! her guards , and trusted to the far-famed hospitality
and loyalty of . tlie . "Athol . Highlanders for protection ; but indeed she needed none iri . . Scotland , for all were true as well to her as . their country . " The . toast was received with great acclamation . The next tnc . st was " . Prince Albert . "
The M . E , Z . said they would drink his health , not for himself only , but as the affectionate , husband of our . Queen and the father of * the future sovereign of England —( great cheering . ) . X" ' tie then proposed " prosperity to the S . G . R . C . of Scotland , " which it : gave hirti : great pleasure to say , was likely to he , well supported throughout . Scotland , " . ' . " . , '¦ , ' Nextwas . drunk' " the G . R . A . C . of England " , the . splendour of
, , . , whose , charitable , ihstitutioiis the Most 'Excellent' said , was beyond all praise . ..-, ' , " , ' ,. ; . ! .,. ; ' .-. .. ¦' ; . ! ' . ¦'';! ' ' . ' ¦' / ' . '¦ " The Grant ! ii . A . C . of Ireland" and many other appropriate toasts and songs were , ' given ,, and . the Chapter was closed at high twelve , after having passed a most delightful and happy evening .
DEFENSIVE BAND , Nov . 16 . —Upwards of forty gentlemen , memhers of the Edinburgh Defensive Band Lodge , met in Mr . Henderson ' s Tron Tavern , when Brother Kerr presented to their R . W . M . Wm . Forrest , as a mark of regard for him ; a splendid silver snuff-box , with a suitable inscription . ' ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦•
DUNDEE , Ancient Lodge , Nov . 22 . —The Brethren of this Lodge sensible of the many obligations they were under to their Worth y Past Master , Bro . P . D . Ritchie , resolved to present him with a Testimonial ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
the Scottish Freemasons took place in the hall of the Grand Lodge Niddry Street . The candidates , some time ago put in nomination , were , Mr . David Rhind , and Messrs . Burn and Bryce . After a lengthened and animated discussion regarding the making up of the roll of voters , in which ex-Bailie Richardson , Mr . C . F . Shand , Hon . Henry Walpole , Mr . J . B . Douglas , Mr . Forrester , Mr . Paterson , Mr . Gardnerand other leading members took partthe Grand Lod
, , ge divided , when 156 votes were given for Messrs . Burn and Bryce , and 300 for Mr . Rhind . We understand that a protest , on the ground of irregularity in the proceedings , was taken on behalf of the latter gentleman . [^ Without impugning the integrity of the election , it is only fair to the successful candidates that their success should be exempted from any unconstitutional manoeuvre ; it is due also to prove to Mr . Rhind , as an act of justice , that such has not been the case . " )
EDINBURGH ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER , Sept . 23 . —Comps . Hector Gavin , Andrew Murray , and W . Donaldson , were elected Z . H . and J . Comp . Morris Leon , E . The other officers were also appointed . Thereafter the Companions sat down to an elegant entertainment , during which : they were . gratified hy hearing beautiful glees and songs from Comps . Ebsworth , Hunterson , and Jackson . Tlie Most Excellent Principal Z . said , " The Companions will , I am
sure , join w-ith great pleasure in dedicating a bumper to the health of her most ; gracious , majesty the Queen , and the more so , as on the present occasion she was the guest of our Most Excellent First Principal of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland , Companion Lord Glenlyon , who also was during the last twelvemonth exalted ; in this Chapter . Her . majesty ' s confidence was unbounded , having . dismissed ! her guards , and trusted to the far-famed hospitality
and loyalty of . tlie . "Athol . Highlanders for protection ; but indeed she needed none iri . . Scotland , for all were true as well to her as . their country . " The . toast was received with great acclamation . The next tnc . st was " . Prince Albert . "
The M . E , Z . said they would drink his health , not for himself only , but as the affectionate , husband of our . Queen and the father of * the future sovereign of England —( great cheering . ) . X" ' tie then proposed " prosperity to the S . G . R . C . of Scotland , " which it : gave hirti : great pleasure to say , was likely to he , well supported throughout . Scotland , " . ' . " . , '¦ , ' Nextwas . drunk' " the G . R . A . C . of England " , the . splendour of
, , . , whose , charitable , ihstitutioiis the Most 'Excellent' said , was beyond all praise . ..-, ' , " , ' ,. ; . ! .,. ; ' .-. .. ¦' ; . ! ' . ¦'';! ' ' . ' ¦' / ' . '¦ " The Grant ! ii . A . C . of Ireland" and many other appropriate toasts and songs were , ' given ,, and . the Chapter was closed at high twelve , after having passed a most delightful and happy evening .
DEFENSIVE BAND , Nov . 16 . —Upwards of forty gentlemen , memhers of the Edinburgh Defensive Band Lodge , met in Mr . Henderson ' s Tron Tavern , when Brother Kerr presented to their R . W . M . Wm . Forrest , as a mark of regard for him ; a splendid silver snuff-box , with a suitable inscription . ' ¦¦¦¦ ¦ ¦•
DUNDEE , Ancient Lodge , Nov . 22 . —The Brethren of this Lodge sensible of the many obligations they were under to their Worth y Past Master , Bro . P . D . Ritchie , resolved to present him with a Testimonial ,