Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 7 of 19 →
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At the conclusion of the reading of this straightforward , warm-hearted epistle , the Brethren expressed their admiration of the honourable bearing and disinterested conduct of their respected Brother , by loud plaudits . After the Lodge business had terminated , the Brethren , to the number of about a hundred , sat down to an excellent dinner . The Right Hon . the Earl of Mexborough was in the Chair , and he was supported on his right by Bro . Charles Lee , D . P . G . M ., the Rev . Bro . Dr . Navlor ,
P . G . C ., Bro . J . Hargreaves , P . G . Sec , the Rev . Bro . Dr . Senior , Past P . J . G . W ., Bro . John AVilson , P . G . R ., and on the left by Bro . C . J . Brandling , Past P . S . G . W ., Bro . Joshua Simpson , P . G . S . B . ; and it was pleasing there also to see three scions of the noble house of Savile , ranged together , Brothers in blood and Brothers in Masonry—the Hon . and Rev . P . Y . Savile , P . G . C ., the Hon . Henry Savile , ancl the Hon . and Rev . Arthur Savile . The two Vice-Chairs were filled b y Bro . G . H . France , P . S . G . W ., and Bro . T . K . Rowbotham , P . J . G . AA . The music of the evening was abl y conducted b y Bro . J . Hill . P . G .
Organist . After the cloth was withdrawn , "Non nobis Domine" was sung , and The Noble CHAIRMAN gave a succession of toasts , which were interspersed with music and song , after which , The P . S . G . AVARDEN gave— " Our Right AA orshipful Provincial Grand Master , the Earl of Mexborough . "—Song and Chorus , "Let Masonry , " & c , by Bro . J . Hill , P . G . O . The Noble Grand . Alaster returned thanks with much feelingand concluded a appropriate
, very and powerful address by proposing , " Our Right . Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Brother Charles Lee . "—Song , " Holy Friendship , Love , " & c , by Bro . Sugden . Bro . CHARLES LEE returned thanks , and quoted the remarks of the late Right Hon . the Earl of Durham , D . G . M ., made at a Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting in 1838 , as follows : — " I have ever felt it to be my duty to encourage ancl support Freemasonryboth in its princiles
, p and practice ; because it powerfully developes the social ancl benevolent affections—because it mitigates without , and annihilates within , the virulence of political and theological controversy—because it forms the only neutral ground whereon all ranks and classes can meet in perfect equality , and associate together without degradation or mortification , whether for moral instruction or social intercourse . '' Bro . Charles Lee concluded his observations in the words of Scotia ' s
bard" May Freedom , Harmony , and Love , Unite you in the grand design , Beneath the Omniscient eye above , The glorious Architect Divine . That you may keep the unerring line , Still rising by the plummet's law , Till order bright completely shine , And Yorkshire ' s fame reach far awa . "
Various other toasts were proposed and drank—amongst them— " Bro . Lord Pollington , and our Brethren of the Noble House of Savile ;" " Lady Sarah Savile , ancl the Ladies . " Introducing these toasts many excellent speeches and Masonic exhortations were made , the principal speakers being the Rev . Dr . Naylor , Vicar of Crofton ; the Hon . aud Rev . P . Y . Savile , Rector of Methley ; the Rev . Dr . Senior , Head Master of the Free Grammar School , Batley : the Hon . and Rev . Arthur Savile , St . Clements , London ; Brothers C . J . Brandling ; the Hon . Henry Savile ; G . II-France ; T . K . Rowbotham .
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At the conclusion of the reading of this straightforward , warm-hearted epistle , the Brethren expressed their admiration of the honourable bearing and disinterested conduct of their respected Brother , by loud plaudits . After the Lodge business had terminated , the Brethren , to the number of about a hundred , sat down to an excellent dinner . The Right Hon . the Earl of Mexborough was in the Chair , and he was supported on his right by Bro . Charles Lee , D . P . G . M ., the Rev . Bro . Dr . Navlor ,
P . G . C ., Bro . J . Hargreaves , P . G . Sec , the Rev . Bro . Dr . Senior , Past P . J . G . W ., Bro . John AVilson , P . G . R ., and on the left by Bro . C . J . Brandling , Past P . S . G . W ., Bro . Joshua Simpson , P . G . S . B . ; and it was pleasing there also to see three scions of the noble house of Savile , ranged together , Brothers in blood and Brothers in Masonry—the Hon . and Rev . P . Y . Savile , P . G . C ., the Hon . Henry Savile , ancl the Hon . and Rev . Arthur Savile . The two Vice-Chairs were filled b y Bro . G . H . France , P . S . G . W ., and Bro . T . K . Rowbotham , P . J . G . AA . The music of the evening was abl y conducted b y Bro . J . Hill . P . G .
Organist . After the cloth was withdrawn , "Non nobis Domine" was sung , and The Noble CHAIRMAN gave a succession of toasts , which were interspersed with music and song , after which , The P . S . G . AVARDEN gave— " Our Right AA orshipful Provincial Grand Master , the Earl of Mexborough . "—Song and Chorus , "Let Masonry , " & c , by Bro . J . Hill , P . G . O . The Noble Grand . Alaster returned thanks with much feelingand concluded a appropriate
, very and powerful address by proposing , " Our Right . Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master , Brother Charles Lee . "—Song , " Holy Friendship , Love , " & c , by Bro . Sugden . Bro . CHARLES LEE returned thanks , and quoted the remarks of the late Right Hon . the Earl of Durham , D . G . M ., made at a Provincial Grand Lodge Meeting in 1838 , as follows : — " I have ever felt it to be my duty to encourage ancl support Freemasonryboth in its princiles
, p and practice ; because it powerfully developes the social ancl benevolent affections—because it mitigates without , and annihilates within , the virulence of political and theological controversy—because it forms the only neutral ground whereon all ranks and classes can meet in perfect equality , and associate together without degradation or mortification , whether for moral instruction or social intercourse . '' Bro . Charles Lee concluded his observations in the words of Scotia ' s
bard" May Freedom , Harmony , and Love , Unite you in the grand design , Beneath the Omniscient eye above , The glorious Architect Divine . That you may keep the unerring line , Still rising by the plummet's law , Till order bright completely shine , And Yorkshire ' s fame reach far awa . "
Various other toasts were proposed and drank—amongst them— " Bro . Lord Pollington , and our Brethren of the Noble House of Savile ;" " Lady Sarah Savile , ancl the Ladies . " Introducing these toasts many excellent speeches and Masonic exhortations were made , the principal speakers being the Rev . Dr . Naylor , Vicar of Crofton ; the Hon . aud Rev . P . Y . Savile , Rector of Methley ; the Rev . Dr . Senior , Head Master of the Free Grammar School , Batley : the Hon . and Rev . Arthur Savile , St . Clements , London ; Brothers C . J . Brandling ; the Hon . Henry Savile ; G . II-France ; T . K . Rowbotham .