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Grand Conclave Of The Royal Order Of H.R.D.M. K.D.S.H., Palestine.
NE PLUS ULTRA . SIR KNIGHT , —You are respectfully requested to attend the duties of the Grand Conclave at Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the 22 nd day of DECEMBER , 1843 , at Three o ' clock in the afternoon precisely , for the purpose of recording the death of the M . E . and Supreme Grand Master of the Order , His late Royal Highness Prince Augustus Frederick , Duke of Sussex .
A . L . 584 T . A . D . 1843 . A . O . 725 . A . C . 529 . WILLIAM H . WHITE , Grand Chan . & Regist . Freemasons' Hall . By the statutes of the Order , the Grand Conclave consists of the Gh-and Officers and the E . Commander , and two Captains of each Encampment . London , 7 th December , 1843 .
FREEMASONS' HALL , FRIDAY , DEC . 22 . PRESENT : GRAND OFFICERS . —Sir Knts . J . C . Burckhardt , ( P . D . G . M . and Grand Sub-Prior ) ; Spencer , ( P . G . Equerry ) W . H . White , Grand Chancellor ) . COMMANDERS . —Crucefix , Fawcett , Stuart , Gibbins . FIRST CAPTAiNs . ^ -Goldsworthy , Francis , Bleadon , Warriner , Robb .
SECOND CAPTAINS . —Baumer , Haydon , Kincaid . Sir Knt . Burckhardt addressed the meeting generally , on the lamented occasion they were assembled to record . Sir Knt . Spencer followed in a very feeling address , in which he adverted with equal delicacy and justice to the merits of the departed Prince , and moved that a resolution drawn up by the Grand Sub-Prior , expressive of respect to the memory of that illustrious Templar , and of
regret at the loss sustained , be entered on the minutes ; which resolution was carried unanimously . The Grand Sub-Prior having , in the most cordial manner , invited the suggestions of the meeting on general subjects , a very harmonius discussion took place , in which Sir Knts . Burckhardt , Spencer , and Crucefix tooh part ; and it was ultimatel y resolved , that the following Companions should form a Committee for General Purposes , to consider of
general arrangements , discipline and practice , & c , and to report thereon to an earl y meeting of the Grand Conclave : Sir Knts . Spencer , Crucefix , Goldsworthy , Baumer , Fawcett , Francis , Prescott , Kincaid , Gibbins ; to which ex officio were added , Sir Knts . Burckhardt and W . H . White . Sir Knts . Stuart and Goldsworthy officiated as Grand Captains . * At the banquet Sir Knt . Crucefix was called to the chair , and after its conclusion , the objects of the meeting were discussed .
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Grand Conclave Of The Royal Order Of H.R.D.M. K.D.S.H., Palestine.
NE PLUS ULTRA . SIR KNIGHT , —You are respectfully requested to attend the duties of the Grand Conclave at Freemasons' Hall , on Friday , the 22 nd day of DECEMBER , 1843 , at Three o ' clock in the afternoon precisely , for the purpose of recording the death of the M . E . and Supreme Grand Master of the Order , His late Royal Highness Prince Augustus Frederick , Duke of Sussex .
A . L . 584 T . A . D . 1843 . A . O . 725 . A . C . 529 . WILLIAM H . WHITE , Grand Chan . & Regist . Freemasons' Hall . By the statutes of the Order , the Grand Conclave consists of the Gh-and Officers and the E . Commander , and two Captains of each Encampment . London , 7 th December , 1843 .
FREEMASONS' HALL , FRIDAY , DEC . 22 . PRESENT : GRAND OFFICERS . —Sir Knts . J . C . Burckhardt , ( P . D . G . M . and Grand Sub-Prior ) ; Spencer , ( P . G . Equerry ) W . H . White , Grand Chancellor ) . COMMANDERS . —Crucefix , Fawcett , Stuart , Gibbins . FIRST CAPTAiNs . ^ -Goldsworthy , Francis , Bleadon , Warriner , Robb .
SECOND CAPTAINS . —Baumer , Haydon , Kincaid . Sir Knt . Burckhardt addressed the meeting generally , on the lamented occasion they were assembled to record . Sir Knt . Spencer followed in a very feeling address , in which he adverted with equal delicacy and justice to the merits of the departed Prince , and moved that a resolution drawn up by the Grand Sub-Prior , expressive of respect to the memory of that illustrious Templar , and of
regret at the loss sustained , be entered on the minutes ; which resolution was carried unanimously . The Grand Sub-Prior having , in the most cordial manner , invited the suggestions of the meeting on general subjects , a very harmonius discussion took place , in which Sir Knts . Burckhardt , Spencer , and Crucefix tooh part ; and it was ultimatel y resolved , that the following Companions should form a Committee for General Purposes , to consider of
general arrangements , discipline and practice , & c , and to report thereon to an earl y meeting of the Grand Conclave : Sir Knts . Spencer , Crucefix , Goldsworthy , Baumer , Fawcett , Francis , Prescott , Kincaid , Gibbins ; to which ex officio were added , Sir Knts . Burckhardt and W . H . White . Sir Knts . Stuart and Goldsworthy officiated as Grand Captains . * At the banquet Sir Knt . Crucefix was called to the chair , and after its conclusion , the objects of the meeting were discussed .