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Attack On Freemasonry In Malta.
' give unto God that which is God ' s , and unto Csesar that which is Ctesar ' s , ' endeavouring to do their duty to God and to their neighbour . " Finally , we absolutely prohibit persons of any grade or condition from having any connexion with this lodge , from co-operating , even indirectly , in its establishment or extension . We order them to prevent others from frequenting itor iving to its members a lace of meeting
, g p , under any pretext . We place every one under an obligation to denounce to us all persons who may belong to this lodge in any capacity , either as members or agents of a secret union , founded by the Devil himself , & c . "' Datum Valetto ., in Palatio nostro Archiepiscopali , die 14 Octobris , 184 . 3 . "
POPERY VERSUS FREEMASONRY . TO THE EDITOR OF THE MORNING HERALD . SiRj—My attention has been drawn to a most extraordinary document , purporting to be a ' Pastoral Letter" from the Bishop of Malta , in which the whole Masonic body is fiercely vituperated , ancl every individual composing the Fraternity denounced and excommunicated—A
. more complete specimen of Jesuitical bigotry has seldom appeared . It is , however , calculated to injure its promulgators rather than the unoffending and widely spreatl body against whom its vain thunders have been fulminated—for it is useless for Roman Catholics to talk of any amelioration in the spirit of modern Popery , when edicts so fierce and intolerant as the ridiculous composition in question prove the present existence of a rancorous irit of persecution and bigotry
sp unsurpassed in the darkest ages of Papal supremacy and power . In this vile document the most atrocious calumnies are heaped upon the Masonic Fraternity , which is described as " the common sewer of all filth , endeavouring , though continually in vain , to vomit forth the things of hell against the immaculate purity of the holy Catholic religion , " and the Brethren are represented as seeking to convulse all order which
reigns upon earth . The whole production is imbued with the worst spirit of bigotry , and contains throughout the most atrocious and abominable falsehoods . It is a base libel upon the memory of that benevolent Prince who for so many years presided over the English portion of the ancient fraternity , a base libel upon those respected prelates of the Protestant Church , who have adorned and supported the order , and a gross libel upon the Monarchs of the royal House of Brunswick , who for
so many years have been amongst its warmest and most constant patrons-Similar edicts have been before , at various times , given to the world ; whence then arises such bitter hostility , ancl why does Popery dread the progress of Freemasonry ? It is because the two systems contain antagonistic principles . The pure doctrines of Freemasonry—its principles of universal beneficence—its charity and brotherlloveand the trul
y , y Christian duties which its practice inculcates , are utterly at variance with that system of superstition and bigotry which , under the denomination of Catholicism , seeks to perpetuate ignorance ancl error , fetter the conscience , and enslave the mind . Protestantism cherishes and promotes Freemasonry—Popery would persecute and suppress it . To put the question , however , between Popery and Freemasonry at issue , and
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Attack On Freemasonry In Malta.
' give unto God that which is God ' s , and unto Csesar that which is Ctesar ' s , ' endeavouring to do their duty to God and to their neighbour . " Finally , we absolutely prohibit persons of any grade or condition from having any connexion with this lodge , from co-operating , even indirectly , in its establishment or extension . We order them to prevent others from frequenting itor iving to its members a lace of meeting
, g p , under any pretext . We place every one under an obligation to denounce to us all persons who may belong to this lodge in any capacity , either as members or agents of a secret union , founded by the Devil himself , & c . "' Datum Valetto ., in Palatio nostro Archiepiscopali , die 14 Octobris , 184 . 3 . "
POPERY VERSUS FREEMASONRY . TO THE EDITOR OF THE MORNING HERALD . SiRj—My attention has been drawn to a most extraordinary document , purporting to be a ' Pastoral Letter" from the Bishop of Malta , in which the whole Masonic body is fiercely vituperated , ancl every individual composing the Fraternity denounced and excommunicated—A
. more complete specimen of Jesuitical bigotry has seldom appeared . It is , however , calculated to injure its promulgators rather than the unoffending and widely spreatl body against whom its vain thunders have been fulminated—for it is useless for Roman Catholics to talk of any amelioration in the spirit of modern Popery , when edicts so fierce and intolerant as the ridiculous composition in question prove the present existence of a rancorous irit of persecution and bigotry
sp unsurpassed in the darkest ages of Papal supremacy and power . In this vile document the most atrocious calumnies are heaped upon the Masonic Fraternity , which is described as " the common sewer of all filth , endeavouring , though continually in vain , to vomit forth the things of hell against the immaculate purity of the holy Catholic religion , " and the Brethren are represented as seeking to convulse all order which
reigns upon earth . The whole production is imbued with the worst spirit of bigotry , and contains throughout the most atrocious and abominable falsehoods . It is a base libel upon the memory of that benevolent Prince who for so many years presided over the English portion of the ancient fraternity , a base libel upon those respected prelates of the Protestant Church , who have adorned and supported the order , and a gross libel upon the Monarchs of the royal House of Brunswick , who for
so many years have been amongst its warmest and most constant patrons-Similar edicts have been before , at various times , given to the world ; whence then arises such bitter hostility , ancl why does Popery dread the progress of Freemasonry ? It is because the two systems contain antagonistic principles . The pure doctrines of Freemasonry—its principles of universal beneficence—its charity and brotherlloveand the trul
y , y Christian duties which its practice inculcates , are utterly at variance with that system of superstition and bigotry which , under the denomination of Catholicism , seeks to perpetuate ignorance ancl error , fetter the conscience , and enslave the mind . Protestantism cherishes and promotes Freemasonry—Popery would persecute and suppress it . To put the question , however , between Popery and Freemasonry at issue , and