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Attack On Freemasonry In Malta.
openly , and with all that apostolic frankness characteristic of the Catholic clergy , in the name of God Almighty , and of his onl y true Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church , and authorized as we are expressly by the Papal authority , denounce , proscribe and condemn , in the most public manner , the instalments , unions , meetings , and all the proceedings of this lodge of abominations ; as being diametrically opposed to our sacred Catholic reliionas destructive to celestial law
g , every , every mundane authority , contradictory to every evangelical maxim , and as tending to disorganize , put to flight , and utterly destroy whatever of religion , of honesty , and of good there may be in the holy Catholic faith , or among our peaceful citizens , under the deceitful veil of novelty , of a badly understood philanthropy , and a specious freedom . " We therefore believe it to be our duty , most beloved diocesan , to
address you under these deplorable circumstances ; to incite you to entertain the most profound horror and the deepest indignation for this lodge , union , or society , by us this day publicly condemned—to regard it as a common sewer of filth , and sink of immorality , which endeavours , although as yet in vain , to vomit hell against , to stigmatize the immaculate purity of , our sacred Catholic religion . Its pernicious orgies anticipate the overthrow of that order which reigns on earth , promote an unbridled freedom of actionunchecked blawfor the gratification of
, y , the most depraved and disorderly passions . Do not allow yourselves to be deceived b y their seducing language , which proffers humanity , fraternal love , and apparent reform : but , in reality , tends to discord , universal anarchy , and total ruin , the destruction of all religion , ancl the subversion of every philanthropic establishment . Their agents
industriously hide their malignant intentions by deceitful and never-to-beredeemed promises . The great solicitude evinced to conceal every action of this society under a mask will make you distrust its word , for honourable undertakings are always manifest ancl open , courting observation and inquiry ; sins and iniquities alone bury themselves in secrecy and obscurity . Fathers of families ! and you , also , to whom is entrusted the education of youth , be diligent , and be careful of your precious charge ;
see that they be not contaminated by this plague spot , which , although now confined to one domicile , yet threatens to spread the pestilence amongst us ; scrutinize the books they read , examine the character of their associates . It is a well known practice of this secret society to seduce over youth , under the specious pretext of communicating to them , disinterestedly , scientific knowledge . Flee , then , O beloved diocesan , as from the face of a venomous serpent , the society , the very neighbourhood of , and all connexion with these teachers of impiety ,
who wish to confound light with darkness , trying if possible to obscure the former , and make you embrace and follow the latter . You cannot possibly gain any thing good from disturbers of all rule and order , who show no veneration for God and his religion , no esteem for any authority , ecclesiastical or civil;—men , deceitful and feigning , who under a show of social honesty , and a warm love for their species , are stirring up an atrocious war with all that can render human society honourablehappy
, , and tranquil . " Consider them as so many pernicious individuals , to whom Pope Leo XII ., in his often repeated bulls , ordered that no one should give hospitality , not even a passing salute . " Instead of such persons , bring around you honest and just men , who
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Attack On Freemasonry In Malta.
openly , and with all that apostolic frankness characteristic of the Catholic clergy , in the name of God Almighty , and of his onl y true Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church , and authorized as we are expressly by the Papal authority , denounce , proscribe and condemn , in the most public manner , the instalments , unions , meetings , and all the proceedings of this lodge of abominations ; as being diametrically opposed to our sacred Catholic reliionas destructive to celestial law
g , every , every mundane authority , contradictory to every evangelical maxim , and as tending to disorganize , put to flight , and utterly destroy whatever of religion , of honesty , and of good there may be in the holy Catholic faith , or among our peaceful citizens , under the deceitful veil of novelty , of a badly understood philanthropy , and a specious freedom . " We therefore believe it to be our duty , most beloved diocesan , to
address you under these deplorable circumstances ; to incite you to entertain the most profound horror and the deepest indignation for this lodge , union , or society , by us this day publicly condemned—to regard it as a common sewer of filth , and sink of immorality , which endeavours , although as yet in vain , to vomit hell against , to stigmatize the immaculate purity of , our sacred Catholic religion . Its pernicious orgies anticipate the overthrow of that order which reigns on earth , promote an unbridled freedom of actionunchecked blawfor the gratification of
, y , the most depraved and disorderly passions . Do not allow yourselves to be deceived b y their seducing language , which proffers humanity , fraternal love , and apparent reform : but , in reality , tends to discord , universal anarchy , and total ruin , the destruction of all religion , ancl the subversion of every philanthropic establishment . Their agents
industriously hide their malignant intentions by deceitful and never-to-beredeemed promises . The great solicitude evinced to conceal every action of this society under a mask will make you distrust its word , for honourable undertakings are always manifest ancl open , courting observation and inquiry ; sins and iniquities alone bury themselves in secrecy and obscurity . Fathers of families ! and you , also , to whom is entrusted the education of youth , be diligent , and be careful of your precious charge ;
see that they be not contaminated by this plague spot , which , although now confined to one domicile , yet threatens to spread the pestilence amongst us ; scrutinize the books they read , examine the character of their associates . It is a well known practice of this secret society to seduce over youth , under the specious pretext of communicating to them , disinterestedly , scientific knowledge . Flee , then , O beloved diocesan , as from the face of a venomous serpent , the society , the very neighbourhood of , and all connexion with these teachers of impiety ,
who wish to confound light with darkness , trying if possible to obscure the former , and make you embrace and follow the latter . You cannot possibly gain any thing good from disturbers of all rule and order , who show no veneration for God and his religion , no esteem for any authority , ecclesiastical or civil;—men , deceitful and feigning , who under a show of social honesty , and a warm love for their species , are stirring up an atrocious war with all that can render human society honourablehappy
, , and tranquil . " Consider them as so many pernicious individuals , to whom Pope Leo XII ., in his often repeated bulls , ordered that no one should give hospitality , not even a passing salute . " Instead of such persons , bring around you honest and just men , who