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An Address On The Subject Of Freemasonry,
century , when the Holy Land was in the possession of the disciples of Mahomet , tliey suffered severely by their extortion and cruelty . Filled with commiseration for their sufferings , and animated by the burning religious zeal of the age , Peter of Amiens , surnamed the Hermit , returned from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land , and prevailed upon Pope Urbanus ii . to endeavour to free Palestine , and to grant him power and permissionbhis preachingto awaken the faithful in all
, y , Christendom . This occurred in the year 1094 . In the following year the scheme of the first Crusade was drawn out in two General Assemblies of the Church , heltl at Placentia in March , and at Clermont in November . The time of their departure was fixed to be in the spring of looe . The whole west was in commotion . Numerous bands of pilgrims and crusaders went first ; and the regular army , under the command of Godfried of BouillonDuke of Lotharingenleft the
, , place where it had assembled , on the 15 th of August in the same year . Having marched through Hungary and arrived at Constantinople , " they there united their forces with the Normans and others , and in the month of March , 1079 , the army of the Cross marched through Thrace . — Having taken Nice , the capital of Syria , conquered Antioch , and arrived in Palestine , it was on the loth of July 1099 , that the Crusaders entered Jerusalemand elevated their leaderGodfried of Bouillonto be King
, , , of the Holy Land . The report of these glorious victories inflamed anew the hearts of the Christians of the west . New assemblies of Crusaders were formed , and in ] J 02 an army of 26 , 000 men marched in the footsteps of the first Crusaders , towards the Holy Land . Through those expeditions b y land , as well as by others undertaken by sea , between the
years 1096 to 1146 , the Christians not only conquered the Holy Land , but they founded there a kingdom , as an evidence of their religious zeal . The events which occurred in this time are of the greatest importance to history , but they would lead us too far from the subject which is at present under our consideration . It will therefore be sufficient to say , that during the period in which the events occurred which we have shortly narrated , some people are of opinion that the order of
Freemasonry was born . The times of the Crusaders gave birth to various brotherhoods and orders of knighthood . The order of St . John of Jerusalem , afterwards the Kni ghts of St . John , or Knights of Malta ; the Teutonic order ; but more particularly the order of the Templars deserves our attention . Itwasin the year 1118 that the first foundation of the last named order was laid in Jerusalem , by Hugo de Paganis and Godfried van St . Omer , and seven others whose names are unknown . They adopted the name of Templars because the place in which thev held their first assemblies
was in the neighbourhood of Solomon ' s Temple at Jerusalem . The number of the members of the order increased rapidly , not only in Palestine , but in the various nations of Europe ; and in the course of a very few years it became one of the most eminent , rich , and powerful orders in the world . After the unfortunate issue of the Crusades , many of the orders and brotherhoods to which they had given birth were broken the Templars found a lace of refuge in the island of
up ; p Cyprus , where , after having enjoyed some years of prosperity , the order was broken up by one of the most bloody and cruel persecutions recorded in either ancient or modern history . Their power , their riches , and their renown , brought upon them the hatred and the persecution of Pope Clement V . and the French king Philip the Fair ; and however
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An Address On The Subject Of Freemasonry,
century , when the Holy Land was in the possession of the disciples of Mahomet , tliey suffered severely by their extortion and cruelty . Filled with commiseration for their sufferings , and animated by the burning religious zeal of the age , Peter of Amiens , surnamed the Hermit , returned from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land , and prevailed upon Pope Urbanus ii . to endeavour to free Palestine , and to grant him power and permissionbhis preachingto awaken the faithful in all
, y , Christendom . This occurred in the year 1094 . In the following year the scheme of the first Crusade was drawn out in two General Assemblies of the Church , heltl at Placentia in March , and at Clermont in November . The time of their departure was fixed to be in the spring of looe . The whole west was in commotion . Numerous bands of pilgrims and crusaders went first ; and the regular army , under the command of Godfried of BouillonDuke of Lotharingenleft the
, , place where it had assembled , on the 15 th of August in the same year . Having marched through Hungary and arrived at Constantinople , " they there united their forces with the Normans and others , and in the month of March , 1079 , the army of the Cross marched through Thrace . — Having taken Nice , the capital of Syria , conquered Antioch , and arrived in Palestine , it was on the loth of July 1099 , that the Crusaders entered Jerusalemand elevated their leaderGodfried of Bouillonto be King
, , , of the Holy Land . The report of these glorious victories inflamed anew the hearts of the Christians of the west . New assemblies of Crusaders were formed , and in ] J 02 an army of 26 , 000 men marched in the footsteps of the first Crusaders , towards the Holy Land . Through those expeditions b y land , as well as by others undertaken by sea , between the
years 1096 to 1146 , the Christians not only conquered the Holy Land , but they founded there a kingdom , as an evidence of their religious zeal . The events which occurred in this time are of the greatest importance to history , but they would lead us too far from the subject which is at present under our consideration . It will therefore be sufficient to say , that during the period in which the events occurred which we have shortly narrated , some people are of opinion that the order of
Freemasonry was born . The times of the Crusaders gave birth to various brotherhoods and orders of knighthood . The order of St . John of Jerusalem , afterwards the Kni ghts of St . John , or Knights of Malta ; the Teutonic order ; but more particularly the order of the Templars deserves our attention . Itwasin the year 1118 that the first foundation of the last named order was laid in Jerusalem , by Hugo de Paganis and Godfried van St . Omer , and seven others whose names are unknown . They adopted the name of Templars because the place in which thev held their first assemblies
was in the neighbourhood of Solomon ' s Temple at Jerusalem . The number of the members of the order increased rapidly , not only in Palestine , but in the various nations of Europe ; and in the course of a very few years it became one of the most eminent , rich , and powerful orders in the world . After the unfortunate issue of the Crusades , many of the orders and brotherhoods to which they had given birth were broken the Templars found a lace of refuge in the island of
up ; p Cyprus , where , after having enjoyed some years of prosperity , the order was broken up by one of the most bloody and cruel persecutions recorded in either ancient or modern history . Their power , their riches , and their renown , brought upon them the hatred and the persecution of Pope Clement V . and the French king Philip the Fair ; and however