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Masonic Offering To D K. Oliver.—Our Rea...
MASONIC OFFERING TO D K . OLIVER . —Our readers will perceive , tliat the final arrangements for this interesting subject will be made next month ; preparatory to the spring meeting of the Grand Lodge ot Lincolnshire .
THE OFFICE OF GRAND M ASTEII . —The election will take place on the sixth day of March , ' at the next Quarterly Communication . We have received several letters , drawing our attention to articles that have appeared in Sunday Tapers , and particularly to one that has been re-copied by a leading Morning Journal . The Editor of the latter , no doubt , soon discovered the false position in which the Deputy Grand
Master was placed by such , interference . " Save me from my friends J " the noble Brother may well exclaim . When argument is made to yield to sophistry , and simple facts to fancies if not falsehood , leaving honour , courtesy , and discipline , altogether out of the question ; p lain-dealing is sine to triumph . We may state , in reply to those who admire the perfume of the " scandal-flower , " that the Pro-Grand and the Deputy Grand Masters were most excellent friends ; and both went home together to Arlington-street , in the carriage of the Marquis .
FREEMASONRY IN MALTA . —We received ( too late to extract ) tho Xenagh Guardian , containing a very excellent address to the It . C . Prelates of Ireland , by a P . O . Freemason , on the subject of the unholy anathema against Freemasonry by the R . C . Bishop of Malta . The address is written in a most becoming spirit , and admirably contrasts truth with falsehood , moderation with intolerance .
Tin : SUMATRA CANVASS ;—An amusing paper on this subject was iu type , and also a letter from the P G . L . of Sumatra to its Chief , but both now must " abide their time- " CALCUTTA . —It has been decided that the Testimonial to Dr . Grant shall be designed and executed by Bro . W . Evans , of London .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Masonic Offering To D K. Oliver.—Our Rea...
MASONIC OFFERING TO D K . OLIVER . —Our readers will perceive , tliat the final arrangements for this interesting subject will be made next month ; preparatory to the spring meeting of the Grand Lodge ot Lincolnshire .
THE OFFICE OF GRAND M ASTEII . —The election will take place on the sixth day of March , ' at the next Quarterly Communication . We have received several letters , drawing our attention to articles that have appeared in Sunday Tapers , and particularly to one that has been re-copied by a leading Morning Journal . The Editor of the latter , no doubt , soon discovered the false position in which the Deputy Grand
Master was placed by such , interference . " Save me from my friends J " the noble Brother may well exclaim . When argument is made to yield to sophistry , and simple facts to fancies if not falsehood , leaving honour , courtesy , and discipline , altogether out of the question ; p lain-dealing is sine to triumph . We may state , in reply to those who admire the perfume of the " scandal-flower , " that the Pro-Grand and the Deputy Grand Masters were most excellent friends ; and both went home together to Arlington-street , in the carriage of the Marquis .
FREEMASONRY IN MALTA . —We received ( too late to extract ) tho Xenagh Guardian , containing a very excellent address to the It . C . Prelates of Ireland , by a P . O . Freemason , on the subject of the unholy anathema against Freemasonry by the R . C . Bishop of Malta . The address is written in a most becoming spirit , and admirably contrasts truth with falsehood , moderation with intolerance .
Tin : SUMATRA CANVASS ;—An amusing paper on this subject was iu type , and also a letter from the P G . L . of Sumatra to its Chief , but both now must " abide their time- " CALCUTTA . —It has been decided that the Testimonial to Dr . Grant shall be designed and executed by Bro . W . Evans , of London .