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Hood's Monthly Magazine And Comic Miscellany.
must lie hope to learn ( he proper Terminus of Reform , nor even whether a Kuality Man means Campbell ' s Last Man , or an Undertaker . A total abstinence from such stimulating topics and fermented questions is , indeed , ensured by the established character of the Editor , and his notorious aversion to party spirit . To borrow his own words , from a letter to the
Proprietors— " I am no Politician , and far from instructed on those topics which , to parody a common phrase , no gentleman ' s newspaper should be without . Thus , for any knowledge of mine , the Irish Prosecutions may be for pirating the Irish Melodies ; the Pennsylvanians may have repudiated their wires ; Duff Green may be a place , like Goose Green ; Prince Polignac a dahlia or a carnation , and the Due de Bordeaux a tulip . The Spanish affairs
I could never master , even with a Pronouncing Dictionary at my elhow ; it would puzzle me to say whether Queen Isabella ' s majority is or is not equal to Sir Robert Peel ' s ; or if the shelling the Barcelonese was done with bombs and mortars , or the nutcrackers . Prim may be a quaker , and the whole Civil War about the Seville Oranges . Nay , even on domestic matters nearer home , my profound political ignorance leaves me in doubt on questions concerning
which the newsmen ' s boys and printers' devils have formed very decided opinions : for example , whether the Corn Law League ought to extend beyond three miles from Mark Lane—or the Sliding Scale should regulate the charges at the Glaciariuin ; what share the Welch Whigs have had in the Welch Riots , and how far the Ryots in India were excited by the slaughter of the Brahmin Bull . On all such public subjects I am less an fait than that Publicist the Potboy , at the public-house , with the insolvent sign , The Hog in flie Pound . "
Polemics will be excluded with the same rigour ; and especially the Tractarian Schism . The reader of HOOD ' S MAGAZINE must not hope , therefore , to be told whether an old Protestant Church ought to be plastered with Roman Cement ; or , if a design for a new one should be washed in with Newman ' s colours . And most egregiously will lie be disappointed , should he look for Controversial Theology in our Poet ' s Corner . He might as well expect to see Queens of Sheba , and divided babies , from wearing Solomon ' s Spectacles !
For the rest , . 1 critical eye will be kept on our current Literature , —a regretful one on the Drama , and a kind one for the Fine Arts , from whose Artesian Well there will bo an occasional drawing . With this brief , explanatory Announcement , HOOD ' S MAGAZINE AND COMIC MISCELLANY is left to recommend itself by its own merits to those enlightened judges , the Reviewers ; and to that impartial jury—too vast to pack in any
case—the British Public . £ < 2 &* Office , No . 1 , Adam-street , Adelphi , where all Orders , Advertisements , and Communications for the Editor , are requested to be addressed . LONDON : TiH . mnrRY AND I : V . I ? .-S . ntiNTnus , unm : Fiu . ii !^ .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Hood's Monthly Magazine And Comic Miscellany.
must lie hope to learn ( he proper Terminus of Reform , nor even whether a Kuality Man means Campbell ' s Last Man , or an Undertaker . A total abstinence from such stimulating topics and fermented questions is , indeed , ensured by the established character of the Editor , and his notorious aversion to party spirit . To borrow his own words , from a letter to the
Proprietors— " I am no Politician , and far from instructed on those topics which , to parody a common phrase , no gentleman ' s newspaper should be without . Thus , for any knowledge of mine , the Irish Prosecutions may be for pirating the Irish Melodies ; the Pennsylvanians may have repudiated their wires ; Duff Green may be a place , like Goose Green ; Prince Polignac a dahlia or a carnation , and the Due de Bordeaux a tulip . The Spanish affairs
I could never master , even with a Pronouncing Dictionary at my elhow ; it would puzzle me to say whether Queen Isabella ' s majority is or is not equal to Sir Robert Peel ' s ; or if the shelling the Barcelonese was done with bombs and mortars , or the nutcrackers . Prim may be a quaker , and the whole Civil War about the Seville Oranges . Nay , even on domestic matters nearer home , my profound political ignorance leaves me in doubt on questions concerning
which the newsmen ' s boys and printers' devils have formed very decided opinions : for example , whether the Corn Law League ought to extend beyond three miles from Mark Lane—or the Sliding Scale should regulate the charges at the Glaciariuin ; what share the Welch Whigs have had in the Welch Riots , and how far the Ryots in India were excited by the slaughter of the Brahmin Bull . On all such public subjects I am less an fait than that Publicist the Potboy , at the public-house , with the insolvent sign , The Hog in flie Pound . "
Polemics will be excluded with the same rigour ; and especially the Tractarian Schism . The reader of HOOD ' S MAGAZINE must not hope , therefore , to be told whether an old Protestant Church ought to be plastered with Roman Cement ; or , if a design for a new one should be washed in with Newman ' s colours . And most egregiously will lie be disappointed , should he look for Controversial Theology in our Poet ' s Corner . He might as well expect to see Queens of Sheba , and divided babies , from wearing Solomon ' s Spectacles !
For the rest , . 1 critical eye will be kept on our current Literature , —a regretful one on the Drama , and a kind one for the Fine Arts , from whose Artesian Well there will bo an occasional drawing . With this brief , explanatory Announcement , HOOD ' S MAGAZINE AND COMIC MISCELLANY is left to recommend itself by its own merits to those enlightened judges , the Reviewers ; and to that impartial jury—too vast to pack in any
case—the British Public . £ < 2 &* Office , No . 1 , Adam-street , Adelphi , where all Orders , Advertisements , and Communications for the Editor , are requested to be addressed . LONDON : TiH . mnrRY AND I : V . I ? .-S . ntiNTnus , unm : Fiu . ii !^ .