Article TWENTY YEARS' LOSS OF HAIR, AND WONDERFU... Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Twenty Years' Loss Of Hair, And Wonderfu...
TWENTY YEARS' LOSS OF HAIR , AND WONDERFUL RESTORATION . Church-street , Whitby , Oct . 19 , 1841 . GENTLEMEN , —Of the last supply of OLDRIDGE'S BALM of COLOMBIA , every bottle was sold immediately on receiptand I have many more bespokeonly waiting for
, , a further supply , which I hope you will send without the least delay . Orders have poured in more than ever since the powerful effects of the Balm have been so decisively demonstrated in the cases of several credible and respectable inhabitants of the town . One instance , among others which have attracted particular attention , is the case of a gentleman who had had little or no hair for twenty years ; he had tried numerous preparations in vain , and ultimatel y had his head shaved , and wore a wig . At my recommendation he tried the Balm ; and after using it according to the directions for a short time , the
young hair appeared , and he has now as fine a head of hair as any person in Whitby . Yours , & c , JOHN KlLVINGTON . To Messrs . Kennaby , Brothers , 10 , 'Westmoreland-buildings , Aldersgate-street , London . Price 3 s . 6 d ., Gs ., and lis . per bottle . No other prices are genuine . Ask for C . and A . OLDRIDGE'S BALM , No . 1 , Wellington-street , Strand .
WATSON'S ALBATA PILATE . ELEGANCE ^ Z £ g , AND ECONOMY FOR THE TABLE , ^ J §\ WA R E A H ? T US ES » 41 , & 42 , BARBICAN , J ^^ mki £ gs 2 Jfe ^ \ G , NORTON FOLGATE Corner of Princes Street , 11 / MM ^ M ^ A W f JBisliopsgate , Five Minutes walk from the W . SSSfflfm ^^ l fj' If Fifty Doors from the Eastern . Post Office , W , ipP' I jllS Counties Railway . SILVER SUPERSEDED , and ^> &> A ¦ I Jldfi „ w t ,. _ ,,. ~ those corrosive and injurious ^ k m ^ f & L * A \^/ W C WATSON begs the Pub , c will metals , called , Nickel and German ^& fMMWBhMti / understand that tins Metal is pe-Silver / supplanted by the introduc- ^ Ml > 0 ^ $ { mW ™ haT } y '" ° S £ a " . ' , hi" S ^ T , f ' ction of a new , and perfectly matchless Wffi IwllF ,,, „ *• M ? ° . morc dl ^ rf , nt from . ^ old ALB ATA PLATE . C . WATSON , aided bv IP ^ 'zM'W , ' - -, w ., Metal ' ' rom a 11 ° > ' ? ' < . Puba person of Science , in the amalgamation ^ WWM'W IlC t ^ refor . e have . ? ° "imculty in disof Metals , has succeeded in briS to B * fc % MT f 5 "" e ' >' '" , ™ ' ? * re 0 ! s the v , rl " Public Notice , mo most beautiful Article LWlMW ^ Ie ? ' * f * f ""^ V " St hl , ' l ^ l ever yet offerk , possessing all the rich ! f *| l ^^ , fi ° " , " „ su'rL'n" « fr ° m , ) "iP ^ alleled ness of Silver in appearance-with all its $ 05 « f ® iJlEn ™ " ''" ° h has ™ . , t « e progress of durability and hardness-with its perfect NS ^ f ^ f ^ A" New Plate since its introduction . C . W . sweetness in use-undergoing as it does a . ^ SI ^^ C Unhk ° ' «!* I" ? , " - « urM C 0 , 5 , a " < V **\; Chemical Process , by which , all that is na ' u- -SsSgBlESk ! , c ° " ? nt ttal «»< ; . res" » ? ' »> <* : * " »" seous in mixed Metals is entirely extracted ^^^^^^ its pre-eminence . Entire Services ol Plate —resisting all Acids—may be cleaned as Chased menasea . silver , and is Manufactured into eve ™ 6 otreePt full Size COMMUNION SERVICES , Article for the Table and Sideboard . £ ., 5 „ ' ' Manufactured of this Metal . | WATSON Bl li 4 I & + 2 BAKBICAN j | j / jj __ | Sleel Places , with Watson ' s New Alhnta Plate Handle Table Knives 22 s . Sd . per doz . Desserts 1 Ss-Gd . Carvers 6 s . Gd-Albala Plate : Fiddle . Strong Fiddle Threaded \ AlbataPlnte Fiddle . \ Strono Fiddle Threaded . Tablespoons ... 16 6 " doz " . 1 1 0 doz . 1 10 Odoz . Tea Spoons 3 6 doz . 8 0 " doz . 1 . 1 0 doz . „ Forks ... 16 6 „ 110 ,, 1 10 0 „ Salt Ditto ... 6 0 „ 12 0 Gill 18 0 f ill . Dessert Sooons 12 6 „ 16 0 „ 15 0 ,, ! SugarTongs 1 3 each 1 9 each 3 0 each __ , Forks 12 6 ., 16 6 „ 15 0 ,. l I Three Papici Maehe Tea Trays , full sizes , ornamented for 35 s —Patent Candle Lamps Us . 6 . 1 . —Solar [ .. laij . s to burn common Oil 22 s . fid . —Bronze Fenders ' Js . fid . Steel Fire Irons 4 s . fid . per set . —Jvory Handle Tji . Je Knives , rimmed Shoulders lis . per Doz . Desserts 9 s . per doz . Carvers -Is . Gd . per pair . CtVTJTIOH : —WATSON ' Nr . w AT . BATA PLATE , can only be had Genuine at tlie "Warehouses of the Tnv n tor 41 , & 42 . BARBICAN , corner of Princes Street , and at 16 , NORTON FOLGATE , Bishopsg . ite , Wholesale aiiu Retail Jeweller , Silversmith , Cutler . and General Furnishing Hardwareman , Established 1795 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Twenty Years' Loss Of Hair, And Wonderfu...
TWENTY YEARS' LOSS OF HAIR , AND WONDERFUL RESTORATION . Church-street , Whitby , Oct . 19 , 1841 . GENTLEMEN , —Of the last supply of OLDRIDGE'S BALM of COLOMBIA , every bottle was sold immediately on receiptand I have many more bespokeonly waiting for
, , a further supply , which I hope you will send without the least delay . Orders have poured in more than ever since the powerful effects of the Balm have been so decisively demonstrated in the cases of several credible and respectable inhabitants of the town . One instance , among others which have attracted particular attention , is the case of a gentleman who had had little or no hair for twenty years ; he had tried numerous preparations in vain , and ultimatel y had his head shaved , and wore a wig . At my recommendation he tried the Balm ; and after using it according to the directions for a short time , the
young hair appeared , and he has now as fine a head of hair as any person in Whitby . Yours , & c , JOHN KlLVINGTON . To Messrs . Kennaby , Brothers , 10 , 'Westmoreland-buildings , Aldersgate-street , London . Price 3 s . 6 d ., Gs ., and lis . per bottle . No other prices are genuine . Ask for C . and A . OLDRIDGE'S BALM , No . 1 , Wellington-street , Strand .
WATSON'S ALBATA PILATE . ELEGANCE ^ Z £ g , AND ECONOMY FOR THE TABLE , ^ J §\ WA R E A H ? T US ES » 41 , & 42 , BARBICAN , J ^^ mki £ gs 2 Jfe ^ \ G , NORTON FOLGATE Corner of Princes Street , 11 / MM ^ M ^ A W f JBisliopsgate , Five Minutes walk from the W . SSSfflfm ^^ l fj' If Fifty Doors from the Eastern . Post Office , W , ipP' I jllS Counties Railway . SILVER SUPERSEDED , and ^> &> A ¦ I Jldfi „ w t ,. _ ,,. ~ those corrosive and injurious ^ k m ^ f & L * A \^/ W C WATSON begs the Pub , c will metals , called , Nickel and German ^& fMMWBhMti / understand that tins Metal is pe-Silver / supplanted by the introduc- ^ Ml > 0 ^ $ { mW ™ haT } y '" ° S £ a " . ' , hi" S ^ T , f ' ction of a new , and perfectly matchless Wffi IwllF ,,, „ *• M ? ° . morc dl ^ rf , nt from . ^ old ALB ATA PLATE . C . WATSON , aided bv IP ^ 'zM'W , ' - -, w ., Metal ' ' rom a 11 ° > ' ? ' < . Puba person of Science , in the amalgamation ^ WWM'W IlC t ^ refor . e have . ? ° "imculty in disof Metals , has succeeded in briS to B * fc % MT f 5 "" e ' >' '" , ™ ' ? * re 0 ! s the v , rl " Public Notice , mo most beautiful Article LWlMW ^ Ie ? ' * f * f ""^ V " St hl , ' l ^ l ever yet offerk , possessing all the rich ! f *| l ^^ , fi ° " , " „ su'rL'n" « fr ° m , ) "iP ^ alleled ness of Silver in appearance-with all its $ 05 « f ® iJlEn ™ " ''" ° h has ™ . , t « e progress of durability and hardness-with its perfect NS ^ f ^ f ^ A" New Plate since its introduction . C . W . sweetness in use-undergoing as it does a . ^ SI ^^ C Unhk ° ' «!* I" ? , " - « urM C 0 , 5 , a " < V **\; Chemical Process , by which , all that is na ' u- -SsSgBlESk ! , c ° " ? nt ttal «»< ; . res" » ? ' »> <* : * " »" seous in mixed Metals is entirely extracted ^^^^^^ its pre-eminence . Entire Services ol Plate —resisting all Acids—may be cleaned as Chased menasea . silver , and is Manufactured into eve ™ 6 otreePt full Size COMMUNION SERVICES , Article for the Table and Sideboard . £ ., 5 „ ' ' Manufactured of this Metal . | WATSON Bl li 4 I & + 2 BAKBICAN j | j / jj __ | Sleel Places , with Watson ' s New Alhnta Plate Handle Table Knives 22 s . Sd . per doz . Desserts 1 Ss-Gd . Carvers 6 s . Gd-Albala Plate : Fiddle . Strong Fiddle Threaded \ AlbataPlnte Fiddle . \ Strono Fiddle Threaded . Tablespoons ... 16 6 " doz " . 1 1 0 doz . 1 10 Odoz . Tea Spoons 3 6 doz . 8 0 " doz . 1 . 1 0 doz . „ Forks ... 16 6 „ 110 ,, 1 10 0 „ Salt Ditto ... 6 0 „ 12 0 Gill 18 0 f ill . Dessert Sooons 12 6 „ 16 0 „ 15 0 ,, ! SugarTongs 1 3 each 1 9 each 3 0 each __ , Forks 12 6 ., 16 6 „ 15 0 ,. l I Three Papici Maehe Tea Trays , full sizes , ornamented for 35 s —Patent Candle Lamps Us . 6 . 1 . —Solar [ .. laij . s to burn common Oil 22 s . fid . —Bronze Fenders ' Js . fid . Steel Fire Irons 4 s . fid . per set . —Jvory Handle Tji . Je Knives , rimmed Shoulders lis . per Doz . Desserts 9 s . per doz . Carvers -Is . Gd . per pair . CtVTJTIOH : —WATSON ' Nr . w AT . BATA PLATE , can only be had Genuine at tlie "Warehouses of the Tnv n tor 41 , & 42 . BARBICAN , corner of Princes Street , and at 16 , NORTON FOLGATE , Bishopsg . ite , Wholesale aiiu Retail Jeweller , Silversmith , Cutler . and General Furnishing Hardwareman , Established 1795 .