Article TO CORRESPONDENTS. Page 1 of 3 →
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To Correspondents.
MALTA TIMES and MAIL , are received . We shall feel obliged by future papers containing Masonic information . A SALOPIAN BROTHER . —Had even the name and address been appended , we should have hesitated to insert the report . If the address of Bro . \ V . H . White , as stated to have been delivered by him on the 8 : h of August at Shrewsbury , did really appear in the public prints , xi / jfficit ad id , we shall not do him the injustice to reprint it . If it did not appear , the conduct of our correspondent is below contempt . We are none of us free from failings ; but Brother White does not lack generosity , and from public opinion he is sure of justice . The circular
of Brother Wood is complimentary . Bao . G . WATSON ' S communications are always welcome ; indeed , there have been expressions of regret that the " Lexicon " has been interrupted . BRO . THOMAS . —We are obliged by the report . CATO . —( Page 379 . last No . ) We are requested by Cato to correct an error of the printer , line 41 , for " the spiritual meaning , " read " the spiritual meaning . " The last excellent communication is inserted . BRO . DR . SENIOR . —Many thanks . BRO - A . GRANT . —Merry Christmas , aud thanks for kind Avishes . BRO . W . LLOYD . —Masonic regard accompanies grateful thanks .
ANTJQUITAS . —On the subject in question , the Calendar , ( miserable as it otherwise is . ) is pretty good authority . In the year 1847 , Nos . 84 and Ho Avill attain their centenary ; hut in 1844-5-6 , there will be no Lodges thus circumstanced , M . M . — " Let him that is without sin cast the first stone . ' ' CLKRICUS . —The paper appears inconclusive . May we refer it to a better authority than ourselves ? AN OLD CORRESPONDENT . —Sencv , Tempus , P . M ., Philo-Masonicus , and another with a mystic cypher , on the suggestion to limit the duration of the Masonic Protectorate , differ
materially—yet all agree that the tenure should not be for life . We insert only one communication , as not being unreasonable ; had we been vain , we might have inserted fifty in proof of our own opinion . A SUFFERER is mistaken ; we never gave any publicity to the shapeless thing , even iu the way of businesss . Sooner or later thc bubble must burst ; all we can do is , to warn others of the " noli me tangere" as far as the law of libel permits . CELTICUS— " On Etruscan Literature and Antiquities " is returned , for his reconsideration of several points ; especially the ungenerous , not to say unfeeling remarks on the late Brother O'Brien . Celticus forgets that the author of " Etruria-Celtica , " is V . P . of the very society by whose decision the high-minded classic O'Brien so severely suffered . The remarks we allude to are a blot on the escutcheon of " Ulster King-at-Arms . "
DUBITAS , on the right to speak on the confirmation of minutes , should apply to the Board , who may be amused , if not instructed . A PAST MASTKI :. —We see no objection to speaking on the confirmation of previous minutes . ONE OF 109 . —We are not in the secret . It is quite possible for a P . M . to tire himself out , : m well as to weary others . SOUTH SIIIJSLDS . —In our report of the Snuff-box made from the timber of the BKTSKY
CAINS , for Coal and liuttei ; read Coal and Baltic Trade . Pit . STJcrniiNsoN . —Will our esteemed friend inform Dr . Ciucefix where a letter will reach him ?
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
To Correspondents.
MALTA TIMES and MAIL , are received . We shall feel obliged by future papers containing Masonic information . A SALOPIAN BROTHER . —Had even the name and address been appended , we should have hesitated to insert the report . If the address of Bro . \ V . H . White , as stated to have been delivered by him on the 8 : h of August at Shrewsbury , did really appear in the public prints , xi / jfficit ad id , we shall not do him the injustice to reprint it . If it did not appear , the conduct of our correspondent is below contempt . We are none of us free from failings ; but Brother White does not lack generosity , and from public opinion he is sure of justice . The circular
of Brother Wood is complimentary . Bao . G . WATSON ' S communications are always welcome ; indeed , there have been expressions of regret that the " Lexicon " has been interrupted . BRO . THOMAS . —We are obliged by the report . CATO . —( Page 379 . last No . ) We are requested by Cato to correct an error of the printer , line 41 , for " the spiritual meaning , " read " the spiritual meaning . " The last excellent communication is inserted . BRO . DR . SENIOR . —Many thanks . BRO - A . GRANT . —Merry Christmas , aud thanks for kind Avishes . BRO . W . LLOYD . —Masonic regard accompanies grateful thanks .
ANTJQUITAS . —On the subject in question , the Calendar , ( miserable as it otherwise is . ) is pretty good authority . In the year 1847 , Nos . 84 and Ho Avill attain their centenary ; hut in 1844-5-6 , there will be no Lodges thus circumstanced , M . M . — " Let him that is without sin cast the first stone . ' ' CLKRICUS . —The paper appears inconclusive . May we refer it to a better authority than ourselves ? AN OLD CORRESPONDENT . —Sencv , Tempus , P . M ., Philo-Masonicus , and another with a mystic cypher , on the suggestion to limit the duration of the Masonic Protectorate , differ
materially—yet all agree that the tenure should not be for life . We insert only one communication , as not being unreasonable ; had we been vain , we might have inserted fifty in proof of our own opinion . A SUFFERER is mistaken ; we never gave any publicity to the shapeless thing , even iu the way of businesss . Sooner or later thc bubble must burst ; all we can do is , to warn others of the " noli me tangere" as far as the law of libel permits . CELTICUS— " On Etruscan Literature and Antiquities " is returned , for his reconsideration of several points ; especially the ungenerous , not to say unfeeling remarks on the late Brother O'Brien . Celticus forgets that the author of " Etruria-Celtica , " is V . P . of the very society by whose decision the high-minded classic O'Brien so severely suffered . The remarks we allude to are a blot on the escutcheon of " Ulster King-at-Arms . "
DUBITAS , on the right to speak on the confirmation of minutes , should apply to the Board , who may be amused , if not instructed . A PAST MASTKI :. —We see no objection to speaking on the confirmation of previous minutes . ONE OF 109 . —We are not in the secret . It is quite possible for a P . M . to tire himself out , : m well as to weary others . SOUTH SIIIJSLDS . —In our report of the Snuff-box made from the timber of the BKTSKY
CAINS , for Coal and liuttei ; read Coal and Baltic Trade . Pit . STJcrniiNsoN . —Will our esteemed friend inform Dr . Ciucefix where a letter will reach him ?