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On Freemasonry. The Number Three.
BY THE REV . G . OLIVER , D . D . ( No . 3 . ) IN these dissertations on the mystical Number Three , I have condensed my materials into the smallest compass .
The subject is inexhaustible : volumes would not contain it . But I have designedly comprised my observations within the characteristic number of THREE papers . I proceed therefore with a detail of the extraordinary coincidences of this Number in China , where the same regard for its occult properties appears to have prevailed . Indeed , the Chinese entertained
a most superstitious veneration for odd numbers general !}* , as containing divine properties . Thus , while the sum of the even numbers 2 + 4 + 6 + 8-f 10 = 30 designated the number of Earth , the sum of the odd numbers 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 25 was dignified with the appellation of the number of Heaven . And they say Tao , or Reason , produced one ;
one produced two ; two produced three ; and three produced all things . They had a talisman in the form of an equilateral triangle , which was reputed to afford protection in all cases of personal danger and adversity . The mystical symbol Y was also much esteemed , from its allusion to the tri-une Deity ; the three distinct lines of which it is composed forming one , and the one is three . And the sacred ceremony of the Kow-tow was performed by -three times three prostrations .
An ancient institution has been recentl y discovered in China which is called Tien-ti-huih , the Triad Society , or Peach Garden Association . " It lias been called , by the Chinese , " according to Newbokl and Wilson , " the three united , from being composed of the members of a sacred triad , viz ., Heaven—Earth—Manto whom equal adoration
, is offered , being all considered of equal dignity and rank ; but to man onl y after death , under the name of ancestors . Heaven and earth are worshi pped as tiie father and mother of mankind . They are styled the three dominant powers , and supposed to CKist in perfect harmony . There appears voi ,. I . 3 Q
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
On Freemasonry. The Number Three.
BY THE REV . G . OLIVER , D . D . ( No . 3 . ) IN these dissertations on the mystical Number Three , I have condensed my materials into the smallest compass .
The subject is inexhaustible : volumes would not contain it . But I have designedly comprised my observations within the characteristic number of THREE papers . I proceed therefore with a detail of the extraordinary coincidences of this Number in China , where the same regard for its occult properties appears to have prevailed . Indeed , the Chinese entertained
a most superstitious veneration for odd numbers general !}* , as containing divine properties . Thus , while the sum of the even numbers 2 + 4 + 6 + 8-f 10 = 30 designated the number of Earth , the sum of the odd numbers 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 25 was dignified with the appellation of the number of Heaven . And they say Tao , or Reason , produced one ;
one produced two ; two produced three ; and three produced all things . They had a talisman in the form of an equilateral triangle , which was reputed to afford protection in all cases of personal danger and adversity . The mystical symbol Y was also much esteemed , from its allusion to the tri-une Deity ; the three distinct lines of which it is composed forming one , and the one is three . And the sacred ceremony of the Kow-tow was performed by -three times three prostrations .
An ancient institution has been recentl y discovered in China which is called Tien-ti-huih , the Triad Society , or Peach Garden Association . " It lias been called , by the Chinese , " according to Newbokl and Wilson , " the three united , from being composed of the members of a sacred triad , viz ., Heaven—Earth—Manto whom equal adoration
, is offered , being all considered of equal dignity and rank ; but to man onl y after death , under the name of ancestors . Heaven and earth are worshi pped as tiie father and mother of mankind . They are styled the three dominant powers , and supposed to CKist in perfect harmony . There appears voi ,. I . 3 Q