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legislative body of the Craft Masons—and , as appears from a most curious and original tract lately printed , it traces its descent from Robert Bruce , in whose time it certainly existed , if not before . Nor in the stirring incidents of later years , has it been negligent of its ancient fame . Based upon the rock of truth , and supported by the energy and integrity of its sons , it has stood firm against many trials , many prejudicesand many assaultsancl has transmitted to the present daythe
, , , ancient light of the Rosicrucian Order , " undiminished by disgrace , and undishonoured b y dependence . " On this occasion , several of the most distinguished Masons of Ireland were present , amongst whom were some of the ablest Past-Masters of Lodges , 1 , 6 , 50 , ( St . Patrick ' s Lodge , ) 100 , ( The Royal Albert , ) 125 , 143 , 153 , & c , & c , forming a galaxy of Masonic knowledge and personal independence and ability , rarely surpassed in the annals of Irish
Masonry . The Chapter , after labor , adjourned to a most sumptuous entertainment , at which every delicacy of the season vras provided , in a style which places Brother Jude at the head of all Irish restaurateurs . — Evening Packet .
LONDONDERRY . —Sir James Stewart , the Junior Grand AA'arden of Ireland , has been unanimously elected a member of our Lodge . A resolution to this effect has been transcribed on vellum , and presented to Sir James by Bro . A . Grant . The R . AA " . Brother has expressed himself highly pleased , and no less surprised , at the great advances made in Freemasonry here , and particularly at the splendidly decorated hall . AVe are in reality looking uj ) , and are sanguine of success ; especially if Sir James should accept the office of District Grand Master .
CORK . —Lodge No . 71 has removed to the Imperial Clarence Rooms . NORTH MUNSTER , Dec . 3 . —Freemasonry continues to make giant progress through this province , by the incessant , and almost super-human devotion of Bro . Furnell , Past Grancl Master of North Munster . Union Lodge , No . 13 , met at the Freemasons' Hall , Limerick , on the 2 nd November , when the Rev . Chaplain , Bro . AVillis , and the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Tracyadvocated the cause of the family of a late Brother of the
, Lodge , on whom the vicissitudes of fickle fortune had laid a heavy hand ; the appeal was responded to by an immediate and spontaneous subscription of over seventy pounds , together with an order on the Lodge Treasurer for twenty . Also , new winter clothing was ordered for the pensioners and orphans supported by the Lodge , who were directed to appear on St . John ' s-day .
LIMERICK , Oct . 17 . —THE PRINCE MASONS , CHAPTER NO . 4 , admitted two worthy Companions to those holy and sublime mysteries , and on the 9 th inst . will enrol another distinguished member . No . 13 has been joined by many military and naval Brethren , of whom several of No . 345 , Gibraltar , bring all the transcendent evidences of tutelage , under that brilliant orb , Dr . Burrows . The Past Grand Master , Bro . Furnell , has fixed on Tuesday the Sth , to visit No . GO , the constellation of Ennis ; aud , on Tuesday , the 12 th , to consecrate an Encampment of Knight Templars and M . Knights of Malta , under a warrant iust granted to No . 306 , Banagher .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
legislative body of the Craft Masons—and , as appears from a most curious and original tract lately printed , it traces its descent from Robert Bruce , in whose time it certainly existed , if not before . Nor in the stirring incidents of later years , has it been negligent of its ancient fame . Based upon the rock of truth , and supported by the energy and integrity of its sons , it has stood firm against many trials , many prejudicesand many assaultsancl has transmitted to the present daythe
, , , ancient light of the Rosicrucian Order , " undiminished by disgrace , and undishonoured b y dependence . " On this occasion , several of the most distinguished Masons of Ireland were present , amongst whom were some of the ablest Past-Masters of Lodges , 1 , 6 , 50 , ( St . Patrick ' s Lodge , ) 100 , ( The Royal Albert , ) 125 , 143 , 153 , & c , & c , forming a galaxy of Masonic knowledge and personal independence and ability , rarely surpassed in the annals of Irish
Masonry . The Chapter , after labor , adjourned to a most sumptuous entertainment , at which every delicacy of the season vras provided , in a style which places Brother Jude at the head of all Irish restaurateurs . — Evening Packet .
LONDONDERRY . —Sir James Stewart , the Junior Grand AA'arden of Ireland , has been unanimously elected a member of our Lodge . A resolution to this effect has been transcribed on vellum , and presented to Sir James by Bro . A . Grant . The R . AA " . Brother has expressed himself highly pleased , and no less surprised , at the great advances made in Freemasonry here , and particularly at the splendidly decorated hall . AVe are in reality looking uj ) , and are sanguine of success ; especially if Sir James should accept the office of District Grand Master .
CORK . —Lodge No . 71 has removed to the Imperial Clarence Rooms . NORTH MUNSTER , Dec . 3 . —Freemasonry continues to make giant progress through this province , by the incessant , and almost super-human devotion of Bro . Furnell , Past Grancl Master of North Munster . Union Lodge , No . 13 , met at the Freemasons' Hall , Limerick , on the 2 nd November , when the Rev . Chaplain , Bro . AVillis , and the D . P . G . M ., Bro . Tracyadvocated the cause of the family of a late Brother of the
, Lodge , on whom the vicissitudes of fickle fortune had laid a heavy hand ; the appeal was responded to by an immediate and spontaneous subscription of over seventy pounds , together with an order on the Lodge Treasurer for twenty . Also , new winter clothing was ordered for the pensioners and orphans supported by the Lodge , who were directed to appear on St . John ' s-day .
LIMERICK , Oct . 17 . —THE PRINCE MASONS , CHAPTER NO . 4 , admitted two worthy Companions to those holy and sublime mysteries , and on the 9 th inst . will enrol another distinguished member . No . 13 has been joined by many military and naval Brethren , of whom several of No . 345 , Gibraltar , bring all the transcendent evidences of tutelage , under that brilliant orb , Dr . Burrows . The Past Grand Master , Bro . Furnell , has fixed on Tuesday the Sth , to visit No . GO , the constellation of Ennis ; aud , on Tuesday , the 12 th , to consecrate an Encampment of Knight Templars and M . Knights of Malta , under a warrant iust granted to No . 306 , Banagher .