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other toasts . There were many visitors present , among whom was Brother J . A . Chase , Grand Steward , who acknowledged the compliment paid to him in a well-pointed reply . The P . G . Master alluded very good humouredly to the delay in calling a Grand Lodge , observing that he wished to have his memory jogged to keep him properly a-going . The festivities were conducted with true Masonic decorum , and concluded at an early hour .
RAMSGATE . —The Royal Naval Lodge of Ramsgate commenced their winter campaign after the summer recess , early in November , under the most favourable auspices to themselves and the Craft in general , as many highly respectable members were added to the institution . To enable the Brothers to obtain Masonic knowledge , a Lodge of Instruction for that purpose is held every Wednesday , at seven o ' clock , at the Castle Hotel , Ramsgate .
EDINBURGH . — -ST . ANDREW ' DAY . —The annual election of officebearers of the Grand Lodge of Scotland took place on St . Andrew ' s day , when the following noblemen ancl gentlemen were elected : —The Rig ht Hon . Genrge , Lord Glenlyon , Most AVorshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland ; the Right Hon . Lord Frederick Fitzclarence , Past Grancl Master ; John AAliyte Melville , Esq . of Mount-Melville ,
Substitute Grand Master ; Sir David Dundas of Dunira , Bart ., Senior Grand AVarden ; Sir John Ogilvie of Inverquharity , Bart ., Junior Grand AVarden ; Sir AV . Forbes & Co ., Grand Treasurers ; W . A . Lawrie , Esq ., Grand Secretary ; John Maitland , Esq ., Grand Clerk ; William Bailie of Polkemmet , Senior Deacon ; the Hon . the Master of Stratballan , Junior Deacon : the Rev . Alex . Stewart , minister of Douglas , Grand Chaplain ; William Burn , Esq ., Architect ; AVilliam
Cunninghame , Esq ., Grand Jeweller ; Robert Gilfillan , Esq ., Grand Bard ; William Anderson , Esq ., Grand Director of Ceremonies ; John Dick , Esq ., Grand Sword Bearer ; John Lormier , Esq ., Grand Bible Bearer ; A . Menzies and J . Tinsley , Grand Marshals .
MILITIA TEMPLI . —( CIRCULAR . )— " FRA , —A Provisional Priory of the Grand Council will be held in Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on AVedncsday the 29 th November current , at eight o ' clock , p . m ., for the purpose of receiving into the Order the Right Hon . Lord Glenlyon , the Master of Strathallan , and others . " Knights cannot be admitted to the Provisional Priory unless in the fullor at least the half-dress costume of their rank . Those who are
, provided with the full dress , are expected to appear in it . Apartments on the premises for robing , will be open an hour before the time fixed for the Provisional Priory . " The half-dress costume of each grade consists of the cap , mantle , sword , sword-belt , and badge . These will be supplied hy the proper officer to parties attending on the above evening , provided intimation is
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other toasts . There were many visitors present , among whom was Brother J . A . Chase , Grand Steward , who acknowledged the compliment paid to him in a well-pointed reply . The P . G . Master alluded very good humouredly to the delay in calling a Grand Lodge , observing that he wished to have his memory jogged to keep him properly a-going . The festivities were conducted with true Masonic decorum , and concluded at an early hour .
RAMSGATE . —The Royal Naval Lodge of Ramsgate commenced their winter campaign after the summer recess , early in November , under the most favourable auspices to themselves and the Craft in general , as many highly respectable members were added to the institution . To enable the Brothers to obtain Masonic knowledge , a Lodge of Instruction for that purpose is held every Wednesday , at seven o ' clock , at the Castle Hotel , Ramsgate .
EDINBURGH . — -ST . ANDREW ' DAY . —The annual election of officebearers of the Grand Lodge of Scotland took place on St . Andrew ' s day , when the following noblemen ancl gentlemen were elected : —The Rig ht Hon . Genrge , Lord Glenlyon , Most AVorshipful Grand Master Mason of Scotland ; the Right Hon . Lord Frederick Fitzclarence , Past Grancl Master ; John AAliyte Melville , Esq . of Mount-Melville ,
Substitute Grand Master ; Sir David Dundas of Dunira , Bart ., Senior Grand AVarden ; Sir John Ogilvie of Inverquharity , Bart ., Junior Grand AVarden ; Sir AV . Forbes & Co ., Grand Treasurers ; W . A . Lawrie , Esq ., Grand Secretary ; John Maitland , Esq ., Grand Clerk ; William Bailie of Polkemmet , Senior Deacon ; the Hon . the Master of Stratballan , Junior Deacon : the Rev . Alex . Stewart , minister of Douglas , Grand Chaplain ; William Burn , Esq ., Architect ; AVilliam
Cunninghame , Esq ., Grand Jeweller ; Robert Gilfillan , Esq ., Grand Bard ; William Anderson , Esq ., Grand Director of Ceremonies ; John Dick , Esq ., Grand Sword Bearer ; John Lormier , Esq ., Grand Bible Bearer ; A . Menzies and J . Tinsley , Grand Marshals .
MILITIA TEMPLI . —( CIRCULAR . )— " FRA , —A Provisional Priory of the Grand Council will be held in Freemasons' Hall , Edinburgh , on AVedncsday the 29 th November current , at eight o ' clock , p . m ., for the purpose of receiving into the Order the Right Hon . Lord Glenlyon , the Master of Strathallan , and others . " Knights cannot be admitted to the Provisional Priory unless in the fullor at least the half-dress costume of their rank . Those who are
, provided with the full dress , are expected to appear in it . Apartments on the premises for robing , will be open an hour before the time fixed for the Provisional Priory . " The half-dress costume of each grade consists of the cap , mantle , sword , sword-belt , and badge . These will be supplied hy the proper officer to parties attending on the above evening , provided intimation is