Article PROVINCIAL. ← Page 18 of 19 →
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ance in the ceremonies of the day , which , had the weather been propitious , would have given an interest to the procession , and afforded much gralification to the public . Ancl as this is almost the last time 1 shall be clothed in the robes of office , I would avail myself of the opportunity it affords me of acknowledging the respect and attention I have received from all classes of my fellow-citizens ; especially dol feel grateful to tbe humbler classes for their orderly and peaceable conduct during my
mayoralty , which is tbe more meritorious , as the last year has been one of severe distress and privation . " Three cheers were then given for his Worship , the procession was reformed and left the ground , the band playing the popular air of " Clear the kitchen , " which tune , together with a little additional incentive in the exertions of the police , soon left an open space for the procession , which arrived at the Council House at a quarter past two o ' clock , the whole ceremony not having occupied more than an hour .
NEWPORT , Oct . 7 . —The Right Hon . Earl of Yarborough , Provincial Grand Master of the Isle of Wight , held a Grand Lodge at the Star Hotel , on Wednesday last , which was attended b y upwards of 150 members of the Craft , from various Lodges in and out of the island . The day being delightfully fine , thousands of persons assembled to witness the procession to and from the ancient church . At ten minutes to eleven they left their Lodge , proceeding up James-street , through the beast-marketand down Ple-streetinto churchHaving arrived at St
, y , . . Thomas ' s church , where the impressive liturgical service of the church was read by the Rev . J . Maude , and the responses , chaunts , and hymns being heartily joined in by the congregation , the effect was very imposing . The Provincial Grand Chaplain , the Rev . AAllliam Moore , A . M . preached on the occasion , and took his text from Romans xv . S , 6 , 7—" Now the God of patience antl consolation grant you to be like-minded one toward anotheraccording to Christ Jesusthat ye may with one
, , mind and one mouth glorify God , even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ; wherefore receive ye one another , as Christ also received us to the glory of Gocl . " Brother Moore ' s discourse was an able Masonic commentary on the text ; he concluded by ably advocating an excellent charity called " The Royal National Benevolent Annuity Fund ; " and , after the sermon , a good collection was made in aid .
After leaving church , the procession walked down Pyle-street , up the High-street , and arrived at their Lodge by Upper Lugley-street . The following were appointed Officers of the Provin cial Grand Lodge : —Earl of Yarborough , Provincial Grand Master ; Brothers Blachford , D . P . G . M . ; AVilliams , S . G . AV . ; Hale , J . G . AA ' . ; Moore , G . Chaplain ; Sbeddon , G . Treasurer ; Osborne , G . Registrar ; Plumbly , G . Secretary : Hel by Sen . G . Deacon ; Luter , Jun ., G . Deacon ; Hellier , G . Supt . Works ; Tippen , G . Dir . Ceremonies : Hearn G . Sword Bearer ; Basket .,
G . Organist ; Dashwood , G . Pursuivant . Grand Stewards : —Brothers Gallop , AVyatt , Williams , Poore , Moorman , and I- ] . Hearn . Above a hundred ofthe Brethren sat clown to dinner , Earl of Yarborough presiding with his usual great ability in the chair , the P . G . C . Rev . Brother Moore saying grace . On the removal of the cloth , the Provincial Grand Master proposed the "Queen , " the brass band played the national anthem , and the Brethren afterwards joining in chorus ; "Prince Albert ; " "The illustrious memory of the late Duke of Sussex , " ( drunk in silence ); and VOL . i . 4 E
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ance in the ceremonies of the day , which , had the weather been propitious , would have given an interest to the procession , and afforded much gralification to the public . Ancl as this is almost the last time 1 shall be clothed in the robes of office , I would avail myself of the opportunity it affords me of acknowledging the respect and attention I have received from all classes of my fellow-citizens ; especially dol feel grateful to tbe humbler classes for their orderly and peaceable conduct during my
mayoralty , which is tbe more meritorious , as the last year has been one of severe distress and privation . " Three cheers were then given for his Worship , the procession was reformed and left the ground , the band playing the popular air of " Clear the kitchen , " which tune , together with a little additional incentive in the exertions of the police , soon left an open space for the procession , which arrived at the Council House at a quarter past two o ' clock , the whole ceremony not having occupied more than an hour .
NEWPORT , Oct . 7 . —The Right Hon . Earl of Yarborough , Provincial Grand Master of the Isle of Wight , held a Grand Lodge at the Star Hotel , on Wednesday last , which was attended b y upwards of 150 members of the Craft , from various Lodges in and out of the island . The day being delightfully fine , thousands of persons assembled to witness the procession to and from the ancient church . At ten minutes to eleven they left their Lodge , proceeding up James-street , through the beast-marketand down Ple-streetinto churchHaving arrived at St
, y , . . Thomas ' s church , where the impressive liturgical service of the church was read by the Rev . J . Maude , and the responses , chaunts , and hymns being heartily joined in by the congregation , the effect was very imposing . The Provincial Grand Chaplain , the Rev . AAllliam Moore , A . M . preached on the occasion , and took his text from Romans xv . S , 6 , 7—" Now the God of patience antl consolation grant you to be like-minded one toward anotheraccording to Christ Jesusthat ye may with one
, , mind and one mouth glorify God , even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ; wherefore receive ye one another , as Christ also received us to the glory of Gocl . " Brother Moore ' s discourse was an able Masonic commentary on the text ; he concluded by ably advocating an excellent charity called " The Royal National Benevolent Annuity Fund ; " and , after the sermon , a good collection was made in aid .
After leaving church , the procession walked down Pyle-street , up the High-street , and arrived at their Lodge by Upper Lugley-street . The following were appointed Officers of the Provin cial Grand Lodge : —Earl of Yarborough , Provincial Grand Master ; Brothers Blachford , D . P . G . M . ; AVilliams , S . G . AV . ; Hale , J . G . AA ' . ; Moore , G . Chaplain ; Sbeddon , G . Treasurer ; Osborne , G . Registrar ; Plumbly , G . Secretary : Hel by Sen . G . Deacon ; Luter , Jun ., G . Deacon ; Hellier , G . Supt . Works ; Tippen , G . Dir . Ceremonies : Hearn G . Sword Bearer ; Basket .,
G . Organist ; Dashwood , G . Pursuivant . Grand Stewards : —Brothers Gallop , AVyatt , Williams , Poore , Moorman , and I- ] . Hearn . Above a hundred ofthe Brethren sat clown to dinner , Earl of Yarborough presiding with his usual great ability in the chair , the P . G . C . Rev . Brother Moore saying grace . On the removal of the cloth , the Provincial Grand Master proposed the "Queen , " the brass band played the national anthem , and the Brethren afterwards joining in chorus ; "Prince Albert ; " "The illustrious memory of the late Duke of Sussex , " ( drunk in silence ); and VOL . i . 4 E